Family.Some say it’s everything, and those are the ones who are right. Where they draw the line on what defines family might differ, though. Sure, there’s all that chatter about blood and water, being thick as thieves (whatever the hell that one means), and tons of ties back to “home,” but, for me, family is what you make it.Me? I’ve done wrong, and whether or not those my actions have affected … actions have affected are blood or not I’ve decided to treat them as if they were. It’s what they deserve. And, for me, I’d like to think that I deserve a shot at a second chance; a shot at being something better.
Somebody should have stopped to warn me how hard that would be.
Drugs, uncertainty, pain, panic…
Hell, what more could life possibly add to the mix?
How about an abusive outsider rolling in to make things even harder?
Because some say that family is everything…
And others don’t care who they hurt.