issue Date : January 2nd 2018
publisher : Hot Key Books
Pages : 370
music genre : YA / Fantasy
Rating : 4.5 out of 5 .
Of course I want to be like them. They’re beautiful as blades forged in some divine fire. They will live forever.
And Cardan is even more beautiful than the rest. I hate him more than all the others. I hate him so much that sometimes when I look at him, I can hardly breathe. Jude was seven when her parents were murdered and she and her two sisters were stolen away to live in the punic High Court of Faerie. Ten years belated, Jude wants nothing more than to belong there, despite her deathrate. But many of the fey contemn humans. specially Prince Cardan, the youngest and wickedest son of the High King. To win a set at the Court, she must defy him–and face the consequences. As Jude becomes more profoundly embroiled in palace intrigues and deceptions, she discovers her own capacity for trickery and bloodshed. But as betrayal threatens to drown the Courts of Faerie in violence, Jude will need to risk her life in a dangerous confederation to save her sisters, and Faerie itself.
The Cruel Prince was addictive YA fantasy, an matter to get down of The Folk of the Air series, that revolved around Jude, a human female child ’ second survival in the Faerieland. The story was about royal politics, political scheme, trust, treachery, family drama, magic trick, magic, desire, and cruelty.
The writing was gripping, graphic, and regular to fast yard, first person narrative from Jude ’ s perspective. Everything in this bible from plot, characters to populace was complex and concern.
It started with Jude, her match sister – Taryn ’ mho parents were murdered when she was seven and was brought to Faerieland along with her fairyland dance step sister Vivienne where they were raised by their kidnapper and their parents ’ murderer, Madoc. Ten years later, Jude along with her sisters consider Faerieland their home. Jude kept her headway low sol far but being human, it isn ’ metric ton enough to survive the global of faeries that despised humans and considered them humble handmaid made for their fun and slavery. She needed more to survive the fairy world- power- and that she could alone gain by being a knight under the protection of one of the princes and princesses. But on her way to exponent and control was standing arrogant and egoistic Prince Cardan who made it his mission to make Jude ’ south animation abject.
It was interesting to see what Jude has planned, how she would stand against Prince Cardan and fulfill her vow to best him and all fairy folks, who would support her or betray her on her wax to might, would she get what she wanted or would lose more than she had.
Characters were complex and interest. They were all flawed and no matchless was perfect, even Jude who I liked from the begin. It was hard to predict anything about any characters until I was much into ledger but I was right about who was effective and who was bad. It was secrets characters were keeping and their actions surprised me most.
Jude was strong female character. She was brave, cagey, boisterous and firm who would do anything to protect her sisters and her dignity. But she was single minded and vulnerable. she is besides desperate, tidal bore for person to see something good in her, appreciate her and for being valued and I could see why but in her desperation she made mistakes, put her reliance in incorrectly person. What I liked most about her was her conscience. even with her love-hate relationship with fairyland populace, she cared about her home and put her own desire aside to save it from being ruined. I enjoyed reading how she realized things are not as she thought or expected, her thought process after that realization and how she acted from that point. She proved to be true daughter of Madoc and at the same time besides a daughter of her human parents. I loved her for making right decision and I can ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate delay to see what happens in future book.
I didn ’ triiodothyronine like Cardan for most of the record. He made atrocious impression with how he treated Jude. He was bang-up and like all bullies, he excessively was exacting the pain he had to endure on others. He was bad boy but not equally bad as other characters, kind of platitude but it was okay hera. I could see beneath his barbarous arrogant nature he liked Jude and doesn ’ t like that feeling and hence was being barbarous. I generally don ’ thymine like this trope in enemies to lovers but the love affair between him and Jude wasn ’ thymine on focus hera then that was okay deoxyadenosine monophosphate well.
The world was interesting and captivating. It wasn ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate described in excessively much detail that would made it arrant for readers who don ’ triiodothyronine like information dump but flush with only superficial details, there were many things to take in. I enjoyed reading how Faerie worldly concern was coexisting with human world, different fairyland folks, Elfhame and its islands, High King ’ second court, how his lineage came to rule the Fearieland, court customs, coronation ceremony, their beliefs and nature. Court politics and political intrigue were the main focus of the book and it was the best part. I besides loved conversations between characters and confrontations.
Like I said romance wasn ’ t the main focus of the reserve. What little romance we get was complicated by deception, opinion, misinterpretation, and betrayal. Jude and Cardan were idiots. They were in love and they hush don ’ thymine know that or don ’ metric ton want to accept the spirit. I can ’ metric ton delay to see when they will realize it in the next books.
Twist and turns were well written. Most of them were easy to guess or at least I had a dim estimate but couldn ’ t say how that will happen until it was revealed. The climax was most concern. It was atrocious to read what villains planned and how it was executed and I enjoyed reading what Jude and her improbable team planned and how that worked out in the goal. Th e end writhe was concern and I guessed it but at the same time, I made mistake of reading the outline of all books before I started this. The ending was perfect. It wasn ’ t a cliffhanger as I expected which was stand-in.
W hy 4 or 4.5 stars –
There wasn ’ thyroxine anything wrong with the script. We even need to see character development which might be in following books. besides, I don ’ t like the platitude of ‘ badly male child is actually good ’ and ‘ boy acting laughably jerky fair because he didn ’ t like how he felt around girl ’.
Overall, Cruel Prince was dark, twist, fascinate and fast paced YA fantasy with building complex and interest plat and characters.
I definitely recommend if you like,
dark illusion
YA fantasy with ferocity
complex plat and characters
fascinating twisted fairy universe
bad male child is actually beneficial arch
possible enemies-to-lovers arc
potent female character
Less focus on romance
imperial politics and political intrigue on chief concenter
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