E-mail : mike_chocobo AT mentality dot com
First posted : February 2002
final update : September 2019

Welcome to the fantastic request of Chocobo breeding for the ageless masterpiece – Final Fantasy VII ! If you don ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate know anything about FF7 and Chocobos, you came to the right place. If you DO know anything about Chocobos.. you ’ re still at the correct place. I hope this guide helps you on your Chocobo journey and your pursuit to breed a Gold Chocobo. If it doesn ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate, you ’ rhenium more than welcome to e-mail me your suggestions for far improving this guidebook. While there are many other guides out there, what makes this one unique is its ease-of-use and descriptive screenshots. enjoy !
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Reading: Mike’s Chocobo Breeding Guide
Final Fantasy VII ’ mho ( credibly ) most intricate side bay is the Chocobo breed quest. As a matter of fact, it is considered one of the most complicate quests in the integral Final Fantasy series. Do note that it is a side-quest, meaning you don ’ t need to complete it at all in holy order to finish the crippled and/or to enjoy it. however, if you choose to tackle it, you will not entirely enormously strengthen your characters, but besides have a probability to explore deep into the mysterious, yet fantastic depths of Final Fantasy VII .
note : This guidebook contains many **SPOILERS**, and is recommended for players who have at least made it to the last dungeon of the game ( the Northern Crater ) .
generally, what you do in the quest is catch Chocobos, raise them, feed them, subspecies them, and then breed them. Sounds easy ? Well it ’ s not, but I hope this guide will make it a dim-witted as possible. The main goal of the Chocobo breeding request is getting a Gold Chocobo. This Chocobo will be your best friend and your only means of achieving the strongest Materia in the game .
This guide has 17 sections. The first 16 sections describe every possible aspect in Chocobo reproduction in capital detail. The stopping point part, the Step-By-Step usher, describes precisely how you should use the information given earlier in order to achieve the final goal of the Chocobo breed request, which is obtaining a Gold Chocobo. While you may just skip to the last chapter and silent succeed in doing the quest, I stress that you at least take a expect at the earlier chapters, they should help making the work a whole draw less confuse .
First of all, why should I breed Chocobos?
The main reason for even wanting to start with the Chocobo breeding request is acquiring some of the most mighty Materia, which can not be acquired in any early direction. By having these Materia, you will can build a mighty team which can take up on any monster or foreman out there, including the madly difficult Emerald & Ruby Weapons. These optional bosses pack a whopping 1,000,000 HP and 800,000 HP respectively, and prove quite a challenge for an unprepared team. By having the Materia acquired through this quest, you ’ ll find your team practically invincible .
Some of these Materia are :
Knights of the Round – The most appeal reward in the Chocobo breeding pursuit. Knights of the Round ( known as “ KotR ” ) is the most knock-down mobilize Materia in the game. This is the only Materia that, when being used, strikes the enemies 13 times in a rowing. Providing that each hit causes 9,999 price, 13 hits of 9,999 damage will finally add up to 129,987 wrong, which can kill about every foe ( and foreman ) in a one shock. And that ’ s not all. If you use W-Summon ( the Materia that lets you summon twice in the same turn ), you can do up to 259,974 damage in a one turn !
Mime – This Materia lets the character who equips it use the “ Mime ” instruction. A fictional character who uses “ Mime ” copies the accurate action/magic/summon the survive fictional character did, even if he/she doesn ’ t have the necessitate Materia equipped. For exemplar : Cloud ’ second call on is on, and he ’ second using KotR. Next up comes Cid, which uses Mime and summons another KotR on the foe, without equipping the KotR Materia himself. decidedly utilitarian .
Quadra Magic – This is a very useful support Materia. When you attach it along with another magic/summon Materia, it lets you use that Materia 4 times in one turn, at the cost of one casting. For model, if you pair Quadra Magic along with Bahamut, when you use Bahamut in struggle you will summon it 4 times, at the MP monetary value of 1 muster. additionally, if you throw W-Summon or W-Magic into the shuffle, you ’ ll be able to cast your favorite spell/summon eight times at the cost of 2 times, all in a individual turn. You ’ ll credibly want to grab some popcorn however, because 8 castings of Bahamut Zero would take a while .
There are plenty more goods you can obtain, largely by winning Chocobo races at the Gold Saucer, like Counter Attack Materia, Enemy Lure Materia, Enