BUZZ WHEEL PRESS RELEASE: Don’t drink the Lake Starlight water! Bailey babies are busy growing in their mommies tummies and the Baileys are having a triple baby shower to celebrate. If you want in on the pool on who pops first and when contact me. 😉
Review Operation Bailey Babies (The Baileys #6.5) by Piper Rayne
It was so great to be back with the Bailey family, to me it’s like coming home. I have truly become invested in their lives (yes I know they are fictional). Piper Rayne write strong characters that are so easy to relate to and they are not afraid to show them in all their flawed glory, it makes the stories that much more realistic.
Although a novella, it was with a happy smile that I dove in to Operation Bailey Babies. It was great catching up on all the couples as Holly, Savannah and Brooklyn get ready to add to the clan. As I expected there were laughs, some drama and a whole lot of love as the family prepare for the next generation of Bailey’s; it was everything that I hoped for and so much more.
Going in to a Piper Rayne book, you know that there is going to be humour, that’s a given, but this book had so much that at times I wanted to cry. It also had several poignant and vulnerable moments that got to me. I love how the Bailey Clan are all in one another’s business, always ready to offer unconditional love, support and acceptance.
I was hooked from the first to the last chapter and I cannot wait for the next book in the series.
3 years ago
Awwwww that pretty much sums up this novella. I just love the Bailey family so much so any time you get a book that gives you all of them it’s a good thing. 3 babies, a full moon, an engagement and a couple of mysteries I am dying to solve. I am so ready for Juno’s book.
I have to add I love that the authors chose to write about infertility. It is such a real life issue so many couples face yet is so incredibly stigmatized. I know so many people will be able to connect with Holly and Austin’s journey.
Oh and I am so intrigued by Kate and Dr Hinkle……
** I did receive a free advanced readers copy of this book in exchanged for a fair and honest review ***
3 years ago
Baby Alarm!!
It’s time for some more of the Bailey family… and this time they are getting a few additions to the family because the baby boom has hit the Bailey family. In Operation Bailey Babies you’ll get to experience more than just any baby shower. The Bailey family is celebrating like no other and with the babies on the way there is about to be more drama than you’ll expect. So get ready for some more Bailey… Babies 😉
3 years ago
This is a short novella in the amazing Bailey Series. OMG! I loved this one! It was amazing to follow all my favorite characters in Operation Bailey Babies! I need more! Tim Paige and Tanya Eby did a great job with the narration. I love this series, and this is a fantastic addition to the Series. Looking forward to listening to Secrets of the World’s Worst Matchmaker, the next book in the Series.
3 years ago
I have loved the Baileys series by Piper Rayne from the moment I first read about them and I was so excited we would be getting to read this special novella, Operation Bailey Babies. This story had everything I love about the Baileys…family, witty dialogue, humor and the storytelling was flawless. I really enjoyed watching Austin/Holly, Savannah/Liam and Brooklyn/Wyatt prepare for the birth of their babies and the different perspectives throughout the book had me constantly smiling and laughing. Thank you for this special treat and I cannot wait to read Juno and Colton’s story next.
3 years ago
Read: 7/9/2020
Operation Bailey Babies was a novella within the Bailey series by the authors Piper Rayne.
Savannah, Holly and Brooklyn are all pregnant and close to their delivery dates. The story was a quick journey on how the families were all coping. It was told from multiple points of view – every Bailey, significant other and even the children. It was quite the whirl wind. It was also hilarious and cute with a mixture of sweetness and mystery.
In the end, it was a quick and fun read. It was a great update as well as the perfect segue into Juno’s story next in The Secrets of the Worlds Worst Matchmaker. Bring it on!
3 years ago
All the babies!! I had a smile on my face the entire time. I loved all the updates and hints on what’s to come. Operation Bailey Babies was the sixth and 1/2 book from Piper and Rayne’s Baileys series. It was the perfect way to give an amazing glimpse into Holly, Brooklyn, and Savannah’s pregnancies!!
A triple baby shower was in the works and a betting pool of who would pop first!
Like the last novella, it had lots of fun points of views!! I absolutely loved getting to see them all together like that!!
3 years ago
Nothing like a Bailey family book! Going to be sad when the series ends!!
3 years ago
BABIES BABIES BAILEY BABIES! IT’STIME! Elizabeth @ Carolina Chic’s Read
Who will be the first Bailey baby? This novella is a must read in the series as there is so much more going on in the entire family! I love it to pieces and let’s just say Grandma Dory will make you laugh so much! Also seeing these men become daddies is enough to melt your heart!
