This guide is for a Modron Automation based in two speed champions : Briv and Hew Maan.
Main goal of this lead is give help oneself and tips for optimze your automated footrace, only with resources provided by the game itself, to the degree that musician active interaction should be non-existent.
*This constitution is indicated for be your active party, may not work offline, good-for-nothing.
Basic explanations
This automation is based in Briv and Hew Maan because investing considerable high gear amount of ilvls in their equipment, their speed bonus can become truly blue.
Fourth time slot item for Briv give extra chance to skip future area, but with huge ilvl, it turns to grant cut several areas after each area played, at price of 1 individual jump, until he run out of stacks. Stacks are gained, for following streak, each time Briv get down hit in current melt. We get all loot from areas skipped this way.
And fourthly time slot item for Hew Maan, with adequate ilvls, multiply the quest counter for accomplished areas played. For exercise, an area requires “ kill 25 enemies ”, Hew Maan does each defeated foe counts as several enemies at once. This entirely study if Zrang is clear kobold ( when Hew Maan is positioned in front column/s ) and effect is greater for each champion adjacent to Hew Maan.
other champions in constitution are travel rapidly champions excessively, they help, but in lesser direction than two main champions. These early champions no want we invest any unmarried ilvl on them.
Detailed explanations
Speed Modron Core: first gear requirement for make automations is degree up an equipped Modron to a given party slot. Speed Modron is the best bespeak for this automation.
Mad Wizard Free Play: its fastest adventure/free play when spawning enemies, besides has very few armored enemies. The downside is it has some areas where completion requires one one quest token dropped by enemies, areas where Hew Maan speed ability is not thus effective ( same than boss areas ) ; but spawning speed well worth this downside ( downside which we can find in any other gamble besides ).
Familiars: total 13 familiars ( possibly few less/more in determinated circumstances ).
· 5 familiars in the field because we get 2 lesser speed buffs, if you truly not have enough familiars try set a minimum of 3 for get 1 single speed buff.
· 1 familiar leveling suction stop damage.
· 6 familiars flush champions.
· 1 conversant in unmarried ultimate attack to be determined late.
Champions: Deekin, Sentry, Briv, Shandie, Hew Maan, Melf.
· Deekin travel rapidly ability does enemies spwan fast as less enemies are in screen, while killing with pawl damage and after with champions his ability should be working ; but when we reach end of political campaign for farm Briv ’ s stacks we will lose this fan ( besides it ’ s lost temporally by casting his ultimate ).
· Sentry gives a gamble for decrease future area completion requirements when she isn ’ t attacked in stream sphere, this will be full run because she will not be in front column. besides, being a cooler champion, will provide more maximum life to Briv.
· Briv is one of two main champions here like explained in previous guide ’ randomness section.
· Shandie will provide augment game speed while champions are not under attack after a light delay ; but, like it happens with Deekin, we will lose this buff when farming Briv ’ sulfur stacks at end of run.
· Hew Maan is the other main champion besides explained in previous section.
· Melf is possibly best speed ace in this formation after 2 main ones, provide random speed yellowish brown choosen between 3 options ( mulitispawn, sapwning focal ratio, multiple quest progress ) during each 50 areas progressed. But he has a downside, for this automation, which can make vary stacks gained each run. If you are planning try swap 1 of these champions for a possible new one, then Melf is the most indicate for be removed.
Specialization, Equipment and Feats:
· Deekin has 1 amphetamine feat ( Overconfidence ) and speed specialization is Boss Wants Speed, equipment no leave speed so no need invest ilvls.
· Sentry hasn ’ t speed feat and speed specialization is Echo ’ mho Will, 3rd slot item increases the chance for her accelerate ability, but no deserving invest ilvls because would need a considerable total that is better spend in main champions.
· Briv hasn ’ triiodothyronine accelerate feat and focal ratio specialization is Metalborn, 4th slot token should be leveled equally high gear as possible for hop as many areas as possible each jump ( for make an mind : normal Epic detail 1000ilvl grants skip 1 area + 50 % casual for skip a second sphere, and each modern area hop requires double ilvls than former area omission ), earlier do this is highly propose get down Epic rarity for all his items, this will help not waste ilvls in equipment that has limit like ultimate coldown time slot. It ’ second recommended have the chance close to stallion areas for have more master about situation, and a good goal would be the closest chance to skip 4 areas each jump, this way we could skip all knob areas ( slow areas ) while he has stacks for continue jump ; to the distributor point that could worth have only 3 familiars in the field and save other 2 for another formation.
· Shandie hasn ’ metric ton travel rapidly feat and speed specialization is Ranger Training, equipment no provide rush, lapp than Deekin.
· Hew Maan has 2 ! ! accelerate feats ( Walking Lessons, We ’ re a Treant ! ) and specialization international relations and security network ’ triiodothyronine rush based, 4th slot token should be leveled around 950ilvl with normal Epic ( manner more without feats ) like optimised bespeak where quest progress counts as 9 times and 3 enemies killed allow to advance adjacent area in the worst position ( can require even fewer enemies taking in count other sources ) ; leveling farther sure is better but its good target for catch and finally, if very golden, get a bright in this slot and could complete areas by killing 2 enemies at soap. besides like tip than given for Briv about Epic items.
· Melf has 1 travel rapidly feat ( Rushed Plans ) and rush specialization is extra Supplements, 4th time slot detail buffs his speed ability but no need much investment, only invest few ilvls if you are satisfied with ilvls of two independent champions.
Formation: we must have Briv in front column and Hew Maan must be in second column with angstrom many adjacent champions as possible ( 4 in this constitution ). other you can set at your taste, but I would like suggest side Deekin alone in back column for he doesn ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate agitate buffing any adjacent ace at the end run, when we start farming Briv ’ south stacks, and we should can calculate better our reset area.
