Once upon a time, I fell in love with a boy.A beautiful, broken boy who had his own world of struggles. People warned me against our love, but I didn’t listen.We looked weak. Young, foolish. Dangerously in love. We didn’t care.In order to keep our hearts protected from the opinions of others, we became each other’s secret. We shared stolen moments. Tender touches. Secretive embraces.It was our … Tender touches. Secretive embraces.
It was our twisted love story, and it worked for us up until our lives changed forever.
The boy I loved became Hollywood’s newest golden boy.
His career blossomed as mine stalled.
He found massive success as I discovered multiple failures.
He made something of himself, while my dreams never came true.
We moved into different realms where our pieces no longer fit together.
In the fairy tales, love conquered all.
In reality, love was the main reason empires began to fall.
I always knew Landon belonged in my story.
He was my beginning, middle, and end.
The only problem? I wasn’t certain I still belonged in his.
Book Two of the Landon & Shay Duet.
Absolutely loved this duet!
The perfect ending to this emotional journey.
J’avais eu un gros coup de coeur pour la 1ère partie de cette duologie donc autant vous dire que j’attendais avec impatience et appréhension cette seconde partie. Des tas de questions avaient émergé dans mon esprit et je me demandais ce que Brittainy C Cherry allait nous réserver. Je n’ai pas été déçue et mes émotions ont de nouveau été vives dans ce deuxième tome.
Nous retrouvons Shay Gable à l’âge de 18 ans. Elle va tenir la promesse qu’elle a faite à Landon quand il est parti à Los Angeles. La distance et les années ne vont pas altérer son amour pour le jeune homme mais la souffrance va aussi s’inviter dans l’équation. L’histoire de Shay était poignante et nous allons donc la retrouver faisant face à des échecs. En effet, si la carrière de Landon va décoller , celle de notre héroïne ne va malheureusement pas être celle qu’elle espérait. Elle n’est pas amère et la jalousie n’est pas de mise. Elle va continuer ses études mais quand nous la retrouverons trentenaire ; on est un peu déçue qu’elle soit encore au point mort. Les opportunités ne se sont toujours pas bousculées et sa vie a pris dans un certain sens un nouveau tournant. Heureusement , elle pourra toujours compter sur Maria , sa grand mère pour avoir toujours des conseils avisées et des paroles sages. Shay pourrait parfois être aveuglée par son coeur mais sa raison a aussi le droit de la mettre sur ses gardes. Elle ne peut plus faire confiance et on le comprend étant donné les circonstances mais il faudra bien affronter son passé.
Raine et Hank seront un duo d’amis qui resteront dans la vie de la jeune femme et même s’ils apparaissent en toile de fond, ils seront essentiels à l’avancée et l’évolution de Shay. Adolescente, elle pourra compter sur Raine pour tempérer les durs propos de Tracey. J’ai eu un peu de mal avec le côté direct de cette jeune femme et j’ai même douté de ses intentions . Quand ce couple sera clairement un modèle d’amour infini, on ne peut que souffrir aux côtés de notre héroïne car on aimerait qu’elle aussi ait son happy end. J’ai aussi adoré la relation qu’elle va tisser avec sa cousine Eleanor et de ce fait avec Greyson et Karla. J’ai trouvé que cette dernière était un formidable écho à l’adolescence de Shay. Elle va aussi souffrir à bien des moments et elles s’apporteront mutuellement tellement de choses. Aussi quand Landon se remettra sur le chemin de Shay, on sera les témoins privilégiés de cette relation qui ne pourra être qu’hors norme. Les erreurs du passé pourront elles être oubliées?
Landon Harrison va devenir Landon Pace dans ce tome. Si nous avons appris à découvrir le jeune homme brisé, avec des failles, des cicatrices et une souffrance extrême, dans ce second tome, on le verra autrement. Nous n’aurons pas son point de vue et donc nous baserons nos idées , nos arguments sur ce que nous apprenons de Shay et évidemment, nous n’aurons pas tous les tenants et les aboutissants. Son personnage est tellement complexe que ce soit dans sa construction ou dans sa psychologie que nous ne pourrons que nous attacher à lui . Des questionnements vont forcément émerger, des doutes nous assaillir, de vives émotions nous emporter mais nous devrons tenter de faire la part des choses et garder un fond d’espoir. Nous savons que la plume de Brittainy C Cherry est toujours brillante et que ses personnages sont très intenses mais je peux vous assurer que nous ne serons pas au bout de nos peines avec lui. Que nous réserve t-il ? A t-on vraiment perdu le jeune homme que nous avons connu? L’homme de scène a t-il définitivement remplacé notre héros? Au jeu des apparences et des stratagèmes, ne risque t-il pas de perdre tout?
