5 The Life of Dean Stars
* * * * * Spoiler Free
As a huge, massive, seriously devoted fan of The Deal by Elle Kennedy, I was over the top thrilled to see the success of her new series Off-Campus. I enjoyed reading about people in college who had dreams and goals; who experienced things in their lives which shaped who they were and when confronted with real challenges, pulled from within… muscled through…coming out the other end, better.
These books had humor, drama, amazing sexy times, and mos
Read more: 13 Author Websites That Get It Right
5 The Life of Dean Stars
* * * * * Spoiler Free
As a huge, massive, seriously devoted fan of The Deal by Elle Kennedy, I was over the top thrilled to see the success of her new series Off-Campus. I enjoyed reading about people in college who had dreams and goals; who experienced things in their lives which shaped who they were and when confronted with real challenges, pulled from within… muscled through…coming out the other end, better.
These books had humor, drama, amazing sexy times, and most of all, none of the over-the-top angst so many other stories can have. As someone who doesn’t read the angsty, heartbreaking type… this was a series made just for me and others who felt the same way.
Well, people…. This does not disappoint. This brings us back to Briar College and the troops. We are right where we need to be to watch Dean Di-Laurentis meet his match. We are privy to Dean’s and Allie’s POV’s and being in their heads gives us all of the feels we need.
Now I know all of you are wanting to know about Dean… the man who invented the perfect Dick Shot… yes, the one which instructed his friends to hide the balls… because let’s face it… balls are not sexy.
Yes, that Dean is there in all his sexual glory… the flirt, the one-track mind, the man who loves to party with all the willing women… and know… there are willing Twins, duets, and all sorts who wish to experience the Dean…and in the past books, Dean was more than happy to oblige. His one hardcore rule was everyone had to be on the same page… meaning…a clear understanding of what the hook-up was- fun and games… no relationship.
And that is the Dean we catch up with, the man who has the happy existence. He does what he wants, is with who he wants, and lives to the fullest.
He lives in a house full of his hockey teammates. Two of them have met their women and are in bliss. Hannah, Garrett’s girl has brought a balance to his friend and she has fit in with all of them. It is her best friend Allie who becomes a thorn in Dean’s side at first.
For Allie has finally pulled the plug on her long-term on-again off-again relationship with Sean. They started in her freshman year with the understanding of what would happen at the end of college… the both of them going off to do what they had planned…She to pursue her passion in acting… him, off to Vermont to work at his father’s insurance company. What developed was a push-pull between them; Sean trying to manipulate Allie to being “the little woman supporting her man” syndrome.
He wanted her to give up her dreams; never admitting she was worthy of all the success she had had… for she had been acting since a child. This wasn’t some pipe dream… she had done plays, commercials and was with an agent who was booking her for a possible Fox series. She was fully in the game…and Sean just discounted her and finally said all the things needed for her to see clearly- it needed to be over.
Allie called Hannah and asked if she could help her. She had told Sean it was over and he was nonstop texting and saying he was coming to her dorm. Hannah arranged for Allie to stay at the house… the only problem is Hannah won’t be there with Garrett… only Tucker and Dean will be there. Hannah has Garrett text the guys to let Allie stay and then Garrett separately texts Dean to lay the law down about Allie. He is to keep his dick in his pants… he is to stay clear of her. Allie is given the go-ahead to stay at the house for the weekend.
Dean was rather occupied when the text about Allie was sent… so he had no clue anyone was coming over, let alone Hannah’s bestie. Dean was in a trance of mystical proportions…instead of 2 of everything… there were 4…He was living the dream all guys have when wanting more than what one person can give…He was about to enter nirvana when the banging on his door interrupted his entering the treasured path…
There at the door was Allie with a backpack and suitcase. As Dean looks at her in his boxers, no shirt…he is confused as to why she is here and starts to tell her she missed Hannah as they have left. Allie states she is here for the weekend As he tries to close the door to have his playmates get dressed, Allie walks in, plops down on a chair, and says, Carry on… don’t let me bother you…
Well, that kind of ruined Dean’s mojo…and all of the parties leave with Dean promising a rain check. Annoyed but curious, Dean asks what is up. Allie explains the situation and hands Dean her phone. He is to stop her from reading Sean’s texts or her using it to call him. He is her break-up sponsor for the weekend.
Dean takes all of this in and actually is understanding…yet also does his “Dean” thing of suggesting he help her through it by having sex with him. Allie looks at him as if he has 3 heads… She would never be with him…she is a relationship gal… not into casual sex… never worked for her…and Dean has banged half of Briar College and the other half is just waiting to be chosen… oh, no… not happening.
Allie set up Netflix and insists on picking the movie. Somehow she wins and Dean is stuck watching some flick about a woman dying of cancer. As the movie progresses, Allie refuses to admit it sucks…Dean decides there is only one way to continue watching…Tequila.
I don’t think I need to tell you what happens next…
Allie wakes up and she is not in a bed alone…her hangover is so bad she can hardly see…but what she does see is a sleeping vision of a glorified man. …naked…and all of the flashbacks coming rushing to her head…
This cannot be happening…but it did and now what. Dean stirs and Allie is caught with his eyes on her…There is teasing from him but also concern…a pact is reached;
They will never talk about this again.
