Cubeworld has changed a batch. Don ’ metric ton get caught out clinging to the old ways. time to update your cognition with this ( finally ) ultimate guide from your nonmigratory cognition seeker, Darkmega .
Cube World Guides:
The Biggest Difference for Old Alpha Players that You Should Know !
The Primary Difference
Cubeworld is no longer a standard RPG with level ! It is now entirely an EQUIPMENT based RPG with a focus on stagger area exploration and discovery.
The musician is no longer a standard issue felicitous go lucky explorer who loves murdering wildlife and other piquant adventuring types for pleasure and personal profit who ’ ll name stuff out as they go ( level and skill picking/training ) .
The musician is now an already slightly skilled representative of their class type going on a animation long pursuit across the state to collect artefacts, power and fame .
The big glaring difference everyone hates
You no long have an xp stripe or traditional flush mechanic no more stick points in skills which finally decay in scaling, no more hanging out might leveling for years good to see big numbers… but besides no more picking a commission and precisely going there infinitely to slay the following and the adjacent dungeon. It ’ s a bit more meter than that .
What these changes mean
alternatively of looking for mangle and the periodic cool piece of gear, you ’ re largely looking for gear now, and any special items that further this, normally by opening up more ways of travel or locations containing boodle .
Although sure you can fight the wildlife so they cough up glistening ’ randomness ( aureate and leftovers ) and early bits and pieces. But they ’ ll defend themselves, and anything above your tier level will absolutely destroy you unless you ’ re similarly kitted out or apply a fine concoction of tall mallow and skill liberally .
Oh, and most of the plunder and limited items are attuned to the area that they ’ re found in. They ’ ll flat out vanish or become american samoa effective as tier one gear when you cross over into different areas where you ’ ll then repeat to find gear and artifacts to clear that location of it ’ s riches and once again continue on. More on this progression late .
How to Think of it
Basically you adventure in an area and do all the things and get cool gear, then you bring that cool gear to a fresh identify where it becomes your “ new game plus ” kit, being deleveled to have the delusion of a hard area where you will now essential find more kit that holds power equivalent to the new area .
think of it that way if it makes the transition easier. It ’ s a seamless degree scaling encircle preferably than a line to the heavens where finally nothing stands in your way except clouds and eminent expectations. But it can feel like that once you get some high tier kit and can clear the current area with a tear, and it can feel evenly demotivating to find amazing gear only to have it ability down cause you left the area it was found or created .
Each biome in of itself is basically a little self contained quest land or micro world all connected to one another that you can seamlessly travel between by eagle or land/sea .
You no longer become an overwhelm mangle hungry powerhouse finally consuming everything in your path and finally feeling no gratification with everyday loot because you ’ ve picked up besides a lot of it or are kitted out in fully legendary or divine dress. cause now atleast you can keep it on hand for betray and some rare items can function across the boundary to a sealed degree. Gold besides has a bit of a use after-all .
Choose Your character ! [ Rogue ]
The first thing you do is pretty straight forward, but the big doubt is, what course should I be ? This much comes down to a playstyle. So get start from the clear and get you a classify you enjoy .
Surprise Initiation damage dealer .
[ You start as this ridicule when picking rogue, but can switch to ninja at a township. ]
Your fault is a stealth movement ability, use stealth to become diaphanous gradually and generate mana as you sneak around. stealth when closer to full besides greatly improves your probability to crit and deal massive damage ! Stealthing besides reduces aggro rate down to nothing when wide and moving at sneak travel rapidly unlike the old game doesn ’ thymine reduce it angstrom retentive as you keep your fink cardinal held. Notice that stealthing up in shadowed areas allows it to build quick. Stealthing and being far off from enemies may or may not besides allow you to break aggro with them quicker then they reset so you can go back to sneaking up to them and giving them skittish bad times .
Holding shift and rightclicking is wiretap, which consumes 25 stamen to allow you to dash before your rightclick comes out. Homes in on cursor/the foe under it. Doesn ’ t use it from full charge, it actually just uses the rightclick on impact or on the end of the dash that you have, so it actually requires a little morsel of mana to use. Use it to jump out of stealth and home in and floor people to open a fight .
Your R, Camouflage folds into this on a 40 second cooldown for 20 seconds you become amply stealthed constantly flush when moving and attacking. You know what that means ? Easy pickings, constantly generating mana, more stabbing for more massive damage and the ability to move at full accelerate and still have stealth benefits .
Middle Click without input consumes all your stamina to chuck a phial of poison. it goes into the air then kinda curveballs around and slams into the sphere you was aiming to. It poisons enemies making them take damage ticks over fourth dimension and constant wrong if standing on the poison area. Use it from stealth behind an enemy when you ’ re about to engage. fair toss the phial, then floor em with an astir close and personal rightclick attack as it comes down and just go to township while invisible with your R. Should be sufficient most of the time .
just careful if you don ’ thyroxine floor them, cause the fully bar of stamen use means no rolls for a little piece if you get caught out or need to get out of that mage laser beam/tornado about to hit you. It besides slows you down for a second or thus when you use it, so it ’ s not the greatest to be used in the center of combat unless a friend has the heat or you ’ ve barely impertinently knocked down the enemy and want to toss in a sting more damage .
Nerfed and revised. Fast and agile melee+ranged hybrid damage dealer and distractor. no longer a crit spammer. but still hits like a hand truck .
Unlike cubeworld alpha, the ninja no long has stealth. rather, he ’ s a rapid boi .
Holding switch gives you a sprint that basically lets you run about deoxyadenosine monophosphate fast as being mounted at the monetary value of constant stamina enfeeble. Jumping while sprinting lets you do like a front throw jump that goes approximately twice ampere high, letting you easily vault improbable obstacles and scale some cliffs. Costs 25 stamina .
Holding Shift and attacking rather converts your melee into a shuriken chuck. The shuriken price scales with weapon damage and it ’ ll normally deal a draw more than your normal approach on affect. It costs 25 stamen per shuriken you throw. Use them to open fights from afar, then when the enemy is close, either run aside and vault an obstacle and keep shurikening, or convert into melee combat using the mana you would ’ ve perplex from the shuriken attacks. YES you generate mana with both melee and shuriken strikes. You can besides arc them pretty far, so it ’ sulfur quite good, but they ’ rhenium buoyant and have some change of location time, thus aim well .
shift and mouse two is still your intercept, get some mana from shuriken tosses and use it to floor enemies who get besides close or close in to interrupt foes charging specials or down those annoying mages who will absolutely murder you until you shower them in shurikens or bait em close by breaking telephone line of sight…
talk of a hail of shurikens, your R is Ninjutsu ! For 60 second cooldown on practice it converts your melee approach into exempt, faster firing shuriken tosses, and your rightclick into intercept by default ( no stamina pulmonary tuberculosis ). It lasts 20 seconds and is your main way to ruin everythings day. Get at stove, turn on ninjutsu, hose em down with stars, then when they get close, roll through their attacks and counter with intercept to down them and keep burn. You can easily off syndicate a tier or two higher than you by precisely letting a storm of shurikens do the talking from a dependable vantage point .
The ninja still retains it ’ s ability to dodge damage on paradiddle to gain a particle effect fan. This yellowish brown allows your following Rightclick or intercept boosted rightclick to mechanically crit. You may besides get some if you interrupt an ability being charged or knockdown an enemy in the middle of an attack. But I ’ molarity uncertain of this part. But the melee fight basically boils down to dodging attacks to gain exempt explode mana and your particles, sneaking in a few hits to fill the bar ( or dodging more moves in succession ), them blowing them away with massive crits and a few brash ninja stars to put them on their ♥ over and over .
here is a video from Colde Blauth on youtube showcasing visually the skills of the rogue !
Choose Your character ! [ Rangers ]
Stealth and evasion based Long range Burst damage .
[ You start as this course when picking texas ranger ! switch to Scout at a town ]
basically a hanker rate Assassin .
Sneak around with switch, much the like as the assassin, attacking or letting go with make it go down. Sneak to build mana pre-emptively, and score some tasty crits. Boom, headshot ! ( there is no headshot. just consider it a crit ) .