Bref, j’ai passé un excellent moment de lecture avec les personnages de cette nouvelle duologie. Une fois de plus , Brittainy C Cherry aborde une thématique forte, intense et elle le fait sans concession. Il nous faut accrocher notre ceinture pour survivre aux secousses, pour ne pas voir notre coeur voler en éclat mais j’aime toujours autant ces romances dramatiques. Si vous lisez en VO, je ne peux que vous recommander cette duologie.
My heart is so full after finishing Landon & Shay’s story. However, in true Brittainy C. Cherry fashion, my heart took a beating before it could heal. This book was such an emotional roller coaster that I found myself physically rubbing at my chest to ease the ache.
I loved how much both Shay and Landon grew in this book. How they chased their dreams even when it lead them further and further apart. How they yearned for the love that was missing. How they tried to move on. How they couldn’t. But most of all, and stay with me because this is going to sound weird, I liked how they failed. That they were human. That they stumbled. That they got back up and healed.
This book touches on some hard topics with compassion and grace. While my heart bled for Shay and Landon and their pain it was a necessary evil. They had to work through all of their issues, their pasts, their pain. Once again, and I shouldn’t be surprised at this point, Brittainy C. Cherry blew me away. Landon & Shay was emotional. The journey these characters took to finding and embracing and accepting love with each other was touching on another level. And that ending…be still my heart. It was pure perfection.
And again I say:
Brittainy Brittainy. You cry-maker you!
She knows just how to get our eyes peeing, doesn’t she?! Crazy woman!
Please do not read this review or this book if you haven’t read part one yet!
At the end of book 1 Landon left for California with his mom.
He wants to get better. He doesn’t want to burden Shay with his broken heart and mind.
While he’s gone they communicate via letters. The most adorable and heartbreaking words go back and forth between California and Illinois.
But as we all feared, we don’t yet get our happily ever after.
Because while Landon’s life is blossoming out there on the west coast – with his therapy and sunshine and acting …. Shay is going to college, but her dream of becoming a famous screenwriter doesn’t seem to be coming true ….
This was the perfect ending to Landon & Shay’s story.
I kind of expected something completely different though. I thought…okay, book 1 was their falling-in-love-highschool-time and book 2 will be all present-time-getting-back-together-second-chance-love-story.
But it’s not. We’re still back in time. At least in the beginning of the book.
We see how they deal with living so far from each other. Their love never dies, the letters still come. There are visits. But then things happen …
Ugh – I think I started crying while reading the first letter, and I didn’t stop until now!
Such a beautiful and heartbreaking book!
I just adore Landon and Shay and their love story. But I also hated it!
How could they waste so many years?
It was all so sad and heartbreaking and frustrating and sad and horrible and sad!
Did I mention sad? I cried a lot!
I hated that so much time went by – it should’ve / could’ve been shorter. The story would still have been amazing and heartbreaking and beautiful – but we could’ve gotten our happily ever after within 3-7 years! Grrr.
But pfft. It was a great book. A great love story.
I just love Brittainy’s books and I want to see them ALL on Netflix or the big screen one day!
LANDON & SHAY Part 2 was the perfect happily ever after ending for our darlings. It takes them a long while to get there – but the reader has an amazing aka heartbreaking time watching them fight for their HEA!
Spanish & English Opinion
La primera parte me encantó. Esta tuvo menos emoción y en algunos puntos sentí forzadas las situaciones para hacerlas embonar con lo que ya se había escrito (Historia de Gray & Eleanor).
Me gustan juntos y me encanta que el mensaje sea de alerta y conciencia hacia la salud mental y la importancia de la misma. La forma en que debemos cuidarla y cómo apoyar a alguien que padece alguna situación difícil.
The first part of the duet is amazing. This part had less slow burn moments and some situations I felt then kind of forced (in order to match what was already written in Gray & Eleanor’s story).
