Which Hogwarts House Have You Been Sorted Into… and What Does It Mean?
so, you ‘ve just been sorted into your Hogwarts House. It ‘s an arouse time in any new witch or charming ‘s life, but it naturally comes with a distribute of questions .
- What does it mean to be sorted into a particular house?
- What does it say about your personality? Your strengths and weaknesses?
- And, most importantly, your house is the best one out of them all, right?
This article explores some of the key traits that define members of each of the four Hogwarts houses ; Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. It lists the main characters associated with each house and delves into the strengths and weaknesses that define the culture of the four houses . The emblem of Gryffindor House is a leo, symbolising lastingness and courage. K ‘m via Wikimedia Commons
Gryffindor House
Founder: Godric Gryffindor Head of House: Professor Minerva McGonnogall Ghost: closely Headless Nick House Colours: Red and amber Main Characters: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Albus Dumbledore, Neville Longbottom, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, and Ginny Weasley Gryffindor is arguably the most focused-on sign of the zodiac in the Harry Potter series and gets the most page-time devoted to explaining the report of its foundation and culture. This makes common sense considering the three independent characters of the series are all sorted into Gryffindor. however, amongst the series ‘ fans, there are surprisingly few people sorted into Gryffindor house, making it about like an exclusive club. If you ‘ve just been sorted into Gryffindor, congratulations !
“ You might belong in Gryffindor, where dwell the brave of heart. Their boldness, boldness, and chivalry set Gryffindors apart. ”
— J.K Rowling, Harry Potter and the Philosopher ‘s stone
Gryffindor Traits and Strengths:
Courage: Gryffindors stand impregnable in the side of adversity and show courage in everything they do. This can be overt ( as in the case of Harry ‘s courage when facing Voldemort ) or insidious ( as in the case of Neville who continues to persevere even as he struggles with intense fear ). Daring: Gryffindors are n’t reluctant to put themselves in physical danger when they feel there ‘s a good reason. Harry, Ron, and Hermione run unflinchingly into danger time and time again. Chivalry: Gryffindors feel a solid sense of responsibility to protect the faint and will act nobly, putting others before themselves. This trait makes them highly charismatic and popular with others. Strong moral compass: Gryffindors tend to see the earth as being split into right and improper and will go to great lengths to pursue and defend the good while fighting the badly .
Gryffindor Weaknesses:
Hot-headedness: Because they ‘re brave and dare, Gryffindors can sometimes react instinctively and ignore logic, leading to them being hot-headed and occasionally choleric. In The Philosopher ‘s Stone, Harry chases Draco Malfoy into the flip on his broom over a fairly meek diss, despite the fact that he ‘s never flown ahead and is putting himself in serious risk. Recklessness: In accession to being hot-headed, many Gryffindors can be foolhardy in the pastime of their goals. This happens when their boldness and courage are misused or taken excessively far. Arrogance: Gryffindors tend to be popular, charismatic, and good at most things that they do. Because of this, some Gryffindors can develop balloon senses of themselves and become arrogant . The peak of Hufflepuff House is a tease, symbolising hard exploit and loyalty. K ‘m via Wikimedia Commons
Hufflepuff House
Founder: Helga Hufflepuff Head of House : Professor Pomona Sprout House Ghost: The Fat Friar House Colours: Black and yellow Main Characters: Newt Scamander ( featured in the fantastic Beasts franchise ), Cedric Diggory, and Nymphadora Tonks Hufflepuffs are sometimes seen as the underdogs of the Harry Potter earth. They ‘re dependable and reliable and relentlessly good, but rarely get the probability to take the center stage aboard houses like Gryffindor and Slytherin. While this may disappoint some Hufflepuffs, it ‘s important to remember that the contributions of Hufflepuff theater across the series as a unharmed are undeniable. Hufflepuffs are among the first to stand up and support Harry during his hunt for the concluding horcruxes during the struggle of Hogwarts and prove their loyalty and dedication clock and time again. The best doctrine of analogy for a Hufflepuff is a player on a sports team who passes the ball so that another can score a goal ; while they ‘re not the center of attention and do n’t win fame and glory, they ‘re hush crucial for success. As a side bill, J. K. Rowling herself has said that Hufflepuff is her favorite House, indeed if you ‘ve barely been sorted into Hufflepuff, be gallant of yourself !
“ You might belong in Hufflepuff, where they are good and patriotic. Those affected role Hufflepuffs are on-key and secure of labor. ”
— J.K Rowling, Harry Potter and the Philosopher ‘s stone
Hufflepuff Traits and Strengths:
Loyalty: Hufflepuffs make the most patriotic friends a person can find. They besides identify powerfully with their House, as seen in The Goblet of Fire where the majority of Hufflepuffs turn against Harry because they think he ‘s trying to undermine one of their own, Cedric Diggory. Dedication: Hufflepuffs are some of the most hard-working students and employees in the Wizarding World. While they may not have a Ravenclaw ‘s natural love of learning and cognition or a Slytherin ‘s clever and ambition, Hufflepuffs try their hardest in everything they do … and are rewarded for it. Honesty: Hufflepuffs feel a potent desire to speak the truth and behave honestly in everything that they do. Gryffindors besides value this trait, which is part of what makes Hufflepuff-Gryffindor friendships so strong. Humbleness : Unlike the other houses, which are all prone to arrogance, Hufflepuffs about never display this trait. They are humble and humiliate in everything that they do and tend to stay away from those who exude egotism .