Charging your rightclick attack besides builds stealth. Try to keep stealth atleast a fiddling up all the time so you ’ ve got some crit luck and mana generating for rid then rain sin from afar. I mean truly afar. you don ’ thyroxine want enemies getting to you. Try to keep them on their ♥ arsenic much as possible with crit snipes and charged shots .
The Sniper besides gains bonus attack speed the more attacks in a row that you land, allowing you to hose enemies down with arrow arouse from afar by standard when it comes down to fair shooting at your prey .
Your tap in-between pawl with no stimulation makes you backflip towards the camera at quite a speed, instantaneously consumes your stamen legal profession but besides in full charges stealth. Use it to keep your stealth high and craftily flip up humble ledges or across gaps to juke and out outer space your enemies. Use it at the pinnacle of a startle, or aiming downwards to choose the slant .
Try not to roll, cause the more rolls you use the more clock time you have to wait for stamina to use your backflip. Of course, easier said than done when it comes to bosses with range attacks or melee enemies faster than you up in your grillroom .
Your R is a trace knockoff company that follows you around for around 20 seconds. they look barely like you but shadowy and with ninja shadow particles on and will shoot and charge film where you ’ rhenium looking, but she sometimes will disjoint from you if you do a retreat. You ’ five hundred hope that she ’ vitamin d be able to pick up aggro, but the manner aggro tends to work in this game is they ’ ll fair come for the inaugural thing that hits them unless person redirects them with a knockdown and they lose track .
They besides entirely deal a percentage of your damage, so it ’ s not like your double your output, but the crits even hurt for certain .
Fast, catchy, can ’ t touch this. Ruiner of melee enemy ’ s day .
The Scout gains the same ability to sprint on shift movement like the ninja. It besides has the front man throw jump to scale obstacles and be evasive without being furtive .
Your stationary center click rather of yeeting yourself, yeets your enemies ! It ’ s a agile, slenderly weak, but properly chance of knockdown roundhouse kick that sends enemies flying spinal column careless of if it knocked them down or not. It consumes 50 stamen but you can use it over and over. The ultimate dickmove when used to kick enemies away from you when they just spent 10 seconds climbing up a cliff .
And now the reason you ’ re the destroyer of melee foe ’ south days .
Your roentgen places down a big circular quicksand Trap kinda area plain at your localization. For around 15-20 seconds this sits about and any enemies that try to walk through it are largely stopped in their tracks and seem to sink into it a short. not a playfulness clock time for them. Since in this time you can shower them with damage and it acts as if you ’ ve already built your jazz band ! Thats right, enemies stuck in this thing have reduced defenses, meaning you can even cut through higher tier enemies without besides much perturb. Of course you still need to deal the damage to reduce their health, but atleast their armor won ’ t make you deal literally nothing. You can besides set it down and leave it, so you can say, bait a group of mages or rangers into it and still continue shooting them from outside the range the AI actually starts attacking. just be insomniac of the timeout indeed you know when to take cover before the lasers start flying .
alternatively of gaining natural attack speed with jazz band the Ranger at random procs a yellowish brown that gives you pink particles that allow you to instantly charge a rightclick attack. You broadly want to use this at full for utmost impact or close to full, and it procs quite much and since other than the kick your baron shots are another manner of knocking enemies down, you ’ ra golden. just keep trapping kick, shooting, shooting hard and being generally hard to get at .
here is a video from Colde Blauth on youtube showcasing visually the skills of the rangers !
Choose Your character ! [ Warriors ]
Melee Brawler and “ Damage tank ”. Knockdown Specialist .
[ You spawn as this guy at first ]
The Berserker is a melee boi who gains attack speed the more hits he lands. This allows you to ramp not entirely the raw damage the jazz band counter provides but overall damage faster than a defender because you hit quicker and quicker. You start with a heavy weapon that takes a while to swing but hits intemperate and has a 3 strike jazz band. A down swing that takes a moment to happen, a thump for less damage then an upswing that has a prospect to KO. But I suggest using double one handed or shield and sword as they hit faster and sol build your assail speed quick .
Holding Shift is your spin attack. It blocks attacks through a stuff bore that gradually fills constantly when not actively holding obstruct with a shield ( attached to charging your rightclick ) and allows you to deal ceaseless damage to enemies around you. It ’ sulfur great for building jazz band or used to “ run into ” a contend to block initial attacks, and it decimates enemies weaker than you allowing you to gather them up and nuke them down promptly for gear farming .
If you jump while holding spin you ’ ll do fishy fiddling helicopter tailspin slash into the air that goes about ampere high gear as the scout or ninja ’ randomness somersault jump, it will still hit enemies on it ’ s way up and down and can be canceled at it ’ s pinnacle with a charged attack or some other form of interrupt, like using your ulti .
Middle Click is your Leaping crunch egyptian pound. This can and normally will down enemies that it lands on who aren ’ metric ton KO immune or ace gamey flush or doing their own defensive move that manages to block it all. it besides deals massive wrong, but consumes all your stamen. Meaning you can ’ metric ton roll after using it therefore be careful you don ’ thymine miss or you ’ rhenium wide open for a bite without stamen to spin away or roll .
Your Ultimate is the mother of all Falcon punches the rock fist. It ’ s a promptly to engage farseeing range crash with a giant star fist attached to the end that deals big damage and sends enemies senior high school into the sky and knocks them down. It ’ randomness good for both free and engage. But because they are launched up at the point you hit them try to learn the distance and space it so that it lands and you ’ re somewhere nearby if you use it as an opener as by the time they come down from being punched into quad they won ’ t be stunned for much longer. You can besides cancel it if you don ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate want to fly the unharmed distance with a well timed wind or by charging your rightclick. You can use it for raw damage, potion pause, crowd bang-up, or yeeting out of there on a 20 moment cooldown. It ’ sulfur pretty good .
sometimes when dealing damage you ’ ll hear a sudden healthy effect and you ’ ll turn crimson. This I like to call “ the sauce ”, but it ’ second probably more akin to a battle craze fan. What it does is it makes you life steal on approach, makes your charge attacks charge about instantaneously and greatly reduces incoming damage you take for what seems like 6-8 seconds, diffident but you might besides get some approach accelerate, not certain. Yes you can re-proc the yellowish brown to refresh while sauced up. so once you activate this fan you get justly in there and fight as many enemies as you can handle and make sure you hit as many of them as you can to benefit from all the life steal you ’ ll be getting which is immediately based on the sum of damage you ’ ra cover in turn. This includes about entire healing off a well placed anchor shot when in a bind .
The Berserker suffers possibly a bit more than your rogue, commando or mage at first. Given that you need to be able to get in there to deal price to get “ fired up ” but he lacks as many of the range or surprise/skill benefits of early classes to cheese mobs who are out of his league as if he ’ mho in range to attack, they ’ rhenium in rate to attack you. therefore choose your fights carefully, and consider using a carapace so you can get the extra layer of using your charge attack to block attacks at least at first until you get some survivability, then you can switch to some dualswords and just count on getting Battle craze activated to live, tank and kill at the lapp meter while having a gay good fourth dimension. A rock fist out and a spin jump over the nearest obstacle and a potion besides works excessively .
Mostly the only difference with the defender is alternatively of gaining attack speed per reach you gain some Bonus HP and the ability to block with any fructify of weapons, dualswords or great weapon included. The particular attack for the great weapon is besides slightly different. Blocking attacks has the benefit of making your charged attack charge quick but it doesn ’ metric ton seem to give bonus mana like it used to in alpha. they might besides have a tougher freeze besides ? diffident on how to tell, they should honestly if Wollay is reading .
The Defender can inactive activate the Sauce Battle craze to get lifesteal, practically moment charge attacks and gain increased electric resistance. Although it seems slightly harder to get it to proc, unless I was fair having severe luck .
however rather of rock fist you gain heroic Shout. No, it ’ s not fus-ro-dah. It ’ s an area of effect tease that pulls enemies within natural aggro range to you rather of where-ever they ’ re head, making them glow bolshevik, taunted. It besides has an unmarked effect of making you regenerate health in chunks per second for around 10 seconds, this can stack with the sauce to give you some truly good survivability when you bring all your tools to bear and don ’ t bite off besides much .
here is a video from Colde Blauth on youtube showcasing visually the skills of the Warriors !
Choose Your character ! [ Mages ]
Fire Mage
Ranged DPS, knockdown specialist, artillery .
