You can besides use this walkthrough for the bad/worst ending. To let everyone die, plainly choose the opposites and pick up all weapons ( their locations are all pointed out in this guidebook ).
For the best ending ( everyone is alive at goal ), be certain to follow every decision and QTE precisely as described. Messing up the improper QTE can cause a character to die instantaneously sol be very careful. It is recommended to make a manual of arms deliver crippled accompaniment at the startle of every chapter ( PS4 Settings > Application Saved Data Management > USB or PS+ Cloud ). If you make a error, you can copy back the save without having to replay the integral fib .
During the story there is no chapter blue-ribbon ! entirely after the floor you unlock chapter blue-ribbon, but it ’ s based on what decisions you made leading up to that sealed chapter. Let ’ s say you were to mess up a QTE early on on and a character dies as a leave, then the fictional character would still be dead in later chapters through chapter choose, meaning you ’ d have to replay from the early chapter where that character died. This would have you ’ vitamin d end up replaying 80 % of the game if you make a mistake early on. So it ’ s better to keep backup saves and copy them back correctly away when making a error .
If you like, you can do a blind run first, but with this step by step guide you will easily have all characters surviving on the first run if you follow it precisely as described. Remember, if you make one mistake, it can have serious consequences late on and the guidebook might nobelium long be applicable to you ( because you ’ d get unlike dialogues or different scenes altogether ) .
This Walkthrough is for Singleplayer ( “ Play Alone ” & “ Movie Night ” modes ). In cooperative things can go vastly different, depending on what your cooperative partner decides ( which you can ’ metric ton see on your sieve ). In cooperative your partner besides makes choices for 2nd characters that in singleplayer would have scripted responses. still, you can get a general estimate of better steps to let everyone exist in cooperative, merely know that some dialogues ( and integral chapters ) might be different. It ’ s best to stick to a singleplayer mode for this ladder !
Useful Tips, Tricks and Guides:
crucial : All information in this usher is based on “ Theatrical Cut ” Mode ( the default solo modality ). The “ Curator Cut ” is an option pre-order bonus mode which was not available in the make of this guide. It is highly recommended to play in theatrical Cut, differently the solutions won ’ thyroxine apply ( in Curator Cut you control different characters with wholly different dialogue choices ) .
Chapter: Chinese Market (Prologue)
What you do during the prologue has no consequences to the rest of the game any. It plays at a different time and with different people than our independent characters for the rest of the game. At the chinese marketplace there are the trace dialogues and actions :
- CURIOUS “Tell me about my son” / DUBIOUS “Will I be rich?” (no effect on rest of game)
- DRAGON TILE / BAMBOO TILE (no effect on rest of game)
- Defeat (or fail) against the training dummy by pressing the displayed buttons (no effect on rest of game)
After the chinese marketplace visit, your following spawn will be on a ship. You ’ ll be locked into a room and can find the key on the leave side in a footlocker that has a white glow on it. Afterward you will find your buddy in a cell. just follow the corridors, there ’ s only one way to go. When a guy with a gun comes there will be a QTE to hold placid but whether you succeed or mess up has no impact ( if you mess it up the guy with the gun will notice you are his colleague soldiers and just run off ). After following all the corridors there will be long series of cutscenes before the real game starts with our crew ( Alex, Brad, Conrad, Fliss, Julia ) boarding a gravy boat. That ’ second when your choices start to have impact .
Chapter: The Duke – Brad
Brad talking to Alex :
- RESENTFUL “I had to work” Alex ▲
- UNEASY “Not good with people” Alex –
- EMPATHETIC “Must be tough” Alex ▲
- SENTIMENTAL “Go with your gut” Alex ▲▲▲
Brad talking to Conrad :
- RELAXED “Yeah, cool!” Conrad ▲
- GLOOMY “Never” Conrad ▲
Chapter: Wreck – Alex
Alex walks over to Julia, talks with her :
- INTERESTED “Need a hand?” Julia ▲
- SUPPORTIVE “Making a fortune on this trip” Julia ▲
Alex picks up the ID of Fliss ( the captain ), which sits to the right side of Fliss. This will let him know her license is expired and opens up fresh dialogues. then Alex talks to Fliss ( captain ) .