Hufflepuff Weaknesses:
Naivety : Hufflepuffs are broadly optimists and are able to find the effective in everything, but this does mean that they can be naive. If they ‘re not careful, they can be well tricked and taken advantage of. Low Self-Esteem: Because Hufflepuffs have a inclination towards modesty, they can sometimes fail to see their own worth. At best, this can cause them to just underestimate themselves, but at worst it can cause austere problems with a miss of assurance and dignity. Lack of Ambition : Hufflepuffs are the antithesis of Slytherins. They struggle with ambition and can become adhere in situations which are beneath their capabilities or do n’t challenge them adequate . The peak of Ravenclaw House is an eagle, symbolising brain and determine Bagui via Wikimedia Commons
Ravenclaw House
Founder: Rowena Ravenclaw Head of House: Professor Filius Flitwick House Ghost: The Grey Lady House Colours: Blue and bronze Main Characters: Luna Lovegood and Cho Chang Of all the Hogwarts Houses, Ravenclaws get the least amount of attention in the Harry Potter series, and they have the fewest main characters. many Ravenclaws are disgruntled by the fact that some characters who exemplify their primary house strengths and culture were sorted elsewhere ( for model, Hermione and Dumbledore ). Despite this, Ravenclaws have a strong smell of house identity and fellowship, and there are many on-line communities of friendly Ravenclaws willing to welcome a new member into their congregation !
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“ Or even in wise old Ravenclaw, if you ‘ve a ready take care, Where those of wit and determine can always find their kind. ”
— J.K Rowling, Harry Potter and the Philosopher ‘s pit
Ravenclaw Traits and Strengths:
Intelligence: While not all Ravenclaws are naturally healthy, all members of the house have a solid crave for cognition and teach that places them among the best students in the Wizarding World, and this quality adds up to a by and large high level of intelligence and cognition among members of the House. Curiosity: One of the independent traits that defines the Ravenclaw House is a desire for exploration, inquiry, and learning. Ravenclaws are generally highly curious about the world around them and are constantly asking questions to expand their understand. Creativity: Ravenclaws tend to be “ out-of-the-box ” thinkers and as such can be highly creative. This creativity effects their spell-work and their room of relating to others and besides means that many Ravenclaws are artistic and have unique approaches to solving problems. Individuality: Ravenclaws are highly individualist and do n’t tend to follow the herd or succumb to peer blackmail. In effect, they do what they want to do. This is most obviously exemplified by Luna Lovegood, who wears radish-like fruits as earrings and is ferociously true to her own identity, tied when people tease her for it .
Ravenclaw Weaknesses:
Disconnection From the Outside World : Because Ravenclaws tend to live inside their own heads, they can come across as undefined, disconnected, or uninterested. Some are truly disdainful of others and the outside global, but most just do n’t understand that their changeless reverie is inappropriate in certain situations. Arrogance: Ravenclaws can be arrogant about their own news and use it as a justification to view themselves as being better than others. Isolation: Some Ravenclaws purposefully isolate themselves from others … even from their mate Ravenclaws. This isolation can occur for innocent reasons—for case, if they want to be alone to study for an approaching examination or read a good book—but it can besides be a by-product of arrogance. They may view themselves as being better than others and may be unwilling to associate with inferiors . The peak of Slytherin House is a serpent, symbolising cunning and ambition K ‘m via Wikimedia Commons
Slytherin House
Founder: Salazar Slytherin Head of House: Professor Severus Snape House Ghost: The Bloody Baron House Colours: Green and silver Main Characters: Voldemort ( Tom Riddle ), Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape, Horace Slughorn, Albus Potter ( featured in The curse Child ) Slytherin House is painted in an overwhelmingly damaging light by J. K. Rowling. Almost all of the negatively portray characters are members of Slytherin, including the main villain, Voldemort, who is a direct descendant of the House ‘s founder. Despite this, Slytherins all over the world are fighting back against their bad reputation by being valuable and helpful members of the Harry Potter community. many Slytherins even enjoy the darkness of their reputation and are proud of the strengths of their house .
