Dalinar Kholin and his armies escaped the battle with the Parshendi on the Shattered Plains and now find themselves at the fabulous city of Urithiru. Although Dalinar ’ s forces were arguably the victors, the Everstorm summoned by the Parshendi is wreaking havoc and brandish chaos throughout Roshar. What ’ s bad is that when the ramp hits the Parshmen – the docile slaves to humans for millennium – something in them awakens and they are not felicitous at all with their early captors. At the start of Oathbringer, Kaladin Stormblessed is travelling Windrunner-style to inform his parents of what is to come, Shallan Devar is using her Lightweaving talents to investigate the secrets of Urithiru, and the other members of the newly-formed Knights Radiants are getting used to their new powers and the responsibilities they bring .
When I first read Oathbringer I only rated it as 3-stars stating that some parts dragged, particularly in Dalinar ’ s flashback sections, and that it wasn ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate as grapple and unputdownable as Words of Radiance. I still believe these statements to a degree but with how much better The Stormlight Archive is that most contemporary fantasy, my initial rat was highly harsh. I enjoyed Oathbringer much more on my re-read and believe this was because all of the plots, intricacies, characters and their ideals and motives were clean in my judgment. I saw astuteness, layers and details that I may have missed, misconstrue or not appreciated in my first learn, as I read this novel at least a class after I completed Words of Radiance .
Oathbringer is one of the longest novels that I have ever read, clocking in at 1227-pages. A lot happens throughout these pages and if I was being excessively critical possibly the reserve could have been cut down and streamline. I am in the headspace immediately, however, that I find myself wholly trusting Sanderson with the scale of and the travel presented here. I get the vibration that what I initially analysed as makeweight may add to the future books and the overall return septuple .
now I ’ ll do a flow of awareness dash paragraph of parts and elements of Oathbringer that I adored. minor spoilers may be included hera. Certain parts of Dalinar ’ s flashback were intriguing including his meter suffering from dipsomania, details regarding his ShShShShSh wife and about his meet with the Nightwatcher. Travelling to Shadesmar was one of the few moments that I remembered from my first base read and it was precisely deoxyadenosine monophosphate great to follow those experiences again. Bridge Four ’ randomness flying train was fun. Reading about Shallan/Veil/Radiant was interesting as their personalities blur. Her progression throughout Oathbringer is in truth engrossing. I specially enjoyed a couple of the fable-like past stories that were presented to add astuteness to this already deep and grotesquely detail populace. These tales in isolation would probably win most short fib contents. Most noteworthy to me was a unretentive history that Shallan depicted using her drawings to bring it to life for Pattern. With character to Pattern, I think the Sprens are amazing and their relationships with the main characters are great to follow. Talking to Wit is constantly charming, brainsick and matter to. I enjoyed seeing Lift in this after reading her novelette – Edgedancer. It ’ mho capital to find out more about the ultimate enemy odium and his ace ’ s nine shadows created superb imagination in my mind. I liked finding out more about Szeth and his talking sword in the concluding third besides. The final examination 25 % is fantastic and features some of the best moments in the series so far.

Oathbringer is one of the longest novels that I have ever read, clocking in at 1227-pages. A lot happens throughout these pages and if I was being excessively critical possibly the reserve could have been cut down and streamline. I am in the headspace immediately, however, that I find myself wholly trusting Sanderson with the scale of and the travel presented here. I get the vibration that what I initially analysed as makeweight may add to the future books and the overall return septuple .

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All in all, although not quite hitting the glorious heights showcased in Words of Radiance, Oathbringer is even a brilliant fantasy read. Sanderson is one of the best and most reproducible fantasy authors presently writing, and Kaladin is a character that I never get bored of reading about. now I have finished writing this review I can start Rhythm of War today ! I can not wait .
Thank you to Brandon Sanderson and Gollancz for the inspection copies of Oathbringer .