I love Landon and Shay. And what I considered amazing what the message of the book: mental health and its importance. How can someone struggling could feel, what could others do to be supportive and overall, to take care of our minds.
This was a really good conclusion to the L&S duet! I feel like there was something missing, though. In part one, Landon and Shay had an unstoppable, epic love story. It felt like they were the only two humans in the world. In this one, it just felt… meh. Their love felt like it was lacking. I know that they were apart for so long and went through so much without each other, and it felt like they never fully reconnected and fell back in love.
I love a good HEA, but I feel like some stories don’t need a happily ever after. A non-happily ever after could have worked in this story, or at least a happy-for-now. Don’t hate me. It was still a beautiful story, though. I loved the discussions of mental health and Landon’s relationship with Karla. I really hope she gets her own book! All in all, I enjoyed this book and the way it wrapped up but wish it would have been just a little more…
#2 of a duet by one of my fave authors
The conclusion of Landon and Shay’s story was epic, I still can’t get enough of these amazing characters and story. I really love that everything we have been waiting for it’s finally here.
The last part of Landon and Shay was a roller coaster of emotions, emotions were all over the place with everything Landon and Shay were going through.
Brittainy C Cherry guide us on a deep journey of What Landon was living inside of him, he felt very misunderstood but at the same time he knew what he was going through was also making him feel that way.
“The problem with wearing the masks was that when you wore them for too long, they would begin to crack. After the masks cracked, they eventually shattered, and when mine shattered, she’d be left with my mess.”
One of the things that I love about this story is the strength Shay shows when it comes to her love for Landon, she knew what he was dealing with things that were harder for him to overcome alone and she was doing everything she could always to support him and understand him better.
“That’s what we both do for one another. We make each other better without even trying. That’s what love is, I think. Love is feeling healed whenever you’re near your person.”
a lot of angst, and miss understandings but in the end, everything was more than clear that no amount of wrong turns or emotional situations will break the beautiful friendship and love they had for years. that what love is
“We can be afraid, and still honor our love. Still fight for this, because this is it, Shay. There’s never going to be anything or anyone else for you. You’re my story. You’re my final page. You’re my final word.”
I Love this story so much, love Landon and Shay, love everything Brittainy made us feel with her words, the journey we took to understand more about what Landon was going through.. everything about this story was beautiful!
I can’t wait to read the next series by Brittainy C Cherry.
“Our Love wasn’t tradicional, but it was ours.
And I’d vowed to do whatever it took to keep our story alive forever.”
Landon and Shay are back. And if in the first book, the emotional charge has already been intense, prepare your hearts for the ending of the duet. Their journey will not be easy. And the reader will suffer along with them. Their love will be put to the test, in such a way that once what was a guarantee of a happy ending is now a sea of uncertainties, sufferings and broken hearts.
With Landon far away to treat himself, Shay despite missing him knows that this is for the best. But dating someone from a distance will not be an easy task. Without ever losing touch, they continue dating, support each other and wait for the day that they can be together.
But as time goes by and Landon’s behavior changes, Shay will begin to wonder if perhaps this love has an expiration date. After all, she is becoming someone she no longer recognizes. Landon once a safe haven, now was a stranger who was dragging her into his darkness.
And so, the years pass, this behavior continues, until the break-up happens. Letting the dream of a life go, will be the biggest decision in the life of these two.
And years later, their lives changed dramatically. Landon sought help and learned how to deal with his problems, his acting career is at its height and fame and money are his new reality. Shay is professionally stagnant, her boyfriend cheated on her, and she no longer believes in love.
With the reunion after so long and the discovery that the feelings of the past still exist, moving on and forgiving will be the new hindrance in their lives. After all, how do you allow yourself to experience something that has already hurt you?
The book spectacularly ends the duet. Landon and Shay love each other, but sometimes that’s not enough. In some cases, life takes care of separating us. The reader will deal with a roller coaster of feelings and emotions. The journey of these two will not be easy or beautiful. But it will be highly enjoyable to follow. Landon and Shay deserve all the happiness they can achieve.
*ARC provided in exchange for an honest Review *
Landon and Shay’s story concludes in this book. It picks up years after high school. Landon is successful in Hollywood but still suffers from debilitating depression. Shay’s career dreams haven’t exactly panned out. She’s working in a cafe and trying to make her big break into the screenwriting business. Their paths cross again and Landon has to work to earn back Shay’s trust and love.
