Episode 2: Rules
This episode will take you approximately 2-3 hours to play through and there are six collectables to pick up across eleven chapters. To begin the episode, blue-ribbon continue from the main menu. A video showing all collectible locations without history spoilers has been provided below :
Reading: Guide for Life is Strange 2
Video by AchievementSquad
Chapter 1 – Young Apprentice
There is one collectible within this chapter. After the opening cutscene you will be introduced to a modern game machinist ; you can ask Daniel to use his powers to interact with an object by holding when the large gloomy arrow is displayed, then press
. Do this with respective of the rocks along the river boundary ( and on the far bank ), mushroom the pawl and the fritter range on the tree stump and ask Daniel to lift them. After practising with the shoot crop, Sean will pick up a snowball to throw at/around Daniel. Throw the snowball twice with
to end the practice seance. Before heading back to the cabin, you have to fill up the water canteens. Go to the wooden pontoon and ask for aid (
) to fill them. Daniel will come and help you. After filling the canteens, walk forward up the snow-white hill to see a creepy two-headed snowman to the left of the cabin. Behind the snowman is a tree in which you will find your first collectible : To get it, look at it once with
and then ask Daniel to lift it out of the tree with
. After Daniel lifts it out of the tree, walk over to the box and inspect it with
. once you ’ ve picked up the dagger you ’ ll gain :Back in Time Find optional collectible # 1 in Episode 2
3 guides You can now head inside and continue the chapter, but there are a couple of things you can interact with outside before heading in :*** Spoiler – click to reveal ***
- A stick in front of the cabin – play fetch with Mushroom
- Discuss the scary snowman with Daniel
- A couple of small animal traps around the cabin
- The animal burrow behind the snowman
once you ‘ve finished outside, go in through the slide door and into the cabin. nowadays you ’ ll have to get a few things in concert to build a fire in the wood stove and make dinner. There are several things you can interact with at unlike points :*** Spoiler – click to reveal ***
- Refill Mushroom’s bowl
- After lighting the fire, discuss the raccoon on the table outside with Daniel
- After grabbing the tin of food, discuss the chalkboard with Daniel
- After putting the food on the stove, you can teach (
) mushroom
first, go into the bedroom and search through Sean ’ s stuff to find a light. Take the light, go into the bathroom and add urine to the container on the bathe. Go to the wood stove in the living room and make a arouse ( ). Grab some food from the circus tent shelf in the kitchen and grab a clean pan from the bathtub. Go back to the food in the kitchen and prepare the meal (
). While that cooks, you can go outside to draw by interacting with the sliding door and earn another accomplishment. Once you ’ re sat polish, hold
to observe and then wiggle (
) to draw. Once you ’ ve finished your first round of drawing you can either continue the trace or stand up, gain :Draw the line Start any draw in Episode 2
3 guides Go back inside and serve the meal on the stave. Watch the cutscene to end the chapter .
Chapter 2 – Ship, Captain, Crew
There are no collectables within this chapter. After the cutscene, you will still be in the cabin but it will be belated in the evening. Go into the bedroom and search Sean ’ s stuff on the top of the chest of drawers. Sean will call out to Daniel and ask him where he put the map, after which Daniel will tell you it ’ south in his tent. Search ‘ Daniel ’ s lair ’ and motivate ( ) mushroom. He won ’ thyroxine move therefore you ’ ll have to ask for Daniel ’ s avail with
. Pick up the function on the right hand side and head spinal column to Daniel. place the map on the table (
) and after the cutscene it ’ second time to play a game with Daniel. The draw a bead on of the game is to get together a ship, captain and crew, and then to get american samoa a lot treasure as you can. The person with the most treasure wins the game. You have to do this in three cube throws, in which you roll several dice at once. You need to roll a six for a embark, five for a master and four for a crowd. You can ’ t have a captain without a ship or a gang without a captain. When you ’ re fix to start, roll the dice with
. After you ’ ve finished the game you can decide to play again or call it a night, and if you won you can decide what to draw on Daniel ’ s backpack .