- POLITE “Sorry about earlier” Fliss ▲
- SELF-ASSURED “Dived a couple of wrecks” Fliss ▲
- BELLIGERENT “Who’s gonna know?” Fliss –
collectible : [ White Framed Picture # 1 : high and Dry ] – on wall inside boat
Alex talks to his brother Brad, who is in sleep together to recover from his seasickness :
- SYMPATHETIC “Don’t worry” Brad ▲▲
Alex walks bet on to Conrad and Julia on the deck, press to interact with the rebreather. This triggers a negotiation with Julia .
- PLAYFUL “Lookin’ good” – Julia ▲ Conrad ▼
Alex takes the bangstick ( right ) and the camera ( automatically takes picture of Julia ) .
Chapter: Dive – Julia
This chapter consists alone of one very short cutscene ( 1 minute ) of Julia and Alex diving subaqueous. There are no dialogues or QTEs during this cutscene .
Chapter: Uninvited Guests – Fliss & Julia
Fliss talks to Conrad ( bill : no topic what you do, Fliss will always have a minus relationship introduction with Conrad saying “ Fliss did not appreciate Conrad flirting with her, and tied though they start off on the wrong foot you can turn things around reasonably cursorily ) :
- RELAXED “Sure, why not” Conrad – (note: there will always be slightly negative relationship between them at the start but the next dialogues make up for it)
- SUBDUED “It’s a long story” Conrad – (note: there will always be slightly negative relationship between them at the start but the next dialogues make up for it)
- APPRECIATIVE “That’s very kind of you” Conrad ▲
- RELAXED “Taking advantage of your relaxation time?” Conrad ▲
- PLAYFUL “Too bad charm isn’t among them” Conrad –
- ROMANTIC “I have to keep track of the dive, but…” Conrad ▲▲▲
Fliss Traits Updated: Excited, Witty, Relaxed, Generous
Fliss goes to Brad ‘ mho board and talks to him :
- SYMPATHETIC “Hey, It’s your vacation” Brad ▲
- CONCERNED “Hope they know what they’re doing” Brad –
- CURIOUS “Are you close with your brother?” Brad –
Fliss Traits Updated: Relaxed, Generous, Excited, Innocent
collectible : [ Black Framed Picture # 1 : cut and Run ] – inside Fliss ’ sulfur room
Check the console next to the steering wheel for upwind forecast. After a little while a cutscene triggers mechanically to advance the bet on ( hidden timer ). In the meanwhile you can chat with Conrad again but there are no dialogue choices to pick from. A boat with “ fishermen ” will arrive in the cutscene .
Fliss talks to Conrad after early boat arrives :
- SAY NOTHING Conrad –
- WORRIED “This feels off” Conrad –
- WORRIED “We’ve got divers in the water” Conrad –
Fliss Traits Updated: Relaxed, Altruistic, Innocent, Excited
now the television camera cuts to Julia ( calm same chapter ). Be quick to press the QTE button so Julia doesn ’ metric ton cut her leg on the out of practice subaqueous bust up .
[ Black Framed Picture # 2 : satan and the Deep ] – After taking see of Julia, it ’ sulfur on the impart before swimming through first gap
After Julia swims through the inaugural opening in the subaqueous wreck, there ’ s a tube overhead that can be investigated with to talk to Alex .
- CONCERNED “Maybe it’s kind of dangerous” Alex ▲
- Missed on this run : [ Secret # 30 : flight plan ] – You can only get this if you choose the other dialogue “ … ” and investigate the pipe to find a document. Better to get it late via chapter choice, getting it would reduce Julia ’ s standing with Alex .
Julia Traits Updated: Cunning, Excited, Selfish, Generous
After this, follow Alex and you can find two items in the subaqueous wreck .
[ Secret # 49 : Anti-Aircraft Shell ] – In the subaqueous crash, right side
[ Secret # 40 : Missing Lifeboat ] – In the subaqueous wreck, left side
When Julia is supposed to open a door and it shows a “ hitmarker ”, open it ( makes your tongue bankrupt but Alex ▲ ). Investigate the cockpit and expect about for a while ( obscure timer triggers a cutscene after a while ). After the cutscene pick the following dialogues :
- ASTOUNDED “We almost died” Alex –
- LOVING “Yes” Alex ▲▲▲
- CAUTIOUS “Damn yeah, okay” Alex ▲
- RELUCTANT “This is taking too long…” Alex ▲
Julia Traits Updated: Truthful, Cunning, Excited, Generous
- ANXIOUS “What’s up with that other boat?” Conrad – Fliss – Alex –
Chapter: Ghost Story – Julia
Julia will talk to Alex at the start of this chapter .
