Locked up for a crime he didn’t commit, Pawn spent every one of his days on the inside fighting to survive. All that got him through was counting the minutes until he could hold his son for the first time. Can Pawn beat his own demons and addictions to become the father his baby needs?Tami’s heart is broken. Following Solo’s death, she doubts she will ever be loved again. First, she must find her … find her own voice and gain the courage to be alone.
But when mistakes from Tami’s past hunt her down, she learns a harsh lesson about trifling with thieves. Proving his feelings for her never diminished, Pawn rushes in to protect her. Will he sacrifice himself to save his family? Or stand tall as the hero he never thought he could be?
*Contains graphic situations and triggers, not suitable for some readers
Battle Born MC Reading Order:
Book 1: Betting on Forever
Book 2: Nothing Lasts Forever
Book 3: Living for Forever
Book 4: Always & Forever
Book 5: Escaping from Forever
Book 6: Fighting for Forever
Book 7: Loving You Forever
Book 8, Claiming His Forever
You can follow Scarlett Black for exclusive sneak peeks and never seen reveals in her newsletter at:
Website: www.authorscarlettblack.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AuthorScarlettBlack/
What a freaking ride! I don’t know what to do with myself. A book hasn’t made me cry in a while but this one messed me up! Tami and Pawn has been a long time coming and it was worth the wait. There were times I wanted to beat the crap out of Pawn but Tami did not take his crap. (And don’t mess with big brother Tank or the the battle born ladies) I loved seeing the growth of both characters through this series. My new, new favorite! Can’t wait for Spider! #teambuilding #battleborn
Bon, il me reste toujours à lire les tomes 5 et 6 (ce que je compte prochainement) de la série de bikers “Battle Born MC” de Scarlett Black mais même si j’ai eu quelques révélations concernant ces deux tomes, ça ne m’a nullement gênée pour lire ce tome 7 puisqu’il est presque la suite directe du 4 que j’ai relu et rechroniqué il y a peu. Alors bien sûr, j’ai eu un choc quand j’ai lu le résumé de ce roman puisqu’il y a eu un événement important dans ceux que je n’ai pas lus donc, si vous ne suivez cette série qu’à partir de mes chroniques, passez votre chemin lol mais si, comme moi, les spoilers ne vous gênent pas, continuez, bien sûr…
On y va donc? ^^
Dans la réécriture du tome 4, Tami avait choisi Solo aux dépends de Pawn, celui-ci s’étant comporté comme un connard fini et pire, à la fin, il avait été piégé par l’une de ses maîtresses, enceinte de lui mais qui l’avait fait prendre avec de la drogue sur lui : résultat, condamné à deux ans de prison. Mais les bikers du Battle Born MC était intervenu, avait enlevé la mère du bébé et l’avait obligé à mener sa grossesse au bout (elle voulait avorter) et une fois le bébé né, l’avait tuée (ah oui, ces bikers-là ne font pas dans la dentelle et sont de vrais violents et de vrais criminels si l’on s’en prend à eux ou aux leurs) C’est donc Tami qui avait accepté de déclarer avoir donné naissance à cet enfant et donc avait accepté de l’élever avec Solo (Pawn étant bien sûr déclaré comme le père) tant qu’il était en prison… Or, Solo va être tué lors des combats précédents. La jeune femme se retrouve donc seule à élever Cash, le fils de Pawn (bien sûr soutenue par les membres du gang et leurs compagnes ou épouses) et quand commence ce tome 7, on revient en arrière puisque le prologue commence un an et demi avant, au procès de notre héros.
On découvre toute la colère qui habite le jeune homme à la fois de s’être fait piéger comme un bleu mais surtout d’avoir perdu la femme qu’il aime aux dépends de son meilleur ami et bien sûr, de ne pas pouvoir élever son fils avec elle. Il va donc ruminer cette colère et vivre des moments affreux en prison et quand il est en colère, il a tendance à faire n’importe quoi et donc ignorer la jeune femme qui lui écrit pour lui donner des nouvelles de son fils et d’elle, bien sûr. Après un concours de circonstances (et des moments terribles, j’ai souffert pour lui) que je vous laisse découvrir, il finit par sortir de prison plus tôt mais il va lui rester un long chemin afin de pouvoir revendiquer celle qu’il n’a jamais cessé d’aimer, d’être un vrai père pour son fils, d’être un bon “frère” pour son club mais surtout de se réconcilier avec lui-même. La question est simple : sera-t-il capable de faire face à ses démons pour réussir à obtenir la vie qu’il désire au plus profond de lui-même et être fidèle à la mémoire de son meilleur ami? notamment quand la vie de Tami et de Cash seront mises en danger et bien vous le saurez en lisant cet excellent tome 7 qui vous fera passer par différents sentiments : de la colère, de l’agacement, de la joie, du dégoût mais aussi de la surprise et ce, jusqu’au bout ^^
Ce roman est sorti le 8 janvier en VO et je remercie Brittany et Scarlett pour l’envoi de ce roman en service presse ou ARC.