5 Stars
3 years ago
Lovely to get together with all the Bailey’s again. I loved how the baby shower turned out and laughed at all the hospital shenanigans.
3 years ago
A baby novella of my favorite book family?! You know I am all over this!
It is no secret how much I love the Bailey clan! Seriously top 5 favorite family series! They are loving, funny, wild and crazy. The best to read.
When we find out that there are going to be 3 Bailey babies all born around the same time, it was so crazy!! What are the odds of that but that’s the Bailey’s!
I loved how everyone was taking bets on who was gonna deliver first. And while reading you got the POV of everyone in the family and not the the parents to be.
Once again Piper Rayne has done it. Such a great novella!
the love factor cuz there is no need for any steam in this one!
3 years ago
How can I become part of the Bailey Clan?
This did not feel like a .5 kind of book at all! I loved watching the way Savannah, Brooklyn, and Holly’s pregnancies unfolded! Poor Brooklyn, or should I say Poor Wyatt! It had all the feels while also dropping hints of Sedona, Kingston, and Juno’s stories! Cleo and Denver’s engagement was in pure Denver fashion. Rome and Phoenix bring their own brand of entertainment. Grandma Dori is amazing as always!
Piper Rayne’s books are like coming home and visiting old friends. The book immerses you in these characters and storyline, so they stay with you long after you put the book down.
Piper Rayne is a MUST READ Author!
3 years ago
“This eternal happiness and love for someone I just met makes what se share even sweeter.”
I thank God for Piper Rayne. After all, just a book like this to get my head out of all this madness that quarantine has brought to our lives.
As always a delicious book. With a multiple narration, the authors deliver a funny and tender story, where reading the point of view and feelings of different characters puts the reader right in the middle of all the wonderful madness that is the life of the Baileys.
The most unexpected situations, with that perfect touch of humor and lots of cute scenes. Some facts that raise uncertainties that further sharpen our curiosity for the upcoming books.
The only certainty we have at the end of the book is: If you need good company to endure the quarantine, just call the Bailey family.
3 years ago
Baby shark, doo doo doo doo!
More Baliey Babies are coming but first, we need a baby shower with some very inappropriate games (Guess who was in charge) Place your bets! Who delivers first, baby weights, and what happened to…
So much happened in this novella that I want to tell you but I can’t. I will say that I ready for the next three books
3 years ago
Awwww the feels on this quick 4.5 stars read! Fans of the series get ready for a triple baby shower Bailey family style! We get POVs from the different Bailey members and their thoughts and updates currently going on their personal lives and their clan. We even got surprise guests that will have you wondering how they all fit in the series.
This was a perfect addition to the series. An added novella celebrating new chapters in their expanding family. It also is a perfect segway into the stories of Juno, Kingston, and Sedona. It is never a dull moment especially with Grandma Dori around when it comes to this fun bunch and their hometown life at Lake Starlight.
3 years ago
I have loved this series and this Novella with 3 Bailey babies due any minute this is one read you will devour quickly and enjoy every minute. With hormones raging and as well as a race to see who is going to give birth first I was thoroughly entertained.
I can’t wait to read the next book in this series as I have been completely intrigued with Juno
3 years ago
Oh my what a chaotic bunch, but I love it all just the same. The Bailey’s have wormed their way into my heart and I feel like part of the population in small town Alaska when I am reading them.
This little novella was so fun to read. Reconnecting with everyone from the previous books. The baby shower of all baby showers. The family is growing in leaps and bounds. Hearing everyone’s versions of what life has been like with all these pregnant ladies.
A little insight about what is next to come for those siblings who haven’t gotten their books yet. Just enough to have us waiting impatiently for the next one to come.
Lots of love, laughs, craziness and emotions to keep you smiling while you wait for the next book.
*** Advanced copy provided in exchange for an honest review. ***
3 years ago
I totally loved this novella, it’s just what is needed to bring all the ducks in line for the next book to come front and centre. I am glad all the babies are born and out of the way for Juno and Colton’s story.
This book is a total recommendation. It contains a lot of fun, surprises and secrets being revealed. I totally loved how this book ended and I can’t wait for the next one.
Reviewer: Donna
3 years ago
Bailey babies are a comin! Holly, Brooklyn and Savannah and their men are waiting expectantly for their babies to pop and the reader gets to see the leadup at a baby shower, and the aftermath after the births. Grandma Dori’s there for everything, and the whole family rallies around them.