- CHEERFUL “It does have a nice ring” Alex ▲
- SENTIMENTAL “Let’s plan it together” Alex ▲
- REASSURING “Of course” Alex ▲
- ADORING “I love you” Alex ▲
Julia will automatically walk inside the boat and see Conrad making out with Fliss .
- SAY NOTHING Conrad –
now you walk around as Julia and can either get the document from Alex ’ s locomotion case or look at other stuff in the boat, doesn ’ thyroxine matter either way .
[ Secret # 20 : copilot Badge ] – When walking around as Julia on the gravy boat, you can interact with the camera and interchange through the pictures Alex took during the submerged dive to see a badge of the copilot on one of the images. It sometimes glitches as Julia, indeed if you don ’ thymine get it try coming second to it former in cooperative as Brad .
If you take excessively long Alex will come and get the document himself. then the friends sit around the boat to have a beer together. Julia will then talk to Fliss and the group .
- APOLOGETIC “Okay maybe” Fliss ▲
- Julia Traits Updated: Truthful, Excited, Selfish, Generous
- SUPPORTIVE “Let’s hear it” Brad ▲
- APPRECIATIVE “Cool story” Brad ▲
Chapter: Intrusion – Conrad
The fishermen will come on control panel of your boat at night and tie up everyone. There ’ randomness a inadequate QTE at the start, I didn ’ triiodothyronine press the buttons on purpose as to give them no immunity, but it doesn ’ thyroxine seem to matter. then you can choose who to untie first :
- UNGAG – Fliss (left) ( no impression )
- UNGAG – Alex (right) ( no impression )
- Alex will ungag Julia automatically
- Junior (pirate guy) comes to take away Fliss
- UNTIE ( no effect )
- Press QTE to avoid getting punched
now Conrad will be brought out on the deck and the pirate drawing card ( Olson ) will punch him. Say the follow :
- SERIOUS “What do you want” (no effect)
- AGITATED “Please just stop” ( no consequence, he won ’ thymine cut Conrad ’ s ear )
- COMPLIANT “Okay” (no effect)
Conrad immediately gets brought back to Alex in the transport and they talk :
- UNEASY “No. I hope he’s okay” Alex ▲
- CONCERNED “I can sneak around to the boat” (no effect)
now comes some slippery parts where you must hit a series of QTEs absolutely. At this target you should make a save game stand-in ( PS4 Settings > Application Saved Data Management ). You must press to hit a window on the count of 6 ( six ) when thunder strikes. The timing can be a morsel difficult to get on first hear. Hit the release just as Conrad starts saying the parole “ six ”. Personally, I did hit this correctly on my run but failing to do so won ’ t have any long-run affect arsenic long as you do the following QTEs perfectly. You can still escape on the boat regardless and cipher gets hurt if you follow the adjacent instructions correctly, so don ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate worry if you mess this one up !
Conrad Traits Updated: Cunning, Guarded, Impatient, Anxious
adjacent QTEs ( make certain you do all of these perfectly ) :
- Press to stay still when the pulse becomes visible (total of 5 times)
- ESCAPE (left option)
(just hammer each button in quick succession)
When done correctly, Conrad escapes on the speedboat ! If you fail this, restore the aforesaid write crippled stand-in. If you mess up the last prompt ( when pirate points pistol at speedboat ), he will shoot Conrad and he dies ( this is commodity to know for your “ everyone dies ” run, but for now we want to keep everyone alert ). Afterward, Alex will hold some scissors to a pirate ’ mho throat but Olson ( pirate drawing card ) points a gunman at Alex. then Alex lets go and the friends are brought back inwardly .