Mon avis : vous l’avez compris, j’ai beaucoup aimé et il se lit très vite : je suis passée par différentes émotions parce que franchement, comme Tami ou Kat ou Tank, j’ai eu envie de frapper, au début du moins, Pawn plus d’une fois! Il avait gâché sa chance la première fois et une fois sorti de prison, on se disait qu’il avait appris de ses erreurs et bien non! Il recommence le même schéma (il est même odieux, soyons clairs) et il va falloir que ses amis le secouent (et pas de la manière douce, parfois) pour qu’il réagisse et montre qu’il est en réalité un homme bien, prêt à tout pour sa femme et son fils. Bien sûr, il a des circonstances atténuantes venant de son enfance MAIS c’est un homme, il a un fils et se doit de grandir. Je vous laisse découvrir comment il va enfin réagir et surtout s’il n’est pas trop tard parce que la vie des siens va être en danger, le passé de la jeune femme (je vous renvoie au tome 1) la rattrapant.
Quant à Tami, même si elle a aimé réellement Solo (c’est son premier amant et l’homme avec qui elle a eu une vraie relation), si Pawn n’avait pas fait le con, c’est sans doute lui qu’elle aurait choisi (on voit où va sa préférence dès les premiers tomes) et quand commence le roman, elle aussi est en colère que Solo ait choisi le club par rapport à elle et son fils. Mais il savait que son ami serait là s’il venait à mourir (il lui avait fait promettre) mais elle va devoir encore vivre de nouvelles épreuves et elle ne sera pas épargnée, je vous le dis. Fort heureusement, elle a le soutien du club et elle va en prendre conscience quand les bikers la défendront, même face à Pawn. C’est à la fois une jeune femme sensible et très forte : je l’ai toujours beaucoup aimée et elle n’est pas au bout de ses surprises dans ce tome (et nous avec!!!) je n’en dis pas plus, bien sûr. J’adore la relation qu’elle avec Kat et Tank et le dénommé Titan, à la fin, m’intrigue parce qu’il semble vouloir lui parler, un jour… mais l’on ne sait pas pourquoi (ou alors, j’avoue que j’ai oublié qui il était ^^ )
On retrouve les couples passés, on les voit évoluer (on apprend leurs joies et leurs souffrances) les autres bikers affiliés au Battle Born MC qui viennent régulièrement en aide et qui sont souvent des membres de la famille d’où les liens étroits entre eux.
Je terminerai par mon conseil : attention, on n’est pas chez des bikers enfants de coeur : bien sûr, ils respectent leurs femmes et ceux qu’ils revendiquent, ils sont protecteurs avec les leurs et même très aimants : en revanche, ils sont aussi de vrais criminels avec leurs ennemis, homme ou femme, gare à ceux qui sont leurs ennemis. Donc, sans tomber dans l’ultra-violence de certaines séries de bikers, soyez quand même prévenus car certaines scènes ne sont pas à mettre dans toutes les mains.
Le prochain tome portera donc sur Spider et sans doute d’une jeune femme mystérieuse dénommée Jazz, une jeune tatoueuse qui semble le fuir pour une bonne raison et évidemment, cela nous intrigue.
*WARNING* story contains explicit sexual content
Since the last book brought about the death of a beloved character, I am leery of the these. I love the Battle Born characters and Ms. Black does excellent stories with unexpected plot twists. This particular story starts out heartwarming and runs a gambit of emotions all the way to the end. The story is well written with great characters. The story is not only entertaining, but also exciting. This is one of my favorite MC series.
“I can’t see her beautiful face, the face of a future I was robbed of, with the woman I love.”
Tami is alone and needs to find herself. The last attack on the Battle Born MC brought loss and blame to her life. Her child is the only reason that makes her fight against emptiness and sadness. And an unexpected return will further stir her feelings.
Pawn will have to fight to survive. Whether in or out of prison, he will face many challenges in finding his place in the world and overcoming past traumas. Guilt, self-pity, and addiction will make his journey even more painful.
Each in their own way, will need to rediscover and strengthen themselves emotionally so that they can unravel and understand their feelings, their trajectories, and provide them with a chance to be happy.