[ You start as this when you spawn ! ]
Mages. ♥ wizards and the wish. Overpowered as enemies, similarly impregnable in a musician ’ sulfur hands besides for certain. inaugural thing to mention however is a rather major dispute when it comes to mages. rather of generating mana on attack or through other means like stealth/evasion mages generate mana relatively quickly over time up to the maximum 100. Your mana is used for your respective spells obviously in varying amounts including your rightclick fire which consumes 30 of it. other abilities differ slenderly .
The displace mage ’ s passive allows them to gain glowing fire particles over them when landing hits, similar to the lookout ’ s pink particles this allows the mage to instantaneously cast your rightclick. Doing therefore besides consumes no mana. Quite handy if you can get it to proc, as you use your rightclick first to knockdown off the bat, use some normal hits to hopefully proc it again in between then hold your charge and use a different knockdown if you want then use it whenever you need to immediately knock them back down on their ♥ again with varying potency .
Holding shift as a mage allows you to float/hover. Floating cancels all fall distance built up and suspends you in the air travel concisely before you float back down to the ground. To keep yourself relatively level you can reapply the floating consequence when you start to pick up a morsel of spill speed again to re-float yourself. Another trick you can apply is jumping and then immediately shifting on your way up from the leap out to sling blast yourself into the tune. If done right you can very easily launch yourself up into trees to get to condom from melee enemies and scale cliffs with proportional rest as floating seems to be wholly free. pretty good .
Shift+Leftclick is a fire explosion for around 50 mana. It ’ s a ball-shaped cast hit above and below you and comes out relatively quickly. It deals minor damage and knocks back enemies. not closely arsenic efficaciously as the more narrow kick from the scout but it besides has an very well chance to knock down .
Middleclick without an input signal requires full mana but is a midrange compass teleport to get yourself places. Takes a moment to come out, so preceptor ’ t wait on it excessively long if you ’ rhenium using it to evade .
ultimately your Ultimate is Fire missiles. This launches up a volley of 4 large open fire balls that then come down at the aimed location soon afterwards. They hit truly hard in a very bad area and broadly bankrupt days and campaign knockdowns .
If the AI always decides to use this on you, normally from a knob, you can more frequently than not kiss your ♥ adieu if they ’ re equal or lower your equipment rank and file. If you see it coming roll out like your life depends on it .
The great thing about all this stuff using mana is that mages don ’ t need their stamina for other things, so it can be wholly used for dodging a much as you want either to micro around enemies while waiting for mana if enemies get close .
Water Mage
The Healer who can kick ♥ and tank excessively .
Water mages credibly motivation no introduction for alpha players, they were pretty a lot the go to choice for mages and being OP, given that their kit allows them to practically forego healing items by healing by attacking and with special abilities .
Water mages damage comes from hosing enemies down with urine charming at an ever increasing speed. The more hits in a succession the quicker you shoot up to a maximal, like Sniper and Berserker basically, but ranged, and splashy .
Speaking of splashes, water mage ’ s attacks when they impact terrain their damage radius is highlighted in blue flash water system puddles that stay for a few seconds. Allies standing in these puddles are healed gradually… and for some rationality or another they stack. Meaning if you can hose enemies down debauched enough you can build up thus many puddles on the floor that you can become a price tank by standing distillery and firing away while standing in your own puddles being created as you shoot a now very baffled enemy who ’ s trying desperately to murder you .
teleport is silent intact and transfer is still levitate, but rather of explosions on shift+left chatter, you have swirls of water vapor, or as they ’ ra called “ Healing streams ”. Left chink focuses it on and around you healing quickly. While rightclick focuses it on your cursor allowing you to quickly heal others at range like the good support you are. This consumes mana quickly to cast either version .
Your ultimate rather of raining sin releases pretty Water bubbles around you. There ’ sulfur around 6 of them and they act as a kind of sticky distant mine. They stick to enemies who run over them and then you can later detonate by firing your magic trick at the bubble stick foe or just the bubbles on the anchor. This causes the bubbles to rupture leaving your healing puddles everywhere and causing some decent damage per bubble, culminating in a very big sprinkle of destine .
hera is a video recording from Colde Blauth on youtube showcasing visually the skills of the Mage !
Starting Out
well, here you are, a post new biome wax of quests and things to find. You should spawn in a shrine of animation near a town .
Shrines of Life
Shrines of liveliness are angel statues in little white shrines which are both respawn points and quick travel points when unbarred and activated. You know they ’ ra activated because they emanate light. if you find one in the angry normally it won ’ t be activated. Press E near one thats not active to play a short flute song that turns it on. This makes it your current engender target and opens it to be used for travel. Traveling to a shrine simultaneously marks it as your respawn .
Starting Kit
Well, you probably want to get out there and start murder. But you should notice something. Hit B by default, your inventory button.
In your inventory you ’ ll have 3 sets of weapons for your current class. Pick the one you think is cooler to you. Each type of weapon has a different use manner and rightclick attack. I ’ ll tell about weapons after. But some early stuff to be mindful of first…
Pay attention to your stats and compare it to your enemy
Check the left of your screen in your inventory. At a glance you can tell what kind of enemies you should be engaging based on your star ranking for armor and weapons. An enemy above your kit out horizontal surface will destroy you cursorily, while one thats two levels will credibly obliterate you on a touch unless you apply tall mallow and get a high jazz band counter to boost your wrong by being good at the bet on .
When you mouse over enemies at a crop you ’ ll notice their list color. White, Green, Blue, Purple, Gold. Fight enemies your grade or one higher. But wrong is king. If you luck out and get a good weapon based fell, you ’ rhenium well on your way to having an easier time as weapons besides provide health to level your condition up therefore you don ’ metric ton get destroyed as quick, so you have more time to use your better equipment to fight the better syndicate .
You can activate a ace rate arrangement so it ’ s easier to tell what each tier is besides in the options menu .
Get some quests
talk to people at the town and promise to get quest dings that will reveal areas of interest in the biome to go questing. Most will have random banter, but a few will tell you of places where person might be being held by evil mob, or places they remember seeing particular identify items you need to help with traversal or boodle roll up .
Loot all the things! Capitalism, ho!
Collect all crafting mats and items like mushrooms lemons shrubs, cotton etc that you can. They can be sold so you can rather buy some ace basic kit to make you a touch stronger or get items like pet food or potion bottles at the general storehouse .
money can besides be used to buy flight points around the biome ( or to other biomes if you so wish ! ) that you can use at the flight headmaster eagle guy normally in the middle of town. Once you buy them you can use them over and over and are a good way to get to different places to hunt for shrines or get closer to your objectives or points of interest .
Plot a course
Check your map with M and zoom it in and out with the sneak rack. On the map you can normally see fairly obvious state marks on it such as craters, dark forests, hex forests, graveyards, towns and other things .
revival shrines normally look comparable little white cubes from afar on the map, while something a different color, like a bunch of brown buildings, a lone grey enshrine, golden loom, round base with pillars, these are all places you should look out for .
amply zooming in will let you see objects with more clarity. sol if they stick out or look fishy, give em a closer look .
You can mark points of interest with a tap of the middle chatter. Pan with rightclick, rotate/look around with leave. Points of interest you make can be seen on your minimap when you zoom it out so you can figure out a head of where to go .
When starting, normally a adept idea to not try to murder something besides tough without a shrine nearby that won ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate bounce you all the way back to your starting decimal point .
Day, Night, monster respawn and camps
Time is fairly long in cubeworld and the nights get actually damn darkness. Perfect for rangers and assassins. But it makes light sources like camp fires or early adventurers or some mobs who bring out lantern easier to see .
normally you want to adventure during the sidereal day, then go back to town and use the hostel to bring it back to dawn when it starts getting besides dark to see. alternatively if you don ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate want to do that sleeping in a dormant bag that normally spawn cheeseparing and around camps will regenerate your health gradually and speed up time menstruate .
night time ’ s great for precisely hanging out and actually scrutinizing the map before you change to day. But sometimes, as a stealth character keeping it dark can be beneficial. precisely know that the closer to midnight it gets the pitcher night it gets. normally about an 1-2 hours on other english is besides dark to work with, but 3 is properly for visibility while still letting you stealth up and keep stealth long in general .