It Did Not Happen
For the sake of all that is holy, both know Hannah and Garrett and all the others cannot know so they are in agreement. She leaves to stay with another friend and that should be that.
But it isn’t. Because Dean had the best experience ever with Allie…and he can’t understand why he is only interested in her. Other women are coming on to him and his usually friendly other half… known as Little Dean, is just not responding. This has never happened… like ever. After three days, he reaches out to Allie and tells her he wants to have a repeat… she shuts that down.
There is so much more to this story than just the start of this relationship. We find out why Dean has acted the way he has and his growth arc is done with sleight of hand and then leaps and bounds. Allie has been on a serious path for a very long time. She had a family which loved and cared for her, experienced what it was like to lose a loved one, and now is devoted to her father. With his management of MS becoming harder and harder, Allie has made decisions based on it. She has been a caretaker for a very long time, not always doing what is best for her or allowing others to do for her.
We are with these two as they find a way to each other. We see them separately as they figure out their own needs for growth, career, and love. These two at first would seem like a wrong combination because Dean has only shown the side he thinks other want to see. In this, we are gifted with the reveal of the actual man he is.
Oh, he isn’t perfect by any means and when he falls, he falls hard… but he is loyal and true. He doesn’t take and not give. He has the intelligence to see clearly when something needs to be addressed and when able, does.
Allie is this woman who has many sides to her… and she is learning all about them through Dean. Their times are playful, incredibly hot and both of them rejoice in the couplings. The way they tease and text is perfect. It is terrific to experience a woman coming into her own sexuality and not feel guilty while doing it. While there may be moments of insecurity; overall, Allie is strong and capable in who she is, what she wants, and where she needs to be to achieve her goals. She is very likable.
This book took me on a journey with characters I had bonded with from the start. Elle Kennedy gave me The Deal with the foundation of these people and then she built a second floor with The Mistake…a strong and solid read in keeping with the same architectural style… of humor, open sexuality, and heart. With The Score she has added another level to an intricate structure. It reflects the time just before people go out into the world and leave the shelter of college. It gives us insight into what these specific characters need to grow and see who they are going to become…it presents challenges and then these characters either rise to carry on or don’t.
Elle Kennedy has somehow made these difficult years something we want to continue experiencing through her characters. They are not perfect but damn they are fun. I know the next installment will bring even more challenges to the forefront and I can’t wait to see how Ms. Kennedy handles it.
The Deal (Off-Campus, #1)
https://gametracker.one/review/show… The Mistake (Off-Campus, #2)
https://gametracker.one/review/show… The Score (Off-Campus, #3)
https://gametracker.one/review/show… The Goal (Off-Campus, #4)
https://gametracker.one/review/show… The Legacy (Off-Campus, #4.5)
~~~~~ Before Reading ~~~~~
The skies opened up…
My prayers were answered….
Dean, I’m coming for you…
If you don’t hear from me for awhile…
Know Dean and I are checking out the accuracy of those Dick Pics he sent me….
ok, ok, ok, ok….
Dean….the man who has finessed the infamous Dick Shot…
Who has instructed his pals how to hide their balls when taking the pic because balls are not sexy…
Yes, That Dean….
I am thinking I need to start stalking, I mean follow as a fan Elle Kennedy….
A gifted copy was given by the author and Nina Bocci in exchange for an honest review.
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well, people …. This does not disappoint. This brings us back to Briar College and the troops. We are right where we need to be to watch Dean Di-Laurentis meet his match. We are outhouse to Dean ‘s and Allie ‘s POV ‘s and being in their heads gives us all of the feels we need.Now I know all of you are wanting to know about Dean … the man who invented the perfect Dick Shot … yes, the one which instructed his friends to hide the balls … because lease ‘s boldness it … balls are not sexy.Yes, that Dean is there in all his sexual glory … the chat up, the one-track take care, the man who loves to party with all the uncoerced women … and know … there are will Twins, duets, and all sorts who wish to experience the Dean … and in the by books, Dean was more than glad to oblige. His one hard-core rule was everyone had to be on the like page … think of … a clear understand of what the hook-up was- fun and games … no relationship.And that is the Dean we catch up with, the man who has the happy being. He does what he wants, is with who he wants, and lives to the fullest.He lives in a house fully of his field hockey teammates. Two of them have met their women and are in bliss. Hannah, Garrett ‘s girlfriend has brought a balance to his friend and she has fit in with all of them. It is her best friend Allie who becomes a thorn in Dean ‘s side at first.For Allie has finally pulled the punch on her long-run on-again off-again relationship with Sean. They started in her freshman class with the understanding of what would happen at the end of college … the both of them going off to do what they had planned … She to pursue her passion in acting … him, murder to Vermont to work at his founder ‘s policy ship’s company. What developed was a push-pull between them ; Sean trying to manipulate Allie to being “ the little woman supporting her valet ” syndrome.He wanted her to give up her dreams ; never admitting she was desirable of all the success she had had … for she had been acting since a child. This was n’t some pipe dream … she had done plays, commercials and was with an agent who was booking her for a possible Fox series. She was amply in the game … and