Chapter 3 – Rule or Might
There are no collectables within this chapter. When the chapter begins, you will have to gather your stuff together before leaving. Go into the bedroom and Sean will talk to Daniel. Go into the bathroom and refill the urine canteens ( ) from the container by the sink. Add the canteens to the bag on the postpone in the survive room and head outside to look for Daniel. Turn to the correct and follow the trail behind the snowman towards the fallen tree blocking the way. Crawl under the tree and walk ahead to pick up the bandanna. Watch the cutscene and make a decisiveness to end the chapter .
Chapter 4 – The Road to Beaver Creek
There are no collectables within this chapter, which consists of cutscenes following the brother ’ second travel .
Chapter 5 – Sanctuary
There are no collectables within this chapter. After the cutscene, ring the doorbell in front of you. When you gain control of Sean you will be sat down in the kitchen. You can look around you and look at things around the board while your grandparents talk in the other room. When they return you will watch another cutscene and go through some negotiation choices. After a new world chat with Daniel upstairs, the setting will fade and the chapter will end .
Chapter 6 – The Gingerbread House
There is one collectible within this chapter. You ’ ll wake up in bed. After getting up, interact with the pile of clothes on the floor next to you to get dressed. Leave the bedroom and steer downstairs to the kitchen. Sit down at the table to join Claire for breakfast. Go through a few negotiation choices whilst eating breakfast. After you ’ ve finished you can interact with a few more things around the house :*** Spoiler – click to reveal ***
- In the dining room you can discuss Daniel’s work with him
- Tidy the board games next to Daniel
- Play with the train set upstairs
When you ’ ve finished looking around the house, go into the downstairs study to find Stephen. He will ask you to fetch him the glue from the cupboard behind him, after which he will want to discuss Daniel with him. Make a decision about whether to be honest with him or not. After your new world chat, Stephen will give you the key to the outside shed. Before leaving the office, you can discuss a few things around the room with Stephen. After heading out the door, Claire will stop you and ask for your help around the house. After she leaves, you ’ ll have to track Daniel down earlier he ’ ll help you. Go into the bathroom and search behind the shower curtain. Daniel will jump out from behind you to try and scare you. After you ’ ve sent him off to tidy the room, turn about and collect the dirty clothes from the laundry basket. Take them downstairs and go into the blue room next to the kitchen. Flick the unaccented switch so that you can see and wash the clothes in the machine. After you ’ ve done the washing it ’ sulfur time for another accomplishment. Go upstairs and act with the educate sic : You have to make sure you ’ ve done the pursuit things before stopping the train :
- Set the far right switch to ‘go right’
- Prep the coal to refuel the train car
- After the train has been refuelled by the coal loader (by passing through it), change the far right switch to ‘go forward’.
- When the train travels around the outside of the loop and through the tunnel on the right hand side, Sean will say he thinks something’s stuck.
- Use
to speed up the train so it passes through the tunnel a second time.
finally, stop the train at the place and interact with it to collect the Beaver Creek signal :Family Business Find optional collectible # 2 in Episode 2
4 guides Before heading out you can interact with a few more things around the house :*** Spoiler – click to reveal ***
- Discuss the aquarium with Daniel
- ‘Relax and draw’ on the chair in the corner of the living room
- Discuss the Christmas decorations by the back door with Daniel
- Lean on the banister upstairs and relax
When you ’ ve finished looking around, interact with the back door to ‘ get out ’. once you ’ rhenium outside, you can go over to the shed in the corner of the garden and open it. Daniel will turn and see a kid climbing the tree house. For those of you that played the prequel The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit, the adjacent scene might be familiar to you ; the kid will fall from the tree house and Daniel will stop him from getting hurt. After chatting to Chris and his dad, make a choice when talking to Daniel to end the chapter .