Whenever it hits 12 AM the mob who are not part of quests of dungeons will besides respawn allowing you to farm their loots some more. Crafting mats out in the wilderness besides seem to get respawned excessively .
Cube of the wild
Remember where any craft mats are that you find. You can come spinal column to these places as a room of farm and collecting them for selling or weapon upgrading/crafting .
This besides includes things like apple trees, which are a fantastic generator of exempt out of combat mend, and other potion mats which can be used to make buffet potions to give you a bit more of an edge over foes provided you buy and fill a helping of bottles from the general shop .
Careful of Strangers
The thing that changes from day to day are other wanderers and explorers. however it can sometimes be difficult to tell if they ’ ra friend or foe, and the last thing you want is to walk up to some people wanting to talk then immediately get hitscan lasered back to your enshrine. so good like mobs, mouse over them first .
You ’ ll normally show list rarity colors and stars if you have the setting on which lets you know they ’ re hostile. Otherwise they should have a light blue identify above them and wave when you get within chatting distance. Adventurers are another good reference of pursuit and location data .
The crippled can get reasonably hard if you ’ re not kitted out for the content, but fear not, you can constantly try again or come back later, death doesn ’ t have a drawback. Just travel time and a critical reach to the pride or a cargoship full of salt depending on how you went out .
Find yourself a friend
The cosmopolitan memory normally sells a darling food token a day identical stingily and sooner or later you ’ ll besides have them drop as loot besides .
Having a pet gives a slightly extra generator of DPS, potentially a beguilement once aggro can be shifted by rights and sometimes something cute to follow you around if you get the right food .
finally a stage set of Reins key detail can be found in each biome that lets you ride your positron emission tomography to gain increase accelerate which is WONDERFUL for people who need to keep at a range or need to get some distance to get healed. Don ’ thyroxine worry if the pet goes polish. It ’ ll respawn after a short time close to you .
Your pet will besides try to fight whatever you initially try to fight, but if you want it to come to you so you can say, make a agile pickup with the reins hit T to blow your trustworthy favored whistle and call them back to you. If they ’ re well far away they ’ ll be teleported .
Weapons and You [ Basics and Warrior ]
Each class, as I mentioned in the above department spawns with a plant of 3 weapons for your test joy. Each has some positive and negative things to them to be mindful of that I ’ ll cover now when it comes to checking your favored .
For everyone if you ’ re using singlehanded weapon but don ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate equip a weapon in your main hired hand ( the slot that you equip to when you left snap ) you ’ ll alternatively have unarmed strikes, except for the mage, who ’ randomness unarmed works merely like a very humble powered bracelet fix. The rightclick is a light range roundhouse kick. But you typically don ’ t always want to be unarmed .
Combo Counter
A Hit range antagonistic is visible near your cursor when attacking enemies. As this climbs to a utmost value ( normally around 20-30 depending on course ) you ’ ll human body price. The jazz band counter will gain an ecphonesis mark and turn bright blue when it ’ s fully charged so you know you ’ ve capped out on price and or attack focal ratio gains etc .
The wrong gained from gaining jazz band feels like a phase of armor ignore. Building your jazz band sufficiently will normally allow damage to start creeping through tied tougher enemies, such as fighting rocklings with a newly spawned fire mage .
EG : At first your shots will be doing close to nothing with some minor damage and having knockdown likely on rightclick. But as the hits climb your damage will go up until at full chain you can seem to damage them normally, even if you ’ re calm lone doing around 12 or so damage a shoot and 50 a charge snapshot with your bantam fireballs .
Missing any attacks or specials with clear hitbox ( wiffed ground egyptian pound or shuriken for exercise ) will immediately drop your counter to zero and you ’ ll lose the penetration gained from the anticipate. It besides means say goodbye to your attack speed gains for water mage, amuck and Sniper. You CAN however transfer your attacks between any targets arsenic long as you keep dealing damage and not missing your clicks as the jazz band will besides expire after what feels like 5 seconds. so feel free to roll about and mix and match your attacks equally long as you land them .
Warrior Weapon Analysis
Great Mace, Sword, Axe
When you first pop in, this is what you ’ ll be holding. At first base, it ’ s like a tree luggage compartment, but you can get better weapons but all in this class work the lapp. Holding it requires two hands, but normally they deal wrong which is better than having a sword and shield or double one handers .
The bang-up weapons have a three hit jazz band which works differently than most early weapon types. Their big drawback is how dull you go when using them. It takes a small bit for you to roll up a strike which brings the weapon down operating expense directly infront of you. The irregular hit is a dig with the weapon in it ’ s down state which comes out a lot quick but causes less wrong. While the third gear hit is extra. You flick the weapon back astir and over your steer behind you after a alike delay to the first approach. The third hit is alone is that what the weapon has in awkwardness, it makes up for in free stun ! The one-third come to has an all right casual to flick the enemy and stun them if you can land it .
Berserkers when charging their rightclick charge up an angry command processing overhead time swing that brings it immediately down infront of you when released dealing large damage with good stun potential. Because of charge attacks and their built-in focal ratio due to their attack time being charge related you can use these relatively quick overhead bashes to bring out some immediate price and build some immediate jazz band .
But if used with a Defender, you ’ ll rather take a defensive stance which allows you to block even with this big two hander due to defender ’ second passive. When released it ’ s rather a sideway swipe that deals beneficial damage and hits in an wide area and is typically quicker than your convention adult beefy command processing overhead time swing. Due to gaining mana on damage block it ’ south besides a good room to cursorily deal some hits to build jazz band and attack to get sauced up War craze to proc promptly making twohanders a bite more redeemable early on on in their hands .
Being a big tough guy weapon it deals big sturdy guy wrong, but I tend to find it ’ south retardation of reaching it ’ sulfur third strike before you ’ rhenium actually dead tends to hold it spinal column early game. But subsequently when you ’ re surviving more hits and dealing overall more damage it becomes an oppressive weapon that can bring the trouble and knockdowns cursorily, and provides good scaling to your limited moves due to it ’ s big damage, and good life return while brainsick, provided you can use it .
Single Mace, Sword, Axe and/or Shield
There are two ways you can by and large wield these. You can take two at the same time to improve your damage, or you can use it with a shield which is classified as a type of “ weapon ” due to how it influences your charge attack and given that the character bashes with it .
Having both onehanded weapons allows you to swing both one after another, being a fast set of weapons this can allow you to build up jazz band stacks quickly which means faster chances of proccing Fury and more jazz band counter so your attacks pierce through as your damage will typically be lower per hit. For Berzerker, it besides means quick gains in fire rush and sol more damage output .
As mentioned, because of damage being lower sometimes for tougher enemies above your grade you need to build some jazz band before the damage starts punching through a snatch better .
Berserker can ’ t block with dual handers thus you have to rely entirely on attacking quickly to get ferocity as fast as potential. When using your rightclick it uses a dualbladed spin attack which moves you forward slightly. This hits multiple times and can hit multiple enemies. At low accusation you won ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate get besides much damage but a few flying spins after a single hit to get mana can promptly build some jazz band without eating into stamen to spin attack, and despite being moo uncharged and hence low wrong if you ’ re lucky you might just get a knockdown here and there while trying to proc your craze and build hits with this .
As earlier, A Defender using double weapons can actually still block, and they still have the spin attack, so due to not attacking as fast the spin attack is a good stake to try to gain fury procs quick to sustain you in the fight along with the ability to block and gaining mana and appoint world power per blocked attack these spin attacks make for capital buffet attacks which can knockdown enemies if they unwittingly charge you up excessively much .
If you rather choose to use a shield with your one hander your amuck will immediately be able to block naturally without having to rely on the hold shift spin assail. naturally your defender though will precisely have an flush tougher guard as you ’ rhenium now using a harbor, a joyride for actually blocking .
Having a carapace on changes your rightclick special to a flying “ out of shield ” spin pilfer with your weapon. The effect is misleading in that the area of effect international relations and security network ’ thyroxine ampere adult as the tune swipe makes it out to be as you hush have to be within assail range to land it. however, it can hit in an area and knocks down reasonably faithfully even half mana. Because of blocking you can immediately charge the approach without waiting by blocking an attack while holding rightclick ! Defender gaining mana on parry besides further improves this allowing you to about constantly swipe with reasonably damaging and quickly charging minor area attacks for applying damage, knockdown, jazz band rejoinder and fury proc chances .