Alternative outcomes: Conrad messes up on the first two QTEs during boat escape and gets captured by pirates. conrad messes up the final examination QTE during gravy boat escape when pirate shoots at him and dies from the bullet train. Conrad chooses to attack alternatively of escaping, Alex brings out other plagiarist with scissors to his throat, together with Conrad he provokes the pirates but Olson shoots Julia. The assail option will constantly lead to the pirates overpowering you or shooting Julia, while the speedboat escape will constantly lead to Conrad getting away, being shot, or being captured right away .
Chapter: Storm – Fliss
After the friends are brought back inside the ship, they will be seated at a postpone and Fliss can reply to the pirate .
- REASSURING “We were only talking”
- ENRAGED “How dare you” Alex ▼ (note: both options here have a negative impact, but picking this one leads to Alex apologizing later on in “Chapter: Trapped” and is the best long-term)
- QTE:
Fliss Traits Updated: Excited, Altruistic, Innocent, Relaxed
- DEFIANT “Ask for help”
- QTE:
- HELP (right-side choice) Julia ▲
- QTE:
Fliss Traits Updated: Innocent, Relaxed, Reckless, Excited
- OPTIMISTIC “He could help” (no effect)
Act 1 Ending
Everyone is distillery alive. When talking to the librarian, choose CURIOUS “ Forwarned is forearmed ” .
Chapter: Abandoned Ship – Fliss
hera Fliss just walks through some corridors, no dialogues to choose from. There is one collectible here .
[ Secret # 26 : Guard Duty Note ] – After Danny ( pirate guy ) scavenges through some lockers, you can find this on the side of the corridor
Chapter: Trapped – Fliss
The pirates lock the friends in a dark room .
- QTE (Fliss):
- ASSERTIVE “Take some action” Alex ▲
If Fliss found the last secret, she can besides talk to Alex :
- SERIOUS “I overheard them talking about Manchurian Gold” Alex –
- LIVELY “We need to find a way out of this room” Alex –
[ Secret # 44 : 1947 Newspaper ] – Inside the room where the friends are locked in
[ Secret # 28 : private Miller ’ randomness Letter ] – Inside the room where the friends are locked in
Fliss must now push the large box on the right side of the room to reveal a vent to escape through. Alex will try around if he can loosen the vent, give him a minute, then press on him. now Fliss talks again :
- CONFIDENT “This is the way out” Alex –
- Fliss Traits Updated: Innocent, Excited, Courageous, Relaxed
Chapter: An Escape – Alex
At the start of the chapter, just follow the path ahead. Along the way you can find some collectibles .
[ Secret # 14 : Guard Duty Roster ] – room on left
[ Secret # 45 : individual Reed ’ s Letter ] – in public toilet
[ Secret # 7 : engineer ’ south Logbook ] – after passing over bridge, check book on a wooden cabinet
[ Secret # 11 : Journal ] – in room after bridge
[ Black Framed Picture # 2 : In the Offing ] – in room after bridge
- DUBIOUS “We need to be careful” Fliss –
- Alex Traits Updated: Deceitful, Witty, Relaxed, Altruistic
- WARN FLISS Fliss ▲▲
Regardless of your choice, Fliss will constantly get caught by the pirates in this situation, nothing to worry about. immediately the next chapter starts when you can walk as Alex again .
Chapter: Caskets – Alex
At the beginning of the chapter, Alex needs to follow Julia. When you reach a kitchen there are a bunch together of things to do .
- Do NOT pick up the kitchen knife on the left side of the kitchen, it’s on a counter where some frying pans are hanging (to the right of [Secret #23: Catering Staff Schedule]). To make everyone survive it’s safer to NOT have any weapons so you don’t accidentally kill one of the of your friends, who appear to you as “demons” while under the effect of Manchurian Gold (the Manchurian Gold mist makes you see your friends as scary demons later on, which isn’t obvious at first. The logic is that if you don’t have any weapons you can’t harm anyone, which is exactly what we want on our “everyone survives” run).