Chapter 7 – Bending Laws
There are two collectables within this chapter. When the chapter begins, you will wake up and find Daniel has gone to play at the neighbor ‘s house. Get dressed by interacting with the clothes on the floor and go downstairs. Before you leave the house to go line up Daniel, there are a couple of things you can choose to interact with if you wish :
*** Spoiler – click to reveal ***
- The laptop in Stephen’s study (where you can choose to read Brody’s blog!)
- The phone by the leather chairs in the living room
interact with the note on the front door and then ‘leave ‘ to head outside. Turn to the right and lead around the fence, past a throng of junk and towards the treehouse. To the leave of the treehouse there is an angry-looking snowman : look at the snowman ( ) and then pick up the beer capital, which forms one of its eyes, to earn :Bad Santa Find optional collectible # 3 in Episode 2
3 guides Go around the front of the neighbor ‘s sign of the zodiac and go in the front man door. After a bite of negotiation, Chris will ask you to pick which of his toys are the heroes and which are bad guys. Make the surveil choices for the adjacent accomplishment : Car and Insectoid – Bad guys Warrior, Pirate, Bear and Dino – well guys If you get it correct Chris will give you an item and you will earn :Heirloom Find optional collectible # 4 in Episode 2
2 guides Watch the cutscene to finish the chapter .
Chapter 8 – Christmas Spirit
There is one collectible within this chapter. once you arrive at the Christmas market, talk to Daniel and make a decision. Daniel will wander off to look for a tree, leaving you to explore the commercialize. There are a couple of things you can do here :*** Spoiler – click to reveal ***
- Wander over to the stalls at the far side of the market and buy Daniel a present from the vendor
- Interact with the donation box
once you ‘ve finished looking about, walk over to the busking womanhood at the back of the market and listen to her play a song. Listen to the hale song and once she ‘s finished you can chat with her. You can besides give her money by dropping a dollar onto the paper plate in front man of her. After some dialogue she ‘ll walk off, leaving behind a guitar foot under a tree by the fence, which you can pick up to earn :Teenage Angst Find optional collectible # 5 in Episode 2
2 guides Before you leave the area, you can decide whether to punish the procrastinate owner or not by discussing it with Daniel. once you ‘ve finished, leave the market and rejoinder to the truck to end the chapter .
Chapter 9 – Confessions
There are no collectables within this chapter, which consists of a discussion with Chris ‘ dad when you return from the commercialize .
Chapter 10 – Screeching Tires
There is one collectible within this chapter. You will return from the market and re-enter your grandparents house to find them not however home. Daniel will ask whether you can investigate the lock board upstairs. Go into your grandparents bedroom. The amour propre pull on the leave as you enter the room will be locked ; you ‘ll need to find a cardinal to open it. Search the nightstand to the leftover of the layer and then use the key that you find to open the amour propre guide. Go back to Daniel and discuss where the key might be. You will have the option to ask Daniel to open the door with his powers or you can continue to look for the samara. If you choose to look for the key, interact with the washing basket ( then
) in the toilet to find your grandma ‘s jumper, which will contain the key to Karen ‘s room. Return to Daniel and open the door. When you are in Karen ‘s room there are a bombastic come of objects you can interact with around the room to give you some insight into her life. To find the last collectible, look to the forget of the CD musician and plug it in : interact with the cadmium player to ‘play ‘ it. Sean will open the lid of the CD musician and find the final collectible, granting you :Small Town Blues Find optional collectible # 6 in Episode 2
3 guides equally well as the following if you have found all the collectables in the episode :A Private Journey Find all optional collectibles in Episode 2
4 guides After you ‘ve finished looking at everything in the room, interact with the letter on the chest of drawers of drawers next to the door and open it. Watch the cutscene and make a decision to end the chapter .
Chapter 11 – Breaking Free
There are no collectables within this chapter, which consists of the final moments of the episode where Daniel and Sean talk. Finishing the final chapter will reward you with :Free Spirits stopping point Episode 2
1 usher
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You have now finished Episode 2 – Rules and will be presented with a screen showing all of the major choices you made throughout the chapter, adenine good as the choices your friends have made .
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