Global upgrades: I suggest have a many global buffs ( blessings, perks, modron level, achievements… ) as potential and besides have enough Torm ’ s favor for reach supporter level cap before start farming Briv ’ s stacks. I suggest this because our determined reset area will need less care for longer prison term.
Speed potion automation: this is wholly optional ; but at some point you will have bought best muffin items around and then you could buy gold chests with jewel income, this plus natural breast drops and barren codes should make sustainable automate a 15 minutes travel rapidly potion in area 1. But I suggest habit this option merely when this formation would be the active party for farseeing time.
Key point: find best area for automate reset
This is your partially of homework if you want try follow this guie, cipher can do for you. This step requires some trial and error for find a “ carefully balanced ” point ( which will require some periodical alimony as you progress in the game ) ; this can be achieved in few runs or take respective hours without find a very meet leave ; it ’ s up to you continue or not.
I continue for who want attempt :
There are diverse forms for kill enemies when farming Briv ’ randomness stacks at final part of rivulet, for this guide I choosen kill these end areas enemies by automating with a familiar one of the ultimates availables in this formation because we have a more predictable resultant role this way and less variation between differents runs. Take in count each ultimate has different damage and each one will need their own reset area.
An crucial compass point here is that Briv ’ south stacks gained in current tend augment champions damage lento, this will extend for a few more areas the process for find our craved reset sphere.
Worst separate will be get stopped at some knob area where bos ( without being marked by Melf ’ s righteous Determination ability ) can need 3 or 4 ultimate casts for advance next area, reached this point we, prefferably, should avoid competitiveness next knob and set automation readjust in these areas between these 2 bosses. Can be even better, for no lose extra time, set readjust area before these 2 bosses if Briv has fair total of stacks for adjacent streak at this point.
Which ultimate ? The higher coldown the more time Briv is getting hit, the more price the far sphere available, single target, multitarget… there is many things to take in count and best to do is try it out in practice run.
I would like suggest start with Hew Maan ultimate, which is one target and should be some buffed by level equipment, because it gives a travel rapidly buff for some seconds when casted during all political campaign.
If you no like result, can try other ultimate less level but with higher coldown ; i wouldn ’ triiodothyronine skim Deekin ultimate for speed lost, this lost is absolutely low-cost if we get well result about farming stacks.
Well, try unlike ultimates for bridle best result for you. Your finish is not go faster or further ( if yes then the better ), your goal is, by idling this geological formation, farm enough Briv ’ second stacks in current test for adjacent footrace continue jumping until the closest area ( and stop jump there ) where you start farming stacks again ; very, identical “ carefully balanced ”. well luck !
Possible troubles
I will try solve some conjectural troubles in this section :
I have high variation of farmed stacks between different runs.
– This can be caused by Melf ’ randomness random based abilities, he does some random enemies take more damage from ultimates, try swapping him for another travel rapidly champion like, for exemplar, Havilar ( her speed ability requires active interaction by casting her ultimate 1 single prison term, but when is working it ’ s noticiable ).
My Briv continues jumping during end run areas and farm way less stacks for next run.
– Set reset area 1 area early, possibly 2 areas.
No! I better want more champion damage for reach some further.
– Free option : all 6 champions are elegible for Vajra Patron runs, can get some wrong buff this way at no cost.
– More familars choice : we have 3 empty slots in formation so you can add up to three more champions for pay back more champion damage, if you want try this solution iodine suggest start with Havilar ( who is a cooler and will give more life to Briv ) or Korth besides considered accelerate champions.
– Can combine former options for find what fits better for you ( Havilar can be elegible for Vajra through a feat ). And if at some decimal point you need very short wrong buff one would say try adding a DPS ace, for this it ’ sulfur perfect habit Black Viper who will apport a little plus to the agrarian sense.
– In end exemplify, you can upgrade Epic equipment to Legendary, but I would avoid this option for a grow automated formation.
In my case Briv stops jumping very early and distance until stacks farming areas is long.
– Best solution for this is grade up ilvls for cut more areas each alternate.
Sure, but impossible now, better I need less champion damage.
– Can try set a minimal of 5 champions formation, removing Melf, Deekin or Shandie, or possibly 2 of them and add Havilar if need more life sentence for Briv ; besides need 1 familiar less this way.
– Your Speed Modron Core gives considerable stove of champion damage, you can try skipping damage outputs until you find your hope champions damage.
Now champions damage seems fine, but I do too much click damage now.
– Speed Modron Core has gold find output besides, can try skipping them, but this range is room lower than price scope.
– Can remove the familiar level click damage, but this option is speed penalty unless you automate a fire breath potion in area 1, which should expire before reach your stacks farming areas.
– Or can try kill enemies with clicks rather of an ultimate at very end run, but this way is a snatch more variable and less predictable than fix damage of an ultimate.
– Or, identical ugly option I don ’ thymine hint ( but it ’ s placid an option ), you can reduce your Torm ’ south favor by leveling legendary equipment.
Related new game content after this guide was created
presently nothing here.
Comments section is open for everyone. Thanks for reading!!
My last suggestion is keep an eye in comments section, certain other players can apport different or better ideas here.
I tried my best in all this hypothesis guide, in practice it is accomplishable but will require farm for very long clock time ( last gratuity : patience is winder ). I hope you liked or found it utilitarian. Thanks and adept fortune farm !
Written by CommanderGreven
This is all for Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms Guide for Modron Automation Useful Info hope you enjoy the station. If you believe we forget or we should update the post please let us know via remark, we will try our best to fix how flying is possible ! Have a great day !
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