If you’ve been reading (and loving) this series like I have been, then you definitely need to read this sweet novella. It’s a great way to bring the separate story lines together plus it leads into the next story, best friends Colton and Juno in Secrets of the World’s Worst Matchmaker.
The latest release from Piper Rayne!
Review Operation Bailey Babies (The Baileys #6.5) by Piper Rayne
It was so great to be back with the Bailey family, to me it’s like coming home. I have truly become invested in their lives (yes I know they are fictional). Piper Rayne write strong characters that are so easy to relate to and they are not afraid to show them in all their flawed glory, it makes the stories that much more realistic.
Although a novella, it was with a happy smile that I dove in to Operation Bailey Babies. It was great catching up on all the couples as Holly, Savannah and Brooklyn get ready to add to the clan. As I expected there were laughs, some drama and a whole lot of love as the family prepare for the next generation of Bailey’s; it was everything that I hoped for and so much more.
Going in to a Piper Rayne book, you know that there is going to be humour, that’s a given, but this book had so much that at times I wanted to cry. It also had several poignant and vulnerable moments that got to me. I love how the Bailey Clan are all in one another’s business, always ready to offer unconditional love, support and acceptance.
I was hooked from the first to the last chapter and I cannot wait for the next book in the series.
Awwwww that pretty much sums up this novella. I just love the Bailey family so much so any time you get a book that gives you all of them it’s a good thing. 3 babies, a full moon, an engagement and a couple of mysteries I am dying to solve. I am so ready for Juno’s book.
I have to add I love that the authors chose to write about infertility. It is such a real life issue so many couples face yet is so incredibly stigmatized. I know so many people will be able to connect with Holly and Austin’s journey.
Oh and I am so intrigued by Kate and Dr Hinkle……
** I did receive a free advanced readers copy of this book in exchanged for a fair and honest review ***
Baby Alarm!!
It’s time for some more of the Bailey family… and this time they are getting a few additions to the family because the baby boom has hit the Bailey family. In Operation Bailey Babies you’ll get to experience more than just any baby shower. The Bailey family is celebrating like no other and with the babies on the way there is about to be more drama than you’ll expect. So get ready for some more Bailey… Babies 😉
This is a short novella in the amazing Bailey Series. OMG! I loved this one! It was amazing to follow all my favorite characters in Operation Bailey Babies! I need more! Tim Paige and Tanya Eby did a great job with the narration. I love this series, and this is a fantastic addition to the Series. Looking forward to listening to Secrets of the World’s Worst Matchmaker, the next book in the Series.
I have loved the Baileys series by Piper Rayne from the moment I first read about them and I was so excited we would be getting to read this special novella, Operation Bailey Babies. This story had everything I love about the Baileys…family, witty dialogue, humor and the storytelling was flawless. I really enjoyed watching Austin/Holly, Savannah/Liam and Brooklyn/Wyatt prepare for the birth of their babies and the different perspectives throughout the book had me constantly smiling and laughing. Thank you for this special treat and I cannot wait to read Juno and Colton’s story next.
Read: 7/9/2020
Operation Bailey Babies was a novella within the Bailey series by the authors Piper Rayne.
Savannah, Holly and Brooklyn are all pregnant and close to their delivery dates. The story was a quick journey on how the families were all coping. It was told from multiple points of view – every Bailey, significant other and even the children. It was quite the whirl wind. It was also hilarious and cute with a mixture of sweetness and mystery.
In the end, it was a quick and fun read. It was a great update as well as the perfect segue into Juno’s story next in The Secrets of the Worlds Worst Matchmaker. Bring it on!
All the babies!! I had a smile on my face the entire time. I loved all the updates and hints on what’s to come. Operation Bailey Babies was the sixth and 1/2 book from Piper and Rayne’s Baileys series. It was the perfect way to give an amazing glimpse into Holly, Brooklyn, and Savannah’s pregnancies!!
A triple baby shower was in the works and a betting pool of who would pop first!
Like the last novella, it had lots of fun points of views!! I absolutely loved getting to see them all together like that!!
Nothing like a Bailey family book! Going to be sad when the series ends!!
BABIES BABIES BAILEY BABIES! IT’STIME! Elizabeth @ Carolina Chic’s Read
Who will be the first Bailey baby? This novella is a must read in the series as there is so much more going on in the entire family! I love it to pieces and let’s just say Grandma Dory will make you laugh so much! Also seeing these men become daddies is enough to melt your heart!