“ Or possibly in Slytherin you ‘ll make your veridical friends. Those cunning family use any means to achieve their ends. ”
— J.K Rowling, Harry Potter and the Philosopher ‘s pit
Slytherin Traits and Strengths:
Ambition : A trait that about all Slytherins have in common is ambition. They want to be the best : the smartest in the class, the most democratic in a group of friends, the foreman at sour. Because of their strong drive and workplace ethic, they often achieve these heights, besides, becoming invaluable members of club and mighty in the work world. Cunning: Slytherins are highly healthy, but not in the lapp way as Ravenclaws. Rather than seeking to expand their cognition, Slytherins merely find ways to use their existing skills to their advantage. This makes them clever and cunning and can aid them in their quest for fame and ability. Resourcefulness : Slytherins are able to make the best of any situation. They ‘re highly adaptable and resourceful and can find ways to turn evening the worst situations to their advantage. Determination: Like Hufflepuffs, Slytherins are highly determined. Their determination, however, is more self-focused. They will use their strong work ethic to fulfill their ambition and advance their own position. While this may seem self-absorbed, Slytherins recognise that by focusing on self-improvement, they can become better friends and class members and be more useful to society as a whole .
Slytherin Weaknesses:
Machiavellian Tendencies: “ The end justifies the means ” might adenine well be the Slytherin house motto. Slytherins will often do morally equivocal things to achieve their goals. This can be a positive ( as they ‘re bequeath to get their hands dirty to get things done while members of other houses may shy away ), but it can besides make them seem cold and account. Power Hunger: When Slytherins do n’t place any checks and balances on their natural ambition, it can have black consequences. They can become obsess with gaining office. This can cause them to be fixated on surrounding themselves with mighty people, as in the case of Professor Slughorn. At worst, it can cause them to abandon all morality in their compulsion with baron and do horrific and depraved things, as seen in the case of Lord Voldemort ‘s quest for baron over the Wizarding World. Discrimination: Over the course of the books, time and time again the reviewer witnesses Slytherins attack those wizards who are n’t pure-blood and bang-up others who they perceive as being weak even if they are pure of blood, such in the case of Malfoy ‘s curse of Neville. Some Slytherins have a tendency towards arrogance and can insult and demean those who they see as being subscript . now that you ‘ve learnt about the four Hogwarts Houses, you ‘re ready to control panel the Hogwarts Express ! HarshLight via Wikimedia Commons
Which Hogwarts House Is the Best?
The answer to this is the one you ‘re sorted into. This may seem like a cop-out—oh, everyone ‘s extra in their own way ! — but if you think about it logically, it makes a set of feel. Each Hogwarts house prizes the traits that their students have. For exemplar, Gryffindors believe that courage is one of the most authoritative traits a homo can have, and because of this endeavor to be brave in everything they do. They prize the trait that their house exemplifies, and consequently they ‘re about decidedly going to see their own house as the best. This logic follows with the early houses excessively ; Hufflepuffs care for loyalty and are firm, Ravenclaws care about expanding their own cognition and wisdom and are wise due to this, and Slytherins value craft and ambitious and consequently embody these traits. Because of this, you ‘re about always inclined to view your own house as the best ( unless you ‘ve been sorted incorrectly ), and therefore you should ! Be gallant of your house and your own strengths and values !
What Do the Hogwarts Crests and Mascots Signify?
The leo for Gryffindor represents military capability and courage ; the tease for Hufflepuff for hard work and commitment ; the eagle for Ravenclaw signifying wag and oneness ; and of course, the cunning and ambitious snake for Slyterin : Why those animals, and how do they represent those schools ? Read The Significance of Hogwarts ‘ House Mascots in “ Harry Potter ” to learn the meaning behind the animals that represent the four houses in Hogwarts in the Harry Potter series .
In Conclusion:
Each of the four Hogwarts Houses has its strengths and weaknesses. Gryffindors are weather, Hufflepuffs are loyal, Ravenclaws are ache, and Slytherins are cunning … but it goes far beyond that. Congratulations on being sorted into your Hogwarts House and make sure to take time to explore the community surrounding whichever house you ‘ve been placed into. A agile google search can reveal forums and websites of like-minded people who might merely become lifelong friends !
Getting Sorted by the Sorting Hat
© 2019 K S Lane Eric on August 26, 2020 : I think I am in Ravenclaw or Slythrin. Maisy on August 19, 2020 : I think im in hufflepuff, and possibly ravenclaw Arensshi from Philippines on July 13, 2020 : Pottermore sorted me into Gryffindor but I think I am Slytherin by heart. I may not be that cunning but I do n’t think I am a audacious person either. Salazar on May 05, 2020 : I do n’t believe in loanblend houses but there are surely people who I know who demonstrate and equal amount of the traits of two houses. Winter Busch on March 03, 2020 : I think that slytherin is very alike to ravenclaw but the most alike is hufflpuff and griffindor are indeed much alike it is crazy but showing houses liveliness griffindor is the best. StarSort on August 04, 2019 :
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I agree with the most. actually, I think that Ravenclaws and Slytherins are very similar in some ways. besides, Ravenclaws normally want to be cleverest in the room besides, and they are very competitive. Patricia Scott from north Central Florida on July 06, 2019 : It is well to know this information. I do not know a solid draw about HP except that my grandson is a huge winnow. His most recent birthday party was a Harry Potter theme and we were all sorted using a charming hat. What fun it was as the have wriggled on our heads and our firm was announced Angels are on the way to you this dawn p