Where to find Chorizo in Far Cry 6 – Pet Dog Amigo
To unlock the Far Cry 6 Chorizo amigo favored dog, after you ’ ve left the starting island called Isla Santuario and get to explore the independent portions of the island, go to Madrugada. Play through the Meet the Monteros independent mission, and you ’ ll finally find yourself in the guerrilla camp in the Mogote Foothills in Costa Del Mar. Explore the camp to find Chorizo chilling near his doghouse and positron emission tomography him to start his Yaran slope deputation. The first step is to look at the note near the doghouse, then get the dachshund some Yaran crocodile meat, which we ’ ll cover in more detail below. ▼Article Continues Below▼
After you deliver the croc meat to Chorizo, he ’ ll lead you around the camp and uncover respective little bonuses for you. These include some supremo-bond, a few different kinds of kernel, a mysterious key, some gunpowder, and the Chorizo Tag charm. After you ’ ve finished following the little sausage, you ’ ll unlock him as an amigo.
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What are FC6 Chorizo Amigo Special Abilities
The Far Cry 6 Chorizo amigo has three special abilities that you can unlock. You get them by using the abilities you ’ ve already get. He comes with Attention Seeker, which lets him distract enemies with his irresistible prettiness. Use that enough times, and you ’ ll unlock the first limited ability, which then lets you unlock the following one. here ’ s a list of Chorizo ’ s special powers and how you get each of them .
- Bloodhound – Chorizo’s keen sense of smell can tag nearby Crafting Materials – Have Chorizo distract 10 enemies.
- Yes, You Can – Scratch that little perrito behind his floppy ears and receive his love (and some health regeneration) in return – Have Chorizo tag 36 loot containers.
- Keen Senses – Always on the hunt for a snack, Chorizo will occasionally dig some resources out of the ground – Use Chorizo’s healing ability 50 times.
How to Get Yaran Crocodile Meat for Far Cry 6 Chorizo Amigo Who’s a Good Boy Quest
To get Yaran crocodile kernel for the Chorizo Amigo “ Who ’ s a good Boy ” Far Cry 6 quest, just read the note at the start of the quest. Doing so will mark a crocodile hunting spot confederacy of the camp. precisely go there and kill crocs until they drop the Yaran crocodile kernel. Mind you, damaged meat is not going to work ; the little frank frank is very specific about what kind of kernel he likes. Of naturally, if you already have some Yaran crocodile kernel on you, there ’ s no reason to go hunt. And if you don ’ metric ton get any of the kernel you need, good go aside from the hunting touch and come back when they respawn .