I loved Landon & Shay’s story so much!
Angsty and emotional, their love was so complicated, but I knew Brittainy C. Cherry would deliver an incredible love story worthy of being in a movie theater!
Landon was my favorite in this book. He worked hard for Shay’s love as well as for his well being. It felt real!
I’m keeping this review short because I still have no words to express how much I loved this story!
Another fantastic read! This story will definitely pull at your heart strings and put you through a full gamut of emotions. I devoured this one and highly recommended this duet.
Part one of Landon and Shay’s story was magical in every sense of the word. It was one of my favourites of the year, I knew their story was never going to be easy but I always had my fingers crossed that they would find their way back to each other. But as I was reading this book, I wasn’t quite so sure that they would find their way back. They had a lot of struggles with their own lives and being together.
I loved being back in Landon and Shay’s world, I could still feel their chemistry towards each other and I had everything crossed for them. I loved all the secondary characters that we got to see again.
I did feel that the ending was rushed along. Their breakup was a bit towards the end and I really thought that they wouldn’t work everything out. I would of liked to seen more growth with Landon and Shay as a couple rather then them trying to get back to each other. But overall I really enjoyed the story and characters.
I have no words except
Best of the Year!
Read this Duet NOW!
AND…………………………………How’s your heart
Ever since Eleanor & Gray, I would say no one writes like Brittainy. Her stories are full of heart, emotion and thought provoking storylines. Her writing’s always so effortless and truly one of a kind.
As with every Brittainy C Cherry novel, this book will suck you in right from the start and won’t let go until the end. I loved how real this story felt.
This story truly is an emotional story, but what I loved so much about it, was that Brittainy balances it out with just the right amount of humor, love and friendship.
4.5 Stars
“Sometimes you have to walk through the darkness for a while before you’re able to reach the light”
The conclusion to the Landon & Shay duet was an emotional rollercoaster, taking the reader on an angst-filled ride of epic proportions. This story was beautiful and raw, broken and messy.
As much as I loved these characters in Part One, they shined even brighter in Part Two. I loved how Brittainy Cherry didn’t shy away from the dark and twisty side of things, and instead showcased their inner demons. Their journey wasn’t easy, but they carved their own paths while eventually finding their way back to one another.
My favorite part of this story wasn’t even Landon or Shay or their relationship, it was Karla. She was the shining star for me, on her own and her interactions with Landon & Shay. While trying to find her own light she brought out the best in each of them and showed them the true meaning of love.
“Every moment with you feels like my new favorite memory.”
While I loved this story I do wish there was more. I understand why the focus was on their journey, but I would have loved to have more of them together. In my opinion, this book felt a bit rushed, and I think the conclusion needed a little bit more.
Landon & Shay Book 2 in The Landon and Shay Duet
By Brittany C. Cherry
5 Stars
Terrific ending to an amazing duet! I absolutely loved it!
“Love swept in at its own speed, not believing in time, space, or constraints.”
“You are my soulmate, my heartbeats, my fairy tale love, and I cannot say enough how much you’ve shaped me into a better person.”
Book two picks up where book one left off, Landon moving to California with his mother. For a while Shay and Landon continue their relationship long distance. But Landon’s depression eventually gets the best of him and they fall apart. Ten years go by before they see each other again and reconnect. I didn’t LOVE this book as much as I loved the first one, but I did really enjoy it. Book two actually pissed me off quite a bit. I was mad at Landon for the longest time. Then I got mad at Shay for a while. Lol. I was happy to finally see how their story played out. This should book, like book one, made me “feel.” I think that’s a sign of really good writing. I highly recommend this duet to everyone who enjoys a good, angsty romance.
The beautiful broken boy becomes a man. Landon continues his growth and makes all of his dreams come true. I absolutely loved how accurately described depression was. While depression can affect everyone differently, I felt connected to Landon’s and I don’t believe it could have been expressed better.
A wonderful duet!
Book 2 picks up where 1 left off during the time Landon and Shay are apart each struggling with their own issues. Shay is starting college, Landon pursues acting.
There is so much emotion for Landon and the troubles he faces throughout the whole book, again broke my heart over and over and left me in tears.
You know Landon and Shay must find a way together.
Beautiful story