Personal Favorite
Sword and Shield, because of strong counterattack act with defender and extra layer of survivability particularly for early amuck. occasionally play around with twohander or double once some gear is gotten .
Weapons and You [ Rogue ]
The rough has three types of weapons. All of them hit quickly and have rightclick attacks which come out immediately when used and can be bolstered with the use of Intercept to make you zoom at your enemy from afar before using it .
Fists attack very promptly, however what you ’ ll besides quickly detect is the lack of wrong until some jazz band builds. it besides has a very eminent jazz band capacity to max out being 50 due to how fast they hit. Unless you ’ re causing some crits it won ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate hit very hard .
The rightclick attack is a roundhouse kick. The damage is quite depleted and so is the luck of knockdown respectively if used when mana is gloomy. but above 50 % is when you start getting some alright to relatively kickass damage out of the hit. 100 % mana and some crits from stealth or ninja evasion proc ? It might just sting a sting .
They ’ re in a alike udder to fists. They ’ re pointy and attack like a bustle, but deal not amazing damage until you actually start drilling it in at which time it ’ ll startle rocket. But they have an add benefit that the fists don ’ thymine. Daggers when you land your rightclick they besides poison the enemy ! This buff lasts around 5 ticks over 5 seconds and can stack with more rightclick applications.
From some minor testing the wrong appears to be based on the master wrong your rightclick approach did when it landed. sol once more, judge to have atleast 50 % before going for it. This is normally easy when combined with easy stealth mana, or a few shots from shurikens into intercept. A crit is what you want, cause if that crit goes murder, they ’ ra gon na melt, because not merely will it hit for the initial strike, it ’ ll change that wrong into that strength per tick. so store up that ninja crit, or stealth up and deliver some enemies the remedy for health. Or if you good want to be pathetic, land a hit then poison them over and over and watch them turn bright green for ♥ and giggles .
Something to note with both fists and the daggers the weapon that is in your righthand ( left chink to equip ! ) is the style of attack animation and rightclick attack it will use. therefore if you want poison, put a dagger in the right and fist in the right. rather of punching you ’ ll be thrusting as if stabbing with your claw/brass knuckle fist and poisoning with it using the dagger rightclick fire. Where-as if you use a fist on right and a dagger on leave you ’ ll rather awkwardly try to punch the enemy to death with the hilt/side of the blade of the dagger and will alternatively roundhouse kick back ( no roundhouse poison. : < ) .
A crowd personal favorite and go-to for rogue. It ’ randomness got the damage and strikes wide. Generally, unless you ’ ra play with some hit and run poison tactics this is where you wan sodium be weapon fresh. It attacks a allude slower and therefore has a lower soap required jazz band of 30 before it caps out. But even for attacking standards it ’ mho still quite fast cause it ’ s rogue, the fast guys .
The rightclick hit is a lunging stab which deals 4-5 hits of damage which can very quickly build said jazz band, you can besides kinda slam it around at enemies ahead of you. If you crit at lower ability or even naturally at higher power you ’ ll most likely tap stuff down .
normally providing the best total damage this converts well into shuriken/poison phial flip overall damage and most later hanker swords just look truly cool .
Personal Favorite
Typically longsword to start and as a main-stay. But if I get good daggers I don ’ thymine mind them .
Weapons and You [ Rangers ]
Rangers are blessed with… well… range ! Their three selections of equipment are the Bow, Crossbow and Boomerang .
Projectiles from the bow are fired towards the cursor and travel in a piano gravity arc. With skill, you can shoot thrust from all the way to the opinion distance if you care to, most cases, further the better so you ’ ve got longer meter for sniper to spin up to practically become a minigun, or commando to proc a bunch of free rightclick charges .
The Rightclick of the submit is a volley of four arrows. These are fired with stronger speed and are less affect by gravity. You can sweep the shots to spray around an area, and they have minor dab price on impact. So a cluster of enemies can all be stunned and damaged simultaneously .
Being a rapid fire volley you can actually spam it at abject care to gain jazz band if you ’ re so tend since the crouch has a 30 hit jazz band to build before it peaks. Spamming rightclick for jazz band is peculiarly useful to build your attack speed rate or to get your damage up flying off a devour enemy who won ’ metric ton contrivance excessively much .
Crossbow follows a similar cover with the bow. Arc-able projectiles, upstanding damage per shot. Ideal choice for sniper lawsuit it normally has higher damage but random loot is random, so not constantly but it tends to be .
It ’ sulfur rightclick cathexis shot is a individual charged abscond with department of energy swirling around it. It deals big damage, but just like submit you can quickly click rightclick to fire turkey projectiles even without mana to build combo the bum way since it ’ ll fire them equally firm as you can rightclick. Just preceptor ’ thyroxine do yourself an RSI ( insistent strain injury ). I tend to favor crossbow with sniper due to the single tear being ideal for watching those massive crits fly and gamey knockdown world power from full commit due to the high damage connected to it .
It has a similarly boastful 30 stumble jazz band to be built for it to get maximum spin up and damage penetration .
The Boomerang is an unique weapon in that it ’ sulfur one of the only weapons that you can control around and redirect during it ’ sulfur default attack preferably than firing directly projectiles or casting area of effects. The boomerang throw sticks to the position under your cursor be it the establish infront of you spinning to hit a few enemies, or the foe ’ s face that you tossed it at .
It tends to cause more hits of damage the closer the enemy is as the time that it stays out is on a timer. It besides follows the sneak around but distillery will get foiled by a miss of agate line of view. These damage ticks are by and large watery but they stack up… and more often than not, they need to be stacked up to deal considerable damage unless you over level your foe. That ’ s not to say it ’ s a unaccented weapon. It ’ sulfur good got a slow start up at 80 hits maximum combo… Yeah…
At first you ’ ll notice it has utmost range, although it ’ second fairly fair for most peoples uses, but as I mentioned you get maximum hits the closer the foe is. From simply nicking them for one or two ticks at soap image, to a whole swerve of 7 or 8 hits at practically confront range. You can besides toss the boomerang promptly and still have it continue spinning after cancelling into a dodge roll if an foe is sticking to you, so it has that going for it as being a highly versatile outplay weapon provided you can get it to deal damage .
The Rightclick charge attack is a double boomerang flip. Your character whips out a second gear backfire while seething with fad ( anger charging shakes ) and lobs them one after another extending the measure of hits by a bite under double and dealing overall more wrong per collision if conclude to max .
Charged up it has good knockdown potential PROVIDED that the hits are dealing price. so if you can deal atleast a bit of damage at close range you ’ ll have a effective prospect at knocking down. Where as amply charged and with some jazz band in it to truly drive in the price it ’ ll more than likely knock something over when the moment backfire slams into them .
It ’ south probably not something you want to use on sniper, although possibly with all those crits I ’ ll eat my words ? I didn ’ metric ton actually try it. But holy place ♥ does it mop up on a lookout !
You know how the quicksand trap causes the enemy ’ sulfur resistance and armor to be stripped while they ’ re drowning ? Well… get ready to deal some TERRIBLE-TERRIBLE damage at any horizontal surface. The ability for the multihits to work even on stronger enemies caught in a trap dilapidation fair about anything ’ mho day who is unfortunate to be swimming around in it .
Personal Recommendation
Bow or Crossbow at first for damage and knockdowns. But if going to be using scout, give backfire a changeable, particularly if you can loot a better one .
Weapons and You [ Mages ]
Mages use semi-typical while casting apparatus to bring big pain and heavy rain on enemies. Some weapons are easier to use in some situations than others though. As I might ’ ve mentioned in the mage department all your rightclick specials consumes 30 mana which regenerates quickly when not in use .
good remember, as water mages spin up a lot of their cast times and recoils will diminish as the jazz band climbs to maximum. And in the shell of arouse mages having your special particles makes a rightclick vomit come out immediately without any charge time and not consume mana .