On the road to happiness, they will have to overcome several barriers: present loss, past traumas, and uncertainty about the future. Scarlett conducts an emotionally intense narrative, with harrowing passages and unexpected revelations that catch the reader’s attention and make us suffer, cheer and sigh with the couple until the last chapter.
Pawn, where do I even start with you? Many of us have been waiting for your book since you were first introduced as a mere pound puppy. You have gone through some of the hardest ups and downs through out the Battle Born series and I had high hopes for you and your book. You did not disappoint. You were never a bad man you just had your issues to work though. Some harder than others but you have grown so much through out the series and seeing you become a better man and father was inspiring. You and Tami were always meant to be but you were both scared of letting each other in. Both scared because you knew the other held your heart in their hands with the power to destroy it. Tami is an amazing and strong woman who deserves the world. She has fought and struggled for too long and deserves her happily ever after as much as you. Your story was everything.
Scarlett put a lot of time, effort, and heart into this book and it shows with each and every word written. Pawn and Tami’s story was a very highly anticipated book and Scarlett made sure it stood up to everyone’s high expectations. This book definitely played with my heart strings between all the tears and suspense and the surprises Scarlett threw in there! Tami and Pawn took the long road but they finally made it where they were always meant to be. Another great book, from a great author, with a great series.
Loving you Forever is one hell of a book. I wasn’t sure if I would like the story. I was always Team Solo … I wasn’t even sure I want to give Pawn a chance. Oh man I couldn’t be more wrong. I love the way Scarlett made sure to understand Pawn and his mind. How can you be mad at someone who tries to do the right even though you know it’s wrong?
Tami’s heart was broken from the tragedy and I cried so hard with her and for her that I struggled to read through the pages. When Pawn was released from prison he tried to be someone different but as soon as he saw Tami and his child he went back to his dark mind. I mean who can resent him after what he had to go through? I for once thought maybe that guy deserves a second chance but if he is going the path was on he needs a proper beating…. and in a way he got it. You can always count on the B…es and on Big T.
Scarlett Black I freaking love Pawn and Tami although I still feel the loss of Solo…Thank you for letting us in on the Battle Born MC and their B…es. With Loving You Forever you created a masterpiece in that series and I can’t wait to go on the next adventure with them
Emotional roller coaster in the best possible way!! Tami and Pawn will push you down and then pull you up higher then you thought possible through the course of this book. We see a love that can with stand death, prison sentences and crazy diamond smuggler bass guys. Highly recommend this whole series.
Received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
I have waited for this story for what seems like forever. I thought I was ready for it, in fact, I BEGGED for it! When I started it, my heart still hurt for Tami and her grief over Solo, while raising Pawn’s son alone. I was so angry with Pawn, I wanted to hate him when I started this book. For a while, reading it, I did hate him. He was such a dick, to everyone. He was so full of anger and fighting his addiction. The scene at the cabin almost broke me, and my heart began to thaw. Then he came back, and it iced up again.
This book took me on such a roller coaster of emotions. I laughed, I ugly cried, I screamed at Pawn, I screamed at the author. I even had to put it down a time or two to get a grip on my emotions.
Tami grew so much in this book. She went from a grief stricken girl, to a strong, Battle Born woman. The strength she showed in this story is so inspiring, and by the end, I KNEW exactly why she and Pawn were meant to be. Amazing story!
I wasn’t sure how Pawn and Tami’s story was going to develop. After Scarlett Black updated Fighting For Forever I had a different outlook of the relationship between Solo, Pawn and Tami. There are so many parts of this book that will rip you open and leave you raw. Pawn and Tami’s journey back to each other is one filled with pain, guilt and regrets. Their love is unlike any other, being reborn through the asses of their former selves burning away into the present. While fighting their way through the emotional turmoil and ghosts of the pasts they are faced with unthinkable events that put them to the ultimate test. With so much at stake they can only thank god that they are Battle Born family, because this family? The Battle Born MC family? This family is EVERYTHING. To say that Scarlett Black blew me away with this story is an extreme understatement. Get your tissues ready because you’re going to need them!
I have been waiting for this book. Pawn and Tami’s story is emotional, touching and breathtaking. I loved how it all comes together though and the growth that the two go through.
They are raw, gritty and steamy moments coupled with tragic moments but the core of this story is finding strength in yourself, learning to trust and taking chances on love.
This story was full of emotion, suspense, and several twists and turns. Tami’s heartbreak and despair felt real. And Pawn’s internal turmoil had my heart aching. I laughed, I yelled, and I may or may not have slapped my Kindle. I loved it all!
Wow I am just in love with Scarlett’s books. There is so much love and emotions in this book. Each of her books touches my heart and soul a little differently each time. I just can’t wait to see how each story plays out. Pawns story was pretty damn good. I didn’t know whether too punch him or cry and hug him. Keep up the great writing. Great job Scarlett.
