A mission-focused cyborg battles a captivating and dramatic distraction. North, the second-in-command of a cyborg crew, has two priorities—he has to explore and collect data on Balazoid Minor, a small planet in their sector, and he must bring his three-being team back to the ship alive and fully functional. When he encounters his brash, bravado-wielding female, the one being genetically designed … one being genetically designed for him, he recognizes her for what she is—a distraction that might get him and his brethren killed. He WILL claim her, but only on his terms, when his mission is complete and everyone he is responsible for protecting is safe.
Myrina the Magnificent is the best warrior on her planet and possibly the universe. She has captured an unparalleled fourteen males for her all-female tribe. Once she has secured the fifteenth male, she will be a legend. Her name will live forever. She’ll earn the undying adoration of her sisters. Glory will be hers.
The male in her sights—and in her snare—is a huge, gray-skinned, blue-eyed cyborg with a skill for war and lips designed for kissing. One emotionally charged battle is all it takes for Myrina to realize she wants North for herself. She won’t share his caresses with anyone.
Their forbidden love might be destined to be, but it won’t be easy to maintain. Myrina will have to fight her sisters, an all-powerful male-eating plant, and her cyborg’s unbending will to make North hers and hers alone.
North Bound is a STANDALONE Cyborg SciFi Romance set in a dark, gritty, sometimes-violent universe.
It is the fifth of six core stories in the Cyborg Space Exploration Series.
Book 1: Choosing Chuckles
Book 2: Doc’s Orders
Book 3: Dominance And Dissent
Book 4: Passion Surge
Book 5: North Bound
Book 6: Testing Truth
1.5 stars – It wasn’t great
North, second-in command of the cyborg crew, has been tasked with exploring and collecting data on Balazoid Minor. While exploring he realizes the planet is populated by an all female race and one of them is his mate.
This book is the first book in this series I haven’t really enjoyed. I did not like Myrina at all. She was an extremely annoying heroine who constantly was seeking attention and praise. By the end of the first chapter I was done with her antics but I stuck it out hoping it would get better. Sadly, for me it didn’t. North has been the stoic and emotionless cyborg throughout this series. I expected him to open up more and be more emotional in this book but that didn’t really happen till the end. He ended up being a pretty emotionless hero who I will completely forget.
As I said, this one is my least favorite of the series so far. I kind of wish I had skipped it but at least it wasn’t a very long story.
What a great pairing the fates put into bringing North and Myrina together. North thought he’d never find his female and settled into being the best 2nd and protecting the ones who needed him. Myrina was raised to be different but made the best Bringer of Life with the best diety known to all ;). North knows he won’t be leaving without her, even if it means a fairly awkward capture lol
This is a first for me. I’ve loved everything I’ve read by Cynthia Sax. To be honest I did love Myrina and North. What I didn’t like and why it got 3 stars, was the repeated use of the phrase Myrina the Magnificent, which was used 96 times. Also the word magnificent which was used 111 times. It was irritating. Needless to say because of this, this book was not one of my favorites.
Two magnificent warriors – excellent!
North encountered the most intriguingly distracting female on Balazoid Minor, but “..he couldn’t find it within his duty-driven soul to regret that distraction.” Myrina the Magnificent has responsibilities of her own, but North provides very compelling reasons to make her forget them (for now). Myrina is such a fascinating character! She seems boastful, she’s very flamboyant, but she treasures spending time encouraging youngsters to do their best. You’ll need to read the book to discover why this is so.
Oh, the battles they have! North and Myrina both enjoy them immensely (so did I). Steve, the only male to remain on the planet, is another fascinating character. You’ll get a kick out of him, too! Do read and enjoy the excitement and surprises throughout!
Myrina the Magnificent truly is magnificent. I think that she’s the perfect match for North. I love that she makes him think about certain things, and to reconsider some things that he was thinking. I’m pretty sure that every single cyborg ever is going to adore Myrina, because I’m pretty sure that she will be able to give them a real run for their credits. Of course, North may try to kill anyone who hurts her, but we’ll see.