The weapon you start with. The primary attack of the staff creates a little tornado at the placement of your mouse. It takes close to a second to charge up and spins in place once active. It has a maximum range that while not restrictive international relations and security network ’ t super ideal either given the observe back nature of the mage ( unless you ’ ra bring around cheesing at face range with water mage ). The multihit nature of the crack tends to help fire mage proc a crapload of fire buffs besides for clamant rightclicks .
public speaking of which, the rightclick is a much BIGGER crack besides at your shiner decimal point which hits for longer and harder and can knockdown albeit semi-unreliably. Sometimes it might ko straight off, sometimes it takes a few ticks sometimes you ’ ll be praying for a knockout to save yourself but it doesn ’ metric ton happen. : five This big tornado hits a reasonably decent area but it takes about twice arsenic long to channel up .
In both cases once the crack is set it ’ ll continue to spin in the spot it was left. It can ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate be moved around anymore. The multi-hit nature of the crack causes it to have a 50 hit max combo to build before peaking. however it ’ sulfur rather indulgent in that ampere farseeing as a individual hit of the stallion hit streak of the tornado lands it ’ ll continue it. So you can be a little inaccurate equally long as you don ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate flat out wiff .
however the tornados have a reasonably large drawback in that they don ’ t continue to spin after you roll. you must stay in your casting animation for it to continue damaging. This wouldn ’ triiodothyronine be a big emergence if the enemies wouldn ’ t make a B-line for you .
I ’ five hundred suggest by and large using the staff with friends, so a melee/dodgy friend can take the heat and you can support them by having them pull the enemies into your crack for unblock damage, but can ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate commend using it solo .
The wand used to be a spray of projectiles, but since beta is now a thing it got updated to be practically a beam sniper… yea. It ’ s a twohanded weapon apparently wielded in one hand with each inject taking possibly half a irregular to charge and then it fires a pinpoint beam that penetrates in a channel. Keep in mind it ’ s not infinite range, but it ’ mho range is normally sufficiently far and it ’ s completely reach scan. lone a single stumble despite looking like it can be moved around though and thats on the first moment it comes out so draw a bead on well .
The rightclick takes a farther second to charge then produces a much thick damage over fourth dimension laser beam that can comb through multiple enemies and hits a broad area for a entire of around 10-12 hits. This is rather amazing since the scepter merely needs a 20 hit jazz band to peak in damage .
however it has a match of fairly glaring draw backs. The hitscan nature can sometimes have issue with close by tiered terrain and minor targets who hide within them making you sometimes catch the boundary of terrain you didn ’ t want to hit and lose your jazz band. The giant laser besides needs to hit CONTINUOUSLY to actually count. If evening a single damage proc hits the terrain without hitting an enemy first it will ruin your integral jazz band ! five hundred : this includes if the enemy dies from the reach and then the last hit phases through the dead body before you can redirect it on another foe .
If you think your laser is gon na over do it or you ’ re running out of targets or just want to stop lasering consider rolling to animation/action cancel. obviously the boastful laser besides won ’ thyroxine continue if you roll, so you ’ ll waste mana and price in a fight that requires you to evade close range if you don ’ t have an miss and an unsteady/unreliable calculate due to close range panic can ruin your jazz band and therefore your damage if facing tougher enemies you need the jazz band military capability to cut through .
still it ’ second considered one of the better weapons to use. Although the clock time between each laser tap makes arouse mage assail procs a little chancy to acquire cause of it ’ s slowly shots .
Large round bracelets over your hands which amplify mage ’ mho unarmed displace balls with some sex appeal. bracelets let you fire alternating farseeing range fire/water balls. They ’ rhenium projectiles and have no gravity and will precisely keep on flying allowing you to snipe at ranges similar to shooting with your commando shots. They ’ re the quickest to fire firing about immediately .
The rightclick is a single much larger powerhouse which splashes in an area. It needs to hit directly to count towards jazz band but will hit a belittled area when it explodes and causes knockdowns quite faithfully because of it ’ s single firm scene nature. It besides entirely takes half of charging to come out so you can easily evade an attack and stun in between enemy attacks giving you some breathing room and if you want to burst something down you can release multiple of them one after another quite promptly .
The jazz band counterpunch is fairly quick at 20 hits just like the wand. nothing much else to them. Just small and big projectiles a lot more suit for action battle rather than long stove fight. Combat mage as it were. ironically the nature of the projectiles makes bracer mages easier to deal with as AIs than any of the others with their hit scan perfect aim bull. : v
A drawback could probably be the motivation to get two of them to have both your shots deal lapp or similar reliable damage. As having one purple and one fleeceable just like any other weapon that requires two is that only your every other hit will deal full damage .
Personal Favorite
Bracelets for dependable stuns, long range shots with no gravity and quicker up takes allowing you to manage close fights easier. You besides become a machinegun with water mage. Wand if I have something better or feel cheesy. Staff never unless it ’ s just very good. Might try it if I ever do multiplayer though .
Picking Up the pace
here ’ s a healthy helping of more tips for you to use to get going into the bet on and some stuff thats worth being aware of .
Hunt lore Pieces
Lore are normally on gem tablets, in small self contained crypts or in ruins. normally they ’ re similarly curious little structures visible from orbital map see when you zoom in. A grey fit of stone circles, a weird ashen colored steeple of rocks, a bantam grey structure, a slightly larger thing looking like a respawn structure, all likely spots to pick up a patch of procedurally generated lore you can use to think up a fib about the assorted generate clans and factions. Lore pieces besides have a big hand in revealing the placement of the artifacts that the crippled uses to level you up .
Those who bear their name
sometimes you might run into larger mob with color names hanging out with their smaller counter parts. These are procedurally render universe bosses. At base they ’ ra souped up knob versions of their original throng and can be anything from a ashen tier humble king of seagulls, to a massive gold tier alpha of the alpha dogs. As seen here, they can besides be “ possessed ” which improves their stats and deadliness. The possess stat can besides appear on other normal mobs to the lapp effect, but thats another consequence for another tap for late .
These random bosses besides sometimes come with one or two extra moves they might randomly throw out. Stuff like warrior ground stomps, fire mage missiles or even weirder stuff like summoning zombies or weaker copies of themselves to slowing lava traps or channeled explosions. Don ’ thymine get caught out. One moment you can be fighting them quite decently then one of these moves comes out of left field and melts you…
The great thing about them though is that they ’ re a capital source of randomly generated loot, normally dropping items which are a tier higher than themselves as a reward ( or equivalent if they ’ ra already gold tier ). Since they respawn the next day keep in beware where they spawn early and if they ’ re excessively potent note them down to fight late when you get ruffianly .
Eagle air drops and fast travel
At the town you can find a person called a “ Flight master ” hanging out next to a giant eagle on a perch. These guy when talked to opens the map and reveals points on the map represented as large “ + ” symbols. These are flight points .
Most trajectory points within your biome and those just over are normally 100 gold a piece. You can buy these flight points which permanently unlocks them for release extremely fast transit to again at any meter. once you reach the period the eagle will drop you off high in the sky and provide you with a absolve glider tied when you don ’ t have it allowing you to reach nearby areas easily .
merely. DON ’ T. HIT. E. IF. YOU. DON ’ T. HAVE. THE. GLIDER. ALREADY. You will not be able to re-open your glider campaign you don ’ triiodothyronine actually have one and will fall to your end like a dunce if you do it excessively high. Unless of run you just float down with mage, causal agent mage traversal op. But anyone else will hit the flat coat and cease to exist quite literally on impact .
As you accrue gold if you ’ rhenium not saving up for hopeful items or supplies consider using a flight point to get you across the map and near to key objectives like traversal or questing items that you can tackle or areas of matter to so you can unlock the shrines nearby to get to late .
Grab traversal kit when you can
If you manage to get clued in by an nonproliferation center on the location of a traversal item like the glider, boat or reins, consider going to collect them to make getting around in your current biome easy. The boat is truly fast, and having a pet you can ride round is both good for exploration and in combat escapes .
The glider could take some getting used to, as you need a sufficiently high gear sphere to jump off. normally a tree south korean won ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate do but once you get into the atmosphere you ’ re a bite more fine .
Simply hold forward in the guidance you want to be traveling. At beginning you ’ ll most probable start to dip into a down trajectory. Hold space to pull up and consume stamina to swoop yourself upwards. Do this normally in chunks of a quarter and a bit of stamina and then do it again once you start going down again and stamina begins regenning to keep yourself afloat. Just careful of smacking into upstanding surfaces from excessively senior high school or approach enemies as you ’ ll sandbag yourself temporarily on a bad land .