5 Stars
Lovely to get together with all the Bailey’s again. I loved how the baby shower turned out and laughed at all the hospital shenanigans.
A baby novella of my favorite book family?! You know I am all over this!
It is no secret how much I love the Bailey clan! Seriously top 5 favorite family series! They are loving, funny, wild and crazy. The best to read.
When we find out that there are going to be 3 Bailey babies all born around the same time, it was so crazy!! What are the odds of that but that’s the Bailey’s!
I loved how everyone was taking bets on who was gonna deliver first. And while reading you got the POV of everyone in the family and not the the parents to be.
Once again Piper Rayne has done it. Such a great novella!
the love factor cuz there is no need for any steam in this one!
How can I become part of the Bailey Clan?
This did not feel like a .5 kind of book at all! I loved watching the way Savannah, Brooklyn, and Holly’s pregnancies unfolded! Poor Brooklyn, or should I say Poor Wyatt! It had all the feels while also dropping hints of Sedona, Kingston, and Juno’s stories! Cleo and Denver’s engagement was in pure Denver fashion. Rome and Phoenix bring their own brand of entertainment. Grandma Dori is amazing as always!
Piper Rayne’s books are like coming home and visiting old friends. The book immerses you in these characters and storyline, so they stay with you long after you put the book down.
Piper Rayne is a MUST READ Author!
“This eternal happiness and love for someone I just met makes what se share even sweeter.”
I thank God for Piper Rayne. After all, just a book like this to get my head out of all this madness that quarantine has brought to our lives.
As always a delicious book. With a multiple narration, the authors deliver a funny and tender story, where reading the point of view and feelings of different characters puts the reader right in the middle of all the wonderful madness that is the life of the Baileys.
The most unexpected situations, with that perfect touch of humor and lots of cute scenes. Some facts that raise uncertainties that further sharpen our curiosity for the upcoming books.
The only certainty we have at the end of the book is: If you need good company to endure the quarantine, just call the Bailey family.
Baby shark, doo doo doo doo!
More Baliey Babies are coming but first, we need a baby shower with some very inappropriate games (Guess who was in charge) Place your bets! Who delivers first, baby weights, and what happened to…
So much happened in this novella that I want to tell you but I can’t. I will say that I ready for the next three books
Awwww the feels on this quick 4.5 stars read! Fans of the series get ready for a triple baby shower Bailey family style! We get POVs from the different Bailey members and their thoughts and updates currently going on their personal lives and their clan. We even got surprise guests that will have you wondering how they all fit in the series.
This was a perfect addition to the series. An added novella celebrating new chapters in their expanding family. It also is a perfect segway into the stories of Juno, Kingston, and Sedona. It is never a dull moment especially with Grandma Dori around when it comes to this fun bunch and their hometown life at Lake Starlight.
I have loved this series and this Novella with 3 Bailey babies due any minute this is one read you will devour quickly and enjoy every minute. With hormones raging and as well as a race to see who is going to give birth first I was thoroughly entertained.
I can’t wait to read the next book in this series as I have been completely intrigued with Juno
Oh my what a chaotic bunch, but I love it all just the same. The Bailey’s have wormed their way into my heart and I feel like part of the population in small town Alaska when I am reading them.
This little novella was so fun to read. Reconnecting with everyone from the previous books. The baby shower of all baby showers. The family is growing in leaps and bounds. Hearing everyone’s versions of what life has been like with all these pregnant ladies.
A little insight about what is next to come for those siblings who haven’t gotten their books yet. Just enough to have us waiting impatiently for the next one to come.
Lots of love, laughs, craziness and emotions to keep you smiling while you wait for the next book.
*** Advanced copy provided in exchange for an honest review. ***
I totally loved this novella, it’s just what is needed to bring all the ducks in line for the next book to come front and centre. I am glad all the babies are born and out of the way for Juno and Colton’s story.
This book is a total recommendation. It contains a lot of fun, surprises and secrets being revealed. I totally loved how this book ended and I can’t wait for the next one.
Reviewer: Donna
Bailey babies are a comin! Holly, Brooklyn and Savannah and their men are waiting expectantly for their babies to pop and the reader gets to see the leadup at a baby shower, and the aftermath after the births. Grandma Dori’s there for everything, and the whole family rallies around them.
If you’ve been reading (and loving) this series like I have been, then you definitely need to read this sweet novella. It’s a great way to bring the separate story lines together plus it leads into the next story, best friends Colton and Juno in Secrets of the World’s Worst Matchmaker.