Coming back into the club has him doubting his position and worth, which is just what he does to Kate. Danny lives his dream life. Holding Kate at arms length while taking everything he can from the club whores. He finds peace in his life as he starts to gain the respect and position he once held. Kate has to decide if it’s him or the idea of him that she wants. Her biological clock is ticking.
Great story, Loved Danny and Kate
Loved Danny and Kate’s story. Denny lost it for a while after his divorce, and Rich overseas. He lost the respect of his brothers, his sister and his girl. A few interventions and Denny gets it back together and then some. He wins Kate by owning up, and showing his love in everything he did, and gets his ring on her finger, and his cut on her back. A little brother or sister on the way for Rich and Patches who has become like a son to them.
The brothers still don’t see him. Danny lives the all in motto. He does whatever’s asked of him and handles things that need to be done. He supports Kate in her job with the women’s shelter getting the brothers involved. He happily opens his heat and home to five kids who lost everything and needed a family.
Tracy’s betrayal and the aftermath was devastating. I hope she lives a long life of regret for all she threw a way.
I loved the Baxter’s support of their MC friends. Loved them.
The little brothers. They have such good roll models in the brothers and old ladies they are surrounded by. They are growing up to be great men. They are paying attention. They are learning from example. They see the strong. They and the kids of the Baxter extended family are going to change the world.
Love this series.!
5 out of 5 Stars
L. Ann Marie has it all in this book, romance, suspense, action, comedy, it’s a win-win read!
Kate and Danny have known each other for years, Kate is Danny’s sister Jess best friend, so when Danny got divorced from Dee the troll bitch as they call her in the book, Kate wishes that she and Danny fall in love and after several years they start dating but Danny’s not ready for 100% commitment so he messes with the club whores while dating Kate twice a month like clock work. Kate wants more and when she finds out about Danny’s activities with the club whores she tells him she needs to date other people to see if she really loves him and he needs to stop being selfish and figure out what he wants.
After months they finally get together again as friends who love each other which leads to them getting married and having Devan, after adopting 3 young boys who’s father killed their mother and beat them, domestic violence is a serious issue and this book shows some of the horrors of it as well as some programs that are out there for women and kids who are being subjected to it.
This is a great read!
This is a great story of forgiveness, redemption, looking past imperfections and one couple’s capacity to love. In the beginning Danny comes off as not such a great guy, as he lives out his fantasies after a terrible marriage ends. He struggles with the loss if respect he earned for himself as well as the loss of the woman he really cares about. Throughout the rest if the story he shows what a generous and kind hearted guy he really is.
L Ann Marie continues to create characters who we all want to strive to be.