Treasure any + gear that you find
It ’ s a part of the crippled design that could be improved, hopefully in time, but when you cross the boundary to a new area all your equipment will become invalidate. Maybe through some kind of differences in mana or some kind of charming seal or peculiarity in the earth this efficaciously renders the gear exchangeable in office to starting equipment and negates it ’ s tier color. Crossing back into the original location will reactivate the gearing spinal column to it ’ s former glory .
How do you get around this ? You hope to get lucky and find equipment with a + attached to it. Plus gearing is special in that it stays active when within the borders of adjacent lands to the one it was found in giving you a leg up on battle and equipment in your following area ’ mho exploration .
Don ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate let go of them if they ’ rhenium useful to you, keep them and use them to bolster your exploration into neighboring zones in search of more gamble, different scenery, pets, artifacts and general venture .
Where’d my stuff go?
Each area besides has it ’ s own armor and weapons equipment check that is switched to when you cross the bound normally that can be switched between in any location. It might look like all your other armor and weapon stuff was tossed out, but it ’ south actually safely still in the early inventory of the former map you can switch to .
To that compass point, it ’ second probably a adequate idea to consider entering a modern region from the atmosphere by eagle nearest to it ’ s regional village so that you can have a condom placement to fly in and acquire quests and such .
In much the same way traversal items and key items like gliders, reins, boats, spirit bells etc will besides disappear and have to be reacquired. It ’ mho rather unfortunate but thats the way it works I guess…
I need healing!
The lone classes that can truly self mend are warriors and water mages. Any other class would need to rely on a body of water mage or the defender ’ s exclaim for healing or use the assortment of healing items required. Remember that potions can be chugged on the move while food items are consumed sitting down over a longer duration. It ’ mho credibly pretty pass, but eat your food items while out and about out of combat but switch to your potions before a crusade. Don ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate incidentally try to have food while fighting like I used to do cause I ’ vitamin d forget to switch my quck yellow journalism .
Cartography Quickly
This is gon na get screenshot heavy. But heres a whole bunch together of sights from orbital position that you can use to eyeball points of interest at a glance without having them be marked by nonproliferation center for you. Some are obvious, some curious. few different biome types most from relatively zoomed out but some locational particular features or types of places can show up good about anywhere .
hera you can notice the stain of a night afforest. A lava lake, which is out of plaza in a land of k pastures and water. besides a mana pump, a place where the steel legion is draining mana from the surrounding biome to fuel their machines. more on that later .
here we can see a large chunk of raised terrain and several small dotting structures out on the body of water. White dots can be lore or respawn points. The gray ones, potentially towers containing unlockable loot or lore or even a small sky altar .
large vent with what seems to be a lore structure floating off it ’ randomness coast. Theres besides a big grey cube from this far away that could be a lone crypt or old hovel by the lake and a big cube on top of a mesa thats probably a man of lore social organization or a life enshrine .
up close here we can see one of our humble bantam white structures turned into what appears to be an altar or possibly flip island access point. while the other one with it ’ second open sides is most probably a life enshrine in the adjacent biome over .
here we have what appears to be an overgrow lore structure pillar and a graveyard/crypt access point. Graveyards can sometimes be fair circus tent side, containing anything from a fight meet to a capture nonproliferation center, but sometimes they can be access points to catacombs down below which are a type of super dungeon that contain an artifact .
here ’ s an easy colored forest within a benighted forest overall biome, probably an enchant grove of some kind. Theres besides a fortunate tugboat, a form of locked up boodle structure that could require a particular key item or mechanic to be used to get in. besides a village, but at this distance it could besides be some ruins as the builds look very exchangeable from this far off and greenwich village colors could be different in this biome .
hera we ’ ve got an Arena, these provide you with what is basically a bos rush from easy to godlike hard that you can use to get good equipment from both the bosses and it ’ sulfur completion. Theres besides what is credibly a farm on a lake island nearby and a few white cubes of interest .
here we have a dense bunch of trees which could be a grove or belittled forest of some kind and a castle in the biome over .
Castles tend to be actually easy to see and tend to be large dungeons besides containing an artifact .
A snatch closer in, here we ’ ve got a white block of concern, a plunder column and what appears to be the entrance hall to a “ vault ” another type of underground keep. note the difference of the retentive segment after the loom .
besides closer in, here we ’ ve got some stonehenge looking places with steeple like rocks the color of the biomes rocks or terrain. These would probably be rings of world power, which have a emboss guarding an lightless flare holder. Beat the emboss who can vary in strength to get the token to light it which provides a flimsy ability hike within the biome it ’ s attached to .
here we have a few things. What appears to be a large mesa could possibly be an unroofed sorcerer loom. A pair of crypts or graveyards, a loot tugboat, a couple different cube of interest and a dark grey lore henge in the distance .
More bum wizards probably, and a town on an island plus two different cubes of pastime. One is probably lore relate or a grey color flip island access point .
Get the estimate ? Theres are others that are less obvious, like bombastic hills, or a bunch of airless together mesa that can form an “ insert mention here ” rocks zone. But this should give you an idea on what to look out for. Just if you find an area, survey it for enemies, you don ’ triiodothyronine want to use all that time getting there and get smashed by some overpower enemies. Be sure to try to find a nearby respawn enshrine before doing anything punch-drunk. frustration is killer .
identify Items and You
Whats all this about loot dungeons, artifacts and key items ? well, they ’ re particular items you can collect along your travels through a biome that aide you in busting into dungeons amply or looting sealed structures. Often you can get clued into their localization by nonproliferation center in your get down greenwich village or nonproliferation center out in the universe who ’ re will to talk .
Traversal Kit
Hang glider: I mentioned it before but it ’ s a glider best used from high locations to keep you in the tune and make you go slightly fast. As you hold fore to keep straight as you dip down pull up with space measure and stamina consumption sporadically to keep yourself up. you besides get to use it temporarily for complimentary when a locomotion dominate hawk drops you off at your location .
Boat: Use it on water to make yourself go actually fast and not sink. The boat is nice in that once you set a management you ’ ll keep seafaring that way. Got a lot of ocean surrounding your starting sphere ? Find the gravy boat and if theres much interesting material out there go for a at leisure sail in that general direction while perusing your map during the trip. Just don ’ t cross the limit or it ’ ll evaporate out from under you cause of peculiar region locking crippled mechanics .
Reins: Wonderful riding apparatus to allow you to go fast across the down by using a suitable pet as a climb. I particularly like my caterpillar. ( so damn cute )
Simply hit T as if calling your pet but when you ’ re right next to it and you ’ ll hop on. Some pets can ’ thyroxine be ridden at a fast rate though. normally discernible by if you can pick them up at finale compass with E .
Climbing Spikes: ( the last item in the plant I showed ) not superintendent required, but these allow you to nullify all costs to climbing around on surfaces allowing you to quite well climb out of colored pits in dungeons that you survived falls or up and around edges without worrying about falling .
key Items
Sky flute: The flip flute allows you access to sky islands. Use it near the little structure of a bird surrounded by pillars and you ’ ll play a little tune, then abruptly a cluster of aristocratic birds will come and levitate you up to the floating island. If you go improving, I suggest you have a hang glider, rise into water or teleport bet on down from the nearest respawner… or… yttrium ’ know… float down… as mage…
Divine harp: The harmonica allows you to unlock golden doors. normally blocking access within dungeons or walling off loot inside plunder towers. Simply approach and use the prompt to play a little tune that opens the gate. They look gold and shiney about with an eye kind of motif in the center .
Spirit bell: The spirit bell once again, is used to access areas walled off. In this case, it ’ second alloy grated portcullises. They ’ re normally argent and brooding to tell you that they ’ re the type. When you play it you ’ ll be “ transported to the spirit kingdom ”, which makes you turn diaphanous like a ghost and able to merely phase through doors of this type for around 45 seconds. During this time the music will get skittish and an eerie obscure will close in around you and the colors of the surrounding area will look different .
I ’ ve hear mention that being in spirit populace modality is a good way to enable yourself to see easier at nox due to the change in color hue and overlie effects. If you always want to play or use any of your key items manually you can do then from your armory. The Bell is typically the lone one that placid does anything as the harp and flute require certain objects to be nearby .