- [ Secret # 23 : catering Staff Schedule ] – poster on kitchen wall
- Investigate the cupboard in the middle of the kitchen, triggers a talk with Julia
- Speaking with Julia: TRUTHFUL “Come look” Julia ▲
- Alex Traits Updated: Relaxed, Deceitful, Eager, Altruistic
- Exit the room
In second kitchen room there are some collectibles, nothing else here to do :
- [ Secret # 1 : diary ] – book on table
- [ Black Framed Picture # 3 : cut of Your Jib ] – black picture hanging on wall
Alex walks to next board, the following dialogues trigger along the way with Julia :
- WORRIED “It’s probably just rats” Julia ▲
- SUPPORTIVE “It is crappy” Julia ▲
now Alex is in a board with a crowd of caskets, investigate each of them for a collectible :
- [ Secret # 22 : casket Nameplate ] – investigate caskets
- [ Secret # 23 : open Casket ] – investigate caskets
- [ Secret # 13 : Locked Casket ] – investigate caskets
- [ Secret # 35 : small Casket ] – investigate caskets
In future room ( medbay ), head left ( no need to investigate the medicine cabinet on the right ), and check the room on the far left for two more collectibles :
- [ Secret # 18 : Terrified Corpse ] – cadaver in corner
- [ Secret # 39 : electrocardiogram Results ] – document following to operation table
The chapter ends when Alex and Julia exit the medbay and see a cutscene with person holding a mallet .
Chapter: Danny – Fliss
This chapter starts when you ’ ra act as Fliss again. Simply follow the path ahead, Danny ( pirate guy ) will escort you .
After a cutscene where Danny takes the hat off what looks like a coprse ( but turns out it ’ s lone sacks ), you can pick up the hat :
- [ Secret # 41 : medan Hat ] – investigate the hat Danny takes pushes off the sacks during cutscene
In the future room, after a cutscene, there is another :
- [ Secret # 16 : Screaming Corpse ] – investigate the cadaver
Follow Danny until you see a cutscene where he shoots his gunman and abruptly disappears. Afterward you can backtrack a little to a frame picture you just passed by, but could not pick up .
- [ White Framed Picture # 2 : close Quarters ] – after Danny disappears, trace bet on your steps to look at this picture on a wall
future, Fliss will have to push open a door and she reaches a cargo retain area with lots of park cars. Do NOT pick up the knife from the cadaver on the leave side of the cargo deem ( again, to avoid killing person by accident, it ’ second better to not carry any weapons ). On the right side of the cargo keep, just before the die, you can find one collectible .
- [ Secret # 32 : Dog Tag ] – cadaver on shock, good before cargo hold exit ( right side of cargo cargo area )
After exiting the cargo hold, the camera cuts to Brad and the future chapter starts .
Chapter: Finding Friends – Brad
If you followed this steer he should placid be on the boat ( didn ’ metric ton cause a big crusade with the pirates on your boat sol Brad stayed undetected ). now he walks onto the ghost ship and can explore a little. Walk upstairs and through a corridor. A cutscene with many screaming corpses will trigger automatically. Search the area for collectibles .
- [ Secret # 43 : infantry Badge ] – in board with shout corpses
- [ Secret # 21 : hurriedly Written Message ] – go bet on outside the room with screaming corpses the means you came, then go to end of corridor to find this in backroom
immediately go through the board with screaming corpses again and into the future room. There will be some lockers and Brad sees corpses inside of them. Investigate the cabinet on the correctly two times for Gas Mask .
- Investigate right locker on the right side two times for Gas Mask –> this helps Brad to not be affected by the Manchurian Gold as much (the mist that makes everyone go crazy).
- Go inside the bathroom on the left and check the stalls. Hide and complete the QTE to hold your breath (not sure if it’s necessary to go into the bathroom at all, but it’s what I did on my playthrough)
advance to the future room after the cabinet room. There are more interactables here :
- [ Secret # 4 : Locks Memo ] – inside the right-hand side room, which you can enter future to the box that you must push. BEFORE climbing over the wall to which you must push a box .
- Push the box and climb over the wall
After climbing over the wall :
- [ White Framed Picture # 3 : copper Bottomed ] – in a room after climbing over the wall ( but BEFORE opening the next lock door )
immediately you can exit through the following door, which triggers a brusque black loading screen. here do the comply :
- Do NOT pick up the Wrench (white glowing dot between the hanging corpse and the corpse on box)! This is important, it’s yet again another weapon that could accidentally kill someone, in particular it can kill Fliss during chapter “Ritual” if she sees Brad as a demon and fails to evade his attacks. If you don’t have a wrench, there’s nothing that can hurt Fliss later. So don’t pick up the Wrench!
