Image via Elgato Elgato ’ s HD60 S+ is the arrant companion for the Nintendo Switch and beyond. It is immediate to set up and able to capture the highest choice the Switch offers. Boasting 1080p capture at 60 frames per moment ( federal protective service ), this device matches the Switch ’ s standard 1080p output. Connecting capture cards to the Switch is simpleton and lone requires three cable connections, allowing users to get up and running in no time. once connected, you can go ahead and open the Elgato application. Elgato ’ s companion app is a square tool for recording gameplay and adjusting the device settings. The streamline interface makes recording footage a bare as pressing a button. The HD60 S+ is besides a fantastic choice for Switch streamers who see themselves streaming from more diagrammatically intensive devices in the future. Despite being a great choice for the Switch ’ s humble output, the HD60 S+ produces some of the highest quality content across any platform.
Image via AVerMedia AVerMedia ’ s Live Gamer Mini may not have the output capabilities of its older 4K sibling, but it can showcase everything the Nintendo Switch has to offer. This 1080p, 60fps capture poster boasts zero-latency like the Elgato. Capturing the content in real-time means there is no unplug between streamers and their gameplay. much like the Elgato HD60 S+, the Live Gamer Mini has a childlike frame-up summons and a dedicate application where users can record, stream, or adjust their device settings. What makes AVerMedia ’ second application different from Elgato ’ sulfur is that Elgato encourages users to use separate broadcast software. AVerMedia has built a organization for users to stream straight from the app. Users have the choice of both recording gameplay or going streaming directly from the app.
The Live Gamer Mini is a more cost-efficient option to the HD60 S+ that suits the Switch ’ randomness capabilities. AVerMedia ’ s Live Gamer Mini gives users an fast and easy means to get into contentedness initiation. Image via Razer The Razer R ipsaw is the company ’ mho first footfall into the capture card arena, and it delivers a versatile put of features that carry across multiple platforms with ease. Just like the other options on this list, the Ripsaw boasts highly abject latency and sets up in merely a few steps. This device is more than capable of showcasing everything the Switch has to offer and is ready for whatever the following generation of Nintendo consoles brings, like the rumored 1440p solution of the Switch Pro. Razer besides includes mic and earphone ports on the presence of the device. These extra inputs and outputs grant the exploiter an easily accessible way to add voice-over or audio to their recordings. The earphone jack provides a great way to monitor all audio excrete through the device without stay. If you are looking for something trustworthy and powerful to add to your apparatus, then the Razer Ripsaw is one of the best choices on the market right immediately.
With the future of Nintendo consoles ’ resolutions up in the publicize, both the Elgato HD60 S+ and Razer Ripsaw will be great gameplay capturing companions for the Switch and beyond. If you ’ ra looking for a slightly more cost-efficient option, the AVerMedia Live Gamer Mini is the best option. This batting order is well-suited for users who are after a choice product that fits a tight budget and get them started nowadays. This article includes affiliate links, which may provide modest compensation to Dot Esports .