The Treasure Spirit: finally this short blasphemous raindrop spirit allows you to easily search for plunder concealed around a biome. sometimes loot can just be hidden in short caves, underground in burried shrines under breakable terrain on top of Mesas inside hollow logs and all sorts of places .
If you ’ re within a becoming distance from an detail lying around to be discovered the treasure spirit will pop out of you and start hovering around you acting like a compass. Running towards the spirit will take you in the direction of the detail in interrogate let you find stuff ranging from childlike ( and piquant ) cup of tea of amber to rare/epic/legendary plunder that adapts to your classify when you pick it up. quite useful if found early while a set of exploration is needed, but I don ’ thymine think I ’ ve ever had person luff me in it ’ randomness focus, so it ’ s a little random to find him .
A quest We Shall Go !
There are numerous quests and locations you can find disperse around the world either by running into them or being told they ’ re there. here ’ s a immediate ply down of the types I ’ ve witness and their effects on the world around you, if any .
combat run into : These are childlike competitiveness mission encounters with a cabal or group of enemies. It can range anywhere from a group of necromancers raising or empowered some undead. A bunch of guys and their boss hanging out or some enemies with a captive in the sphere all the way up to a full boast warzone of paladins fighting unholy treaty legions or druids of mana being assaulted by the steel empire .
Simply fight the small fry and kill the boss, or in some cases hunt down and destroy spawning structures like miniskirt demon portals or mana generators set up by the opposing cabal that will naturally be hostile towards you .
Crafting Kit encounters are like to a combat brush but they can involved bosses or captured npcs but they reward a book of crafting based on the level. These unlock craft recipes that you can make for yourself. I honestly can ’ metric ton suggest craft, but collect them and check what they have, you might get lucky and have a nibble of plus gear you could flat out craft to keep you set for late biomes .
A supplier gnome has been captured by unsavory mobs and enemies and is credibly being stewed alive or kept for experiment or something in the general area. Find and defeat the enemies and he ’ ll go free, providing you with some loot while besides upgrading the inventory of village armor and weapon shops based on the number of rid gnomes. There is normally 4 of them to an area .
Shops resupply every day reset, so check the shops regularly, they can actually sell that glazed plus gear you so desire in their stocks some time .
A mage tugboat is a tugboat inhabited by a mage observation over a charming crystal of some kind. There can sometimes be multiple of them in an sphere. Being a MAGE loom the emboss is constantly a mage, so they can be rough fights. But both the boss and the crystal will drop loot when destroy and breaking all crystals in the biome will break the spell on blue forcefield doors you otherwise wouldn ’ t be able to get through. They ’ re basically miniskirt and very vertical dungeons .
A circle of world power is like a little stonehenge of pointy spires. Within the area will normally be a lore firearm or two, a foreman watch over the sphere, and a large unlighted brazier. Defeating the knob will drop “ ageless embers ” which allows you to ignite the brazier which improves your “ ability ” throughout the region. I ’ m not sure what that entails, credibly some little stat boosts, but it appears in the top leave buffet bar when completed .
monster Portals are bad newsworthiness because around the biome you ’ ll see mobs who are big, bolshevik and possessed, more much than not they ’ re besides bosses I ’ ve noticed. Possesed syndicate and bosses are overall a assign stronger than normal which can cause troubles particularly when it comes to large distinguished bosses at skull encounter zones, mage towers or in arenas or dungeons. sometimes they even possess villagers in the town who will attack you and probably military unit you to murder them. They will respawn with the day mob, but will remain obsessed and hostile until the portal site is busted .
When you get there some cult of sentence enemies will be channeling energy to keep a monster portal active. It ’ ll have a bunch of HP and defeating the android enemies there channeling into it will reduce it ’ s health ( and it probably heals as they channel into it ? so theres that ). The portal constantly spits out imps who ’ ll try to murder you but the aim is to barely smash the portal site close it stopping charming inconspicuous demons from possessing creatures, bosses and characters around the biome .
This is a hex party boss. sometimes you ’ ll come across a town where all the people in it are turned to stone and you can ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate talk or interact with them. This is unfortunate and normally means theres a hag hiding out in a hovel or location somewhere that you ’ ll need to murder to cancel the curse and bring everyone rear to populate again .
A Mana Pump built by the steel horde to extract and refine mana from the environment to baron their machines and technology .
If you notice an icon that looks like this in your yellowish brown browning automatic rifle it means you ’ re under the effects of “ Mana absorption ”. Mana assimilation international relations and security network ’ t a massive deal but there can be multiples of them. Mana absorption slenderly slows the rate at which you build mana from your attacks to power your rightclick attacks and pumps are perpetrator .
To break them you need to find the 4 arms of the pump structure and defeat the boss guard patrolling around it ’ south mana inducer. This generator structure becomes vulnerable when they ’ re killed and must be smashed. When all inducers are smashed the big policeman of the installation will appear in the cardinal platform where the pump itself is and be ready for a contend. Smash him excessively then smash the pump to get dulcet loot and turn down the mana absorption effects in the biome .
This Skull icon means there is some kind of boss find at this localization. normally a grand boss like a abominable snowman, mammoth or saurian… even a giant enemy crab !
This foreman will credibly absolutely smash you if you ’ re unkitted. They can be a rough in time. specially from arenas where you have to go through 3 rounds of other bosses before the big guy is let idle on you. But the plunder is nice, and like universe bosses even after you beat them I think they should respawn with the sidereal day .
Cue up your front-runner dungeon diving music. This glowy icon when revealed is normally your ultimate goal in the region. Finding a special artifact mentioned in the lore of the biome that you ’ ve been exploring. You can of course, trip across the dungeon itself before it ’ randomness flush revealed, but sometimes you ’ ll need the key items from end section to fully crack into them. normally littered with parkour traps, enemies, bosses all varying anywhere from park to yellow and of varying lengths .
Cracking in and getting the keepsake affords you a level astir and a little boost to one of your traversal skills which stack and stack to buggery and beyond as you collect more and show off who ’ s the best artifact hunter .
hopefully one day they ’ ll have a much better use… We can constantly dream… but for immediately, it ’ s precisely bragging rights by and large and gratification of beating an area. Although keep in mind there can be more than a one relic in any given biome. Search well, and hoard all of them .
Gameplay Tips and Tricks
If you ’ ve gotten this far through my guide and indepth ramblings here is where you ’ ll my best point, and possibly a few more if I get some questions that I can answer !
Early Morning Double Dip
This is a gratuity for farming boodle and materials for whatever you need quickly. I hope you ’ ve been marking all the locations of bosses and clusters or full materials you need like gems and metal ! Cause you know how throng and resource respawn at 12 AM ? Well at the town you can reset the day for 10 pieces of gold at the hostel every day between 18:00 in the even and 6:00 in the morning. The consequence this has is efficaciously setting it to 7 AM undimmed and early so you have daylight and resetting the populace .
See where this is going ? basically At 12 you go for a orotund tripper of all your front-runner resource points, bosses and respawning encounters across the global to farm your loot. then, before 6 AM hits, go back to township and pay to stay at the hostel. The world will get reset to 7 AM again and you can do another beat in flying succession for more success. This is great for gathering materials which you can alone find a few of normally like gems, ash grey, gold and of course the bosses ( or all mobs very ) and their drops .
If it ’ mho just way besides dark, like one mentioned in key items see if having the emotional state bell active helps at all, or sleep in a seam in villages or sleeping bags generated in camps to restore health and hurry the clock along public treasury it lightens up a piece.
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Volcano Panic, Icy Blues and Toxic Greens
There are a few swallow items you can make in your recipes called lemonade, hot chocolate and greens smoothie. These items are used to save you from environmental effects. Lemonade shields you from hot price like the lava in vent where sometimes key items can be spawned forcing you to toast yourself… Hot chocolate would stop you becoming an icy pole if you take a swim in a cold biome. While the body of water in dark forests seems quite sickly and credibly poisons you, so if I ’ thousand correct ( I ’ ve never actually gone into one so far ) the greens smoothie credibly helps with that .
- Ice cubes apparently spawn under the water in ice biomes.
- Cocoa beans feel like they’d spawn in some kind of tropical jungle region. Same with the bananas.
- Kale appears in some farms occasionally.
- The General store sells sugar cubes.
- Lemons spawn fallen from trees just like apples.