- to climb down the area) [ Secret # 19 : radio Operator ’ s Memo ] – investigate the cadaver by the box for this hidden ( BEFORE pressingto climb down the sphere )
That ’ s all there is to do in this area. now you can safely climb down where it shows the button prompt, which starts the future chapter .
Chapter: Ritual – Fliss
This chapter starts when you ’ ra play as Fliss again .
Follow the path until you reach some ghosts attacking you. Complete the QTE .
- QTE: (note: failing this has no impact so don’t worry if you mess up. The ghosts are just imaginary and cannot hurt Fliss, she will black out but wake up unharmed).
now after a cutscene you reach a nice-looking ballroom. It ’ sulfur very crucial to know that there ’ s a obscure timer in this area that triggers the next cutscene. Don ’ thyroxine thriftlessness prison term investigating non-essential objects. It ’ second highly recommended to make a manual save crippled accompaniment here ( PS4 Settings > Application Saved Data Management ). Head straight for the play along :
- [ White Framed Picture # 4 : Keelhaul ] – In the backroom of the ballroom, to right of stage
- Pull the lever in the backroom to the right of stage –> this opens the stage
- Go backstage and through the door, this makes Fliss go outside on the deck for a moment. When she returns to “clear her head” with some fresh air, the effect of the Manchurian Gold has weakened and she escapes her dream sequence. Now she sees the old ship again as is. This allows you to find new collectibles before the hidden timer runs out.
- [ Secret # 38 : Chemical Leak ] – investigate the adult box behind stagecoach
- [ Secret # 37 : broken Wires ] – go spinal column to where the ballroom was, investigate electric wires
- [ Secret # 47 : Cargo Ship Manual ] – on barrel across from electric wires
- Now just wait for the next cutscene to trigger. If you followed all steps, Fliss should see Brad come crashing down in a casket, that’s the optimal outcome because she doesn’t see him as a demon (if you made a mistake, Fliss might see a demon with a hoody but it’s Brad – don’t attack the Demon as doing so would harm or even kill Brad, especially if Fliss carries the knife from the cargo hold). Quick explanation: if you went backstage and out on the deck to get fresh air, the Manchurian Gold’s effects have weakened so she won’t see Brad as a demon. If Fliss doesn’t go backstage to get fresh air, she would see a hooded demon (Brad) because the mist has messed with her head.
- Fliss talks to Brad: APPROVING “That was quick thinking” Brad ▲
- Other Note: If Brad didn’t find the gas mask and picked up the Wrench, he might be delusional and attack Fliss (because now Brad sees Fliss as a demon due to the mist)! Especially if Brad has the wrench he can easily kill Fliss here, so if that’s happening Fliss must complete the QTE to evade Brad’s attacks.
Assuming you did everything correctly, Fliss and Brad will not be affected by the Manchurian Gold ’ second effect and recognize each other. then they escape together, which ends the chapter .
Alternative outcomes: Fliss sees Brad as a demon, gets away and runs off. Brad is affected by Manchurian Gold and sees Fliss as a devil ( can kill her if he has wrench ). If Fliss doesn ’ thymine go wing she will see Brad as a devil, and if she has the knife from cargo hold, she can kill Brad. If both Brad and Fliss are delusional they will try to kill each other, which means Fliss must evade all of Brad ’ randomness attacks but can ’ thyroxine succeed in any of her attacks so both of them remain unharmed .
Chapter: Pressure – Fliss
notice : This chapter entirely happens if Fliss and Brad recognized each other ( neither one seeing demons from the Manchurian Gold obscure ) and they escape together .
Follow the path and when you come to a room where you ’ re supposed to climb up, BEFORE climbing up you can find a collectible on the floor :
[ Secret # 25 : touch Rumours Report ] – before climbing up to floor above
now climb up. once upstairs do the comply :
- Investigate the old Shovel on the floor with (this will come in handy later to save Brad)
- Investigate the broken-off ladder
- Investigate the hatch on the floor
- Walk back to where you climbed up, press to talk to Brad
- Brad will climb down
- When water starts rising and Brad gets trapped pick the following:
- Search (if Fliss didn’t get the knife from cargo hold in Chapter “Danny”) > If Fliss investigated the old shovel previously, she will run over to grab it real quick
- Fliss pulls Brad out of the water, both of them survive ( Brad ▼ )
Chapter: Plunged – Julia
This chapter starts with Alex and Julia gettng knocked into water. Julia will be in a quick delusion sequence where she ’ s back in the submerged plane bust up, but it doesn ’ t matter what you do here ( can just let time run out ). Afterward, she can choose what to tell Alex :
- FRANTIC “Stop he’ll drown” Alex ▲▲▲
now comes a cutscene and the chapter ends when Alex and Julia open a door to get aside from Olson ( pirate boss ) .