Sean just discounted her and last said all the things needed for her to see clearly- it needed to be over.Allie called Hannah and asked if she could help her. She had told Sean it was over and he was nonstop texting and saying he was coming to her dormitory. Hannah arranged for Allie to stay at the house … the lone problem is Hannah wo n’t be there with Garrett … alone Tucker and Dean will be there. Hannah has Garrett text the guys to let Allie stay and then Garrett individually texts Dean to lay the law down about Allie. He is to keep his cock in his pants … he is to stay clear of her. Allie is given the enterprise to stay at the house for the weekend.Dean was preferably occupied when the text about Allie was sent … so he had no hint anyone was coming complete, let entirely Hannah ‘s bestie. Dean was in a enchantment of mysterious proportions … alternatively of 2 of everything … there were 4 … He was living the dream all guys have when wanting more than what one person can give … He was about to enter nirvana when the humongous on his door interrupted his entering the prize way … There at the door was Allie with a backpack and bag. As Dean looks at her in his boxers, no shirt … he is confused as to why she is here and starts to tell her she missed Hannah as they have left. Allie states she is here for the weekend As he tries to close the door to have his playmates get dressed, Allie walks in, plops down on a moderate, and says, Carry on … do n’t let me bother you … well, that kind of bankrupt Dean ‘s mojo … and all of the parties leave with Dean promising a rain check. Annoyed but curious, Dean asks what is up. Allie explains the situation and hands Dean her phone. He is to stop her from reading Sean ‘s text or her using it to call him. He is her break-up sponsor for the weekend.Dean takes all of this in and actually is understanding … however besides does his “ Dean ” thing of suggesting he help her through it by having sex with him. Allie looks at him as if he has 3 heads … She would never be with him … she is a relationship gal … not into casual sexual activity … never worked for her … and Dean has banged half of Briar College and the other half is barely waiting to be chosen … oh, no … not happening.Allie set up Netflix and insists on picking the movie. Somehow she wins and Dean is stuck watching some flip about a woman dying of cancer. As the movie progresses, Allie refuses to admit it sucks … Dean decides there is only one way to continue watching … Tequila.I do n’t think I need to tell you what happens following … Allie wakes up and she is not in a bed alone … her holdover is so bad she can hardly see … but what she does see is a sleeping sight of a transfigure homo. … naked … and all of the flashbacks coming rushing to her head … This can not be happening … but it did and now what. Dean stir and Allie is caught with his eyes on her … There is teasing from him but besides concern … a treaty is reached ; They will never talk about this again.For the sake of all that is holy place, both know Hannah and Garrett and all the others can not know so they are in agreement. She leaves to stay with another ally and that should be that.But it is n’t. Because Dean had the best know ever with Allie … and he ca n’t understand why he is entirely concerned in her. other women are coming on to him and his normally friendly early half … known as short Dean, is just not responding. This has never happened … like ever. After three days, he reaches out to Allie and tells her he wants to have a reprise … she shuts that down.There is so much more to this floor than equitable the depart of this relationship. We find out why Dean has acted the way he has and his growth discharge is done with dexterity of hand and then leaps and bounds. Allie has been on a serious path for a very long time. She had a family which loved and cared for her, experienced what it was like to lose a sleep together one, and now is devoted to her father. With his management of MS becoming harder and harder, Allie has made decisions based on it. She has been a caretaker for a identical hanker time, not always doing what is best for her or allowing others to do for her.We are with these two as they find a way to each early. We see them individually as they figure out their own needs for growth, career, and love. These two at inaugural would seem like a wrong combination because Dean has lone shown the side he thinks other want to see. In this, we are gifted with the unwrap of the actual man he is.Oh, he is n’t perfect by any means and when he falls, he falls hard … but he is patriotic and true. He does n’t take and not give. He has the intelligence to see clearly when something needs to be addressed and when able, does.Allie is this woman who has many sides to her … and she is learning all about them through Dean. Their times are playful, fabulously hot and both of them wallow in the couplings. The way they tease and text is perfect. It is terrific to experience a woman coming into her own sex and not feel guilty while doing it. While there may be moments of insecurity ; overall, Allie is potent and adequate to in who she is, what she wants, and where she needs to be to achieve her goals. She is identical likable.This reserve took me on a travel with characters I had bonded with from the startle. Elle Kennedy gave mewith the foundation of these people and then she built a second floor with … a potent and solid read in keeping with the lapp architectural style … of humor, open sex, and kernel. Withshe has added another level to an intricate structure. It reflects the clock time fair earlier people go out into the universe and leave the tax shelter of college. It gives us insight into what these specific characters need to grow and see who they are going to become … it presents challenges and then these characters either surface to carry on or don’t.Elle Kennedy has somehow made these unmanageable years something we want to continue experiencing through her characters. They are not arrant but damn they are playfulness. I know the adjacent installation will bring even more challenges to the forefront and I ca n’t wait to see how Ms. Kennedy handles it.
Read more: 13 Author Websites That Get It Right