Amazon wants to feature my book as a Kindle Daily Deal. nowadays what ?
Amazon Kindle offers a wholly diverseness of deals for Kindle users, Kindle Daily Deals, Kindle Monthly Deals, countdown deals, holiday specific ones and more. But are they worth pursuing from an author ’ mho or publisher ’ s perspective when you get invited by Amazon ? – We took a close look .
Our holocene video seminar sheds light on the effectiveness of Kindly Daily Deals and Kindle Monthly Deals. If you have not watched it, you can click on the image to do indeed :
The Kindle Daily Deal and the Kindle Monthly conduct are normally by invite merely. Amazon approaches authors and publishers, offering them to feature their books in one or more of these Kindle deal sections in the Kindle Store. You may receive an electronic mail saying that your book is being considered for a Kindle deal :
“We are considering including some of your book(s) in an upcoming promotion like a Kindle Daily or Monthly Deal in the, and/or Kindle Book Store(s). We would offer the books at a discount we determine off of your book’s list price for a period of up to approximately one month. Your list price won’t change so that customers see your list price and the discount.”
And further :
“If your books are included, your royalty will be calculated based on our discounted price (not your list price), up to a discount of 85% off of your book’s list price. For example, if we sell your book at $1.99, where the 70% royalty option applies, your royalty will be calculated as 70% x ($1.99 – delivery costs and taxes). To be included in this promotion, your book must have a list price between $2.99 and $9.99.”
Every day, Amazon features some four to six titles as a “ Kindle Daily Deal. ” Just because Amazon offers you this window of opportunity does not mean you will ultimately get selected, so keep that in mind .
Kindle Deals – Promotion Effect
The good news program is, if you get selected, you will see an increased bulk for a certain period .
Most authors will argue that it can not be possibly considered a badly theme to participate in such KDD or KMD forwarding. In any encase, the book will get more visibility than usual. And if the book is part of a series, the promotion may boost sales of other titles in the series, besides .
But the promotion will besides require you to set a promotion price that is lower than your list price. Some authors may see an increase volume but less money because of the discount sale price .
Given these factors, we took a close look at test Kindle deals over a period of thirty days. And we besides tracked the performance of eight Kindle Daily Deal books over 29 days after their “ deal day. ”
here is the typical blueprint that the sales rate of a featured record will exhibit : A spike heel in sales on the day in promotion, followed by a refuse over some days back to the “ normal ” flat of sales for the script in motion .
This analysis allows answering the key interview from an writer or publisher position : Does the uplift in sales volume thanks to the visibility and forwarding provided by Amazon outweigh the decrease in gross caused by the normally heavily discounted price ?
The results are apparent. In all cases observed for the Kindle Daily Deals, the elate in units sold outweighs the share dismiss given to the buyers. In other words, the net effect of the promotion is plus. On the day of the promotion, the book elate for the featured books averaged 1,122 % ; additionally, the sales of the record were 209 % higher than common for some days after the promotion. This significant volume increase stands against an median monetary value discount of 66 % applied for only one day in the casing of the Kindle Daily Deals .
Some plowshare of incontrovertible impression stems from the fact that region of volume increase is sustained for approximately four to six days even after the day of the promotion, i.e., during a period where the price has already been set rear to normal. The model is very similar for every book. here is an excerpt from four books we looked at :
extra considerations : Returns
Some authors report that they saw an increase in the number of returns. Customers can request refunds within seven days of their leverage. One writer said she saw a bunch of returns from people who had bought the book at its retail price just before the forwarding. They then returned the original purchase to get the ledger at the discount Kindle Daily Deal price. We have not empiric evidence that this is a significant divisor to consider, but it is surely worth note .
Kindle Monthly Deals
The analysis for Kindle for the Kindle Monthly Deals is less gain, although we did not track the books ’ performance after the promotion. It seems that the Kindle Monthly Deal has a lower impact, though the effect is sustained for a longer period ( 30 days rather of one day. ) In total, there are approx. 600 to 800 books in the Kindle Monthly Deals any given distributor point in time. This represents a much broader pool of promoted books compared to the four to six books only featured in a Kindle Daily Deal. The best, average and lowest sales ranks achieved by the monthly Deal books are worse than those realized by the Dail Deal books .
Please see our video recording for the full moon analysis.
Read more: The 36 Best (Old) Books We Read in 2021
glad publish !