Chapter: Glamor Girl – Conrad
unavailable : This chapter is unavailable on this “ everyone survives ” playthrough because we made Conrad safety valve on the speedboat earlier. Continue to next chapter “ Revenge ”. If you want to play this chapter, you must replay the game from the “ Intrusion ” chapter onwards and not let Conrad evasion .
Chapter: Revenge – Julia
This chapter starts with Olson ( pirate guy ) going after Alex and Julia, who are running aside from him. There are some QTEs for Julia along the direction :
- QTE:
- JUMP (right-side choice)
- QTE:
- Julia Traits Updated: Selfish, Excited, Loyal, Generous
This leads to Alex and Julia escape and ends Act 2. There will be another sequence with the Curator .
Act 2 Ending
When talking to the curator, nibble :
- CURIOUS “I need some help”
Chapter: Open Deck – Julia
This chapter is ace short and consists of only one talk between the friends .
- BAFFLED “Where’s the gold” (no effect)
- PROBING “What happened on this ship?” (no effect)
- SUSPICIOUS “This place is weird” (no effect)
- UNSETTLED “Where are the crew” ( no effect )
This chapter ends when the friends are done talking and you can walk as Alex on the deck of the ship .
Chapter: Distress Signal – Alex
adenine soon as you control Alex and start walking out on the weather deck, there are some collectibles to take worry of :
- [ Secret # 50 : Anti-Aircraft Shell Casing ] – on leave side of weather deck
- [ Secret # 3 : Gas Mask Instructions ] – on the right side of weather deck
nowadays climb up the ledge on the correct side of the weather deck where you can press. Up there you can open a door by pressing, in there you can find some collectibles .
- [ Secret # 42 : ship ’ mho Logbook ] – first room
- [ Black Framed Picture # 4 : free Cannon ] – inaugural room
- [ Secret # 6 : nautical Chart ] – second room
- [ Secret # 10 : navigator ’ mho Notebook ] – moment room
- [ Secret # 29 : radio Operator ’ s Final Message ] – third base room ( same room as radio, but pick up ahead going to the radio )
immediately walk to the radio to trigger an emergency call to a military station. This is an significant consequence ! If we give them our coordinates, the military will arrive in a helicopter during the concluding ending cutscene. however, this is not recommended as they will either kill all survivors on sight ( this happens when we found out the name of the ship by getting all collectibles that contain hints for it. basically, because the survivors have seen excessively much and the military doesn ’ t want the secrets about “ Manchurian Gold ” getting out, they will kill them. Collectibles refer to Manchurian Gold as a hallucinogen that the military wanted to weaponize for war, so that enemy soldiers go insane and kill each other. Telling the military you found their long-lost ship will get you shot ). If they don ’ thyroxine shoot the survivors ( didn ’ t find all collectibles that contain clues of the ship ’ second name ), they will inactive put them in prison. So either means this international relations and security network ’ t great. It ’ mho much better to escape by gravy boat rather. so in the future step do NOT call for help as it ’ s a trap !
now the friends must decide who goes down the hole. Pick the following dialogues :
- ENCOURAGING “If you’re sure you’re up for it” Brad ▲▲
- Alex Traits Updated: Insecure, Altruistic, Relaxed, Generous
now Brad and Julia go down the hole, which is the begin of the adjacent chapter .
Chapter: Depths – Brad
After dropping down the hole, Brad responds to Alex .
- HOPEFUL “We’re okay” Alex ▲
While going through the corridors you can investigate for some collectibles :
- [ Secret # 48 : Minutes of Meeting ] – in slope room
- [ Secret # 27 : private Patterson ’ s Medical Record ] – in foremost help sick bay, at end of corridor after concluding collectible
Keep walk until you reach a ladder and can press to drop down. This brings you to an engine room .