I suggest you read Always and Forever before reading this book. What an emotional ride. I cried my heart out, I laughed and and not only fell in love with Pawn, but with the men and women of Battle Born MC all over again. I loved Solo, but after reading this book a lot of things became clear to me and as Pawn stepped up and became the man Tami needed him to be I found myself falling for him.This is a one book you do not want to miss.
The sixth book in the Battle Born MC series, and this series does not show any signs of slowing down. Pawn lost the girl he loved to his best friend, his baby was born and is being raised by others, all of this going on while he is jail for crime he didn’t commit. In jail having to watch his back every second, Pawn mourns the loss of his freedom and tries to avoid thoughts of Tami and Cash. When he gets released early, he finally has a chance to make things right, but will he let his past rule his future? Will he lose Tami all over again?
I said it when I read Always & Forever, I had hoped this would go a different route, I held out hope… until that hope was killed. I hated every second of this amazing book! I hated the first half, and how it hurt my heart, how this was more real than I would have liked this to be… all signs of an amazing author! Scarlett Black has a knack for making these characters just come off the page and become real, like watching a movie in my head. This book gets 5 stars and I am so excited to see where it goes next!
I am having a really hard time writing my review because no words will give this story justice!!! This trio has been all consuming since we first met Pawn, Solo and Tami. After a tragic death, Tami is trying to pick up the pieces of what’s left. She knows something is missing and the journey she goes through is heart breaking, tear jerking and ABSOLUTELY A CELEBRATION! This is one of the best MC books I’ve read and Scarlett’s books just keep getting better and better!! Words cannot express how much I love this book and Pawn and Tammy.
I have been waiting for this book. Pawn and Tami’s story will take you on a emotional roller coaster ride so grab your tissues this book will grab you from the first page to the last page.
It is so awesome to see Pawn and Tami grow. They both had a lot of things to fix in themselves before they could start to work together.
This is a amazing book Scarlett!! I can’t wait for Spider’s book!!
Loved this story and its characters. I’ve been rooting for Pawn & Tammy all along, I was really hoping things would work out for them.
This book broke me. I went through a plethora of emotions while reading this that I don’t even know how I can function right now. Even thinking about it gets me all worked up again. I can’t believe what happens to Solo and then Tami and Pawn have to find a way past everything they’ve been through. It’s heartwrenching, passionate, angry, frustrating, and everything in between. I was on the edge the whole time reading this and my heart just couldn’t take it. I love love how it all comes together though and the growth that Tami and Pawn go through.
I am siting here contemplating just how to word this review. If there was a way to give more than 5 starts than know this book deserves every single 1 of them! There are so may emotions you will have while reading this book. Scarlett has done a wonderful job at letting us know just how much this book was going to rip our hearts out. She also told us our hearts would heal as we read the book. I will say she did not lie one bit. The first part of this book is where your heart will bleed for Tami and Pawn. The both of them have so many demons that need to be slayed before they can become one. The rollercoaster of emotions you will have you crying 1 minute, and screaming obscenities the next.
Tami needed to sit back and reflect on just what her life has been like since she lost Solo. Once she comes to terms with the hurt and guilt she feels she truly blossoms as one of the bitches. She takes her life in her own hands and starts living for herself. She knew she needed to do this to be the mom Cash deserves and the woman Pawn needs in his life.
Pawn has it a little harder than Tami. I know many hated him while reading this, but I am one of the few who did not. I guess I could kinda see why he did the things he did. It does not mean I agree with a lot of his actions, but it means he needed to hit rock bottom before he could become the man that Tami and Cash deserve. His past plays a huge part in not only his demise, but his rebirth as well. He also had to work through his emotions of losing Solo. Once he starts realizing just what he could lose if he doesn’t deal with his own demons he takes his life into his own hands and mans up.
There is action, suspense, and of course some very hot sexy times. We also get a couple of huge secrets revealed, and lets just say if you are anything like me your jaw will be left hanging open. I am so looking forward to Spider’s book, because there is just something about that hot broody man. If you have read any other books in the series then you know just how awesome this world is that Scarlett has created. Even if this is your first book by her you fall instantly in love with her and all the characters she has created.
This is the 7th book in this phenomenal series and if there is ever a novel which deserves more than a 5-star rating, then this is it!! Pawn and Tami’s story is an emotional roller coaster throughout and is raw and gritty read which is filled with angst, betrayal, turmoil, demons, suspense, healing, forgiveness, and love which all had me totally captivated throughout this addictive page turner. Hats off to this gifted author for such an amazing and riveting tale.