Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is there sometimes a waiting list?
2019 Update : There is not currently a waiting list. Our affiliate locate at the Literacy Together is presently merely able to mail books to the number of children for whom we have fund raised to enroll. In three inadequate years ( thanks to the avail of Buncombe Partnership for Children, the NC General Assembly, and other generous partners ), we have grown from funding 200 children in Buncombe County to over 2,000 ! unfortunately, however, the sake is sometimes higher than the fund. Therefore, once we reach our utmost capability, we add children to a waiting list. To keep the waiting list arsenic equitable as possible, we add children based on registration date, either the date we receive the child ’ s registration paperwork ( first-time recipient ) or the date we receive their digital transfer ( previously enrolled elsewhere ) .
Didn’t North Carolina just fund all children for the program?
In the 2017-2019 final examination state budget, the North Carolina General Assembly approved $ 3.5 million ( 2017/18 ) and $ 7 million ( 2018/19 ) for Smart Start to expand Dolly Parton ’ s Imagination Library across North Carolina. however, it would cost over $ 15 million to serve every single child in the state ! We are so grateful that these funds have allowed us to double our platform size in 2017/18, but besides understand that it does not allow for the registration of every child in our residential district .
I contacted someone to sign up before there was a program in Buncombe County. Why hasn’t my child ever received books?
Literacy Together became a Dolly Parton ’ s Imagination Library affiliate for Buncombe County in Nov. 2015. If you contacted person ( either here in our community or at Dolly Parton ’ s Imagination Library headquarters ) about the platform before Nov. 2015, you were not added to the waiting list because there was no plan serving Buncombe County at that time. To be registered for the waiting number after Nov. 2015, you would have needed to fill out a registration kind and returned it to Literacy Together .
If you would like to register your child for the program, please fill out the registration human body and mail or email it to us. You will be added to the waiting list in the order in which we receive your registration. If you aren ’ thymine certain if you child is already on the waiting list, you may find out by emailing imaginationlibrary @ lit-together.org.
I don’t live in Buncombe County. Can I sign my child up to receive books?
dolly Parton ’ s Imagination Library registrations are handled by local affiliates, like Literacy Together, who serve specified areas. Click here and enter your travel rapidly code to find out if there is a local affiliate serving your county/community .
I’m pregnant. Can I add my unborn child to the waiting list?
Yes ! Just fill out the registration human body with your due date and mail or email it to us. then contact us when the baby is born with their actual parturition date .
What happens if my child turns five while on the waiting list?
This happens occasionally when a child is about five years honest-to-god when added to the waiting list. We will contact you to find out your child ’ second special interests ( characters, themes, subjects, etc. ) and choice 3-5 books from our library of donate new and lightly used children ’ s books for them. With your permission, we can even hand-deliver these books to your home !
I have twins. Will they receive the same book every month?
unfortunately, yes. alternatively of receiving two identical books every month, families with twins will enroll both children as one. We can put both children ’ randomness names on the mailing label, so they will receive the giving together each calendar month. This allows Literacy Together to enroll an extra child from the waiting list to receive the second book .
My older child already receives books. If I enroll my younger child, will they receive the same books that my older child did?
The Dolly Parton ’ s Imagination Library Book Selection Committee rotates approximately 25 % of titles for each age group each year. Families who enroll multiple children and therefore receive some “ reprise ” books frequently choose to donate the duplicates back to Literacy Together to give to children on the waiting list. early families donate the duplicates to homeless shelters, school libraries, and other nonprofits. Please remember to peel the mailing label from the back of the books before donating to protect your privacy .
Why do my child’s books come at different times every month?
Why do my children receive their books on different days?
Penguin Random House specially prints Dolly Parton ’ s Imagination Library books every calendar month, keeping broadcast costs low-cost. The different old age groups ’ books are mailed as they are cook, which varies from month to calendar month. Your child ( ren ) ’ second books can arrive at any orient in the calendar month. Please contact us if you have not received a koran in 8 weeks.
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We moved here and transferred our enrollment. Will my child receive the same books they received before we moved?
No. Each month, the book a child receives is determined based on their birthday. This ensures that children receive books that are appropriate for their senesce and developmental stage. It besides means that one child should never receive the same record doubly, even if they move !
How long does it take to receive my child’s first book once I have received the email that my child has been enrolled?
It can take 6-8 weeks after being enrolled to receive your child ’ s first book. Dolly Parton ’ s Imagination Library processes the books about 6 weeks before mailing them because Penguin Books USA prints books specifically for this program every calendar month. here is a video that explains the action .
My child stopped receiving books. What happened?
If your child recently turned five years old, they graduated from the program. Their last book should have been Look Out Kindergarten, here I Come !
If you moved, please contact us and give us your new cover. If your raw address is still in Buncombe County, we can update the arrangement and you should receive your future book at your newfangled cover in 6-8 weeks. If your raw address is outside of Buncombe County, we will attempt to transfer your registration to an consort serving your new community.
Please contact us if neither of these are true and your child has not received a book in over a calendar month .