- [ Secret # 8 : engine Room Telegraph Log ] – engine room, behind the engine
- [ White Picture # 6 : Know the Ropes ] – in a mystery passing to the properly of the generator, just before you find the rebreather
After passing through the engine board, in the right corner there ’ s a power switch to turn on the electricity for the radio again. Don ’ thyroxine practice it, equitable keep walking into the next board. The reason being that we don ’ thyroxine want to inform the military where we are, so it ’ sulfur better to keep the baron ( frankincense the radio ) turned off .
once in the next room, you will find the rebreather ! Taking it with you is the only way to calm Junior down ( who will threaten us in future chapter ). Without the rebreather, Junior would constantly kill himself .
- ASSERTIVE “Take it” Julia ▼
- Brad Traits updated: Eager, Excited, Insecure, Relaxed
now there will come a cutscene in which Olson ( pirate leader ) kills Danny ( plagiarist confederate ). This can not be avoided and does NOT affect the “ everyone survives ending ”, because this is a fictional character that can not be saved. It doesn ’ t impingement the “ That ’ south something, I suppose ” amber trophy for keeping everyone alive !
Olson will come out of the board, now you must complete the QTE to stay still by pressing on the pulse points .
When done correctly, Brad and Julia will leave the corridor unnoticed and enter the room the pirates were in .
- [ Secret # 34 : military Orders ] – on the right side of the board where Danny ’ s dead body is in ( only if you succeeded in the pulse QTE and stayed unnoticed )
Olson will come back after just a few seconds, now make the follow choices :
- INSPECT (lets Julia find her engagement ring)
Alex and Julia will run off, which transitions into the Junior chapter .
Chapter: Junior
Olson will come after Brad and Julia in a corridor, banging his hammer on the walls. Do the following :
- Succeed in the first Pulse QTE (Olson doesn’t detect you)
- ASSERTIVE “Can’t risk it”
- Succeed in the second Pulse QTE –> you will take the rebreather with you automatically. If you fail a QTE, Julia will grab the rebreather but there will be a button prompt to get it through the next door, be sure to successfully take the rebreather with you!
In the adjacent room, Junior holds a accelerator at Brad and Julia. Luckily, with the rebreather we can calm him down and earn trophy / accomplishment “ It’s all gone changing on me “ .
- GRAB PISTOL –> you will overpower Junior and put the rebreather mask on him, which gives Junior some “fresh air” and makes him sane again
- Brad Traits Updated: Insecure, Relaxed, Excited, Deceitful
That ’ s it for this chapter. We are getting in truth close to the end now .
Chapter: Matters of the Heart
Alex will jump down and even though he tells Fliss to stay behind, she will follow him. When Olson patrols the corridor, do the following :
- QTE: Keep calm (stay undetected)
- QTE: Jump over broken floor
- Fliss won’t be able to follow. She and Alex split up.
- Olson will die from the Manchurian Gold Mist (he gets a heart attack from being in fear of the hallucinations he is seeing)
- Alex goes after him and finds Olson being eaten by rats
- QTE: –> make sure you press all buttons correctly to retrieve the distributor cap. If you mess up the QTE, Alex will drop the distributor into the elevator shaft and the elevator smashes it. This would leave you no way to escape the ship. So in order to make everyone survive it is vitally important to get this done correctly!
- QTE: Alex will see dead Olson (or a demon instead) and point his knife at it. Do NOT attack it. This is a hallucination! That other person/demon is Fliss. Attacking it, will kill Fliss! Don’t attack.
- BEWILDERED “Who are you”
- Alex Traits updated: “Relaxed, Insecure, Generous, Altruistic”
Fliss will overpower Alex and save him from his insanity. together they escape the ship and the final cutscenes start rolling .
Chapter: The End
Enjoy the ending ! If you followed this guide, everyone has survived and you earn the trophy “ That ’ south something, I suppose “ .
This concludes the man of Medan Walkthrough. If for some rationality one of your characters has died, you will unlock chapter choice after the narrative and can go back to where you made a error to replay the plot from there. For the worst ending you can check the Man of Medan Worst Ending – Everyone Dies Guide. For the Collectibles that were unapproachable on this playthrough, check out the man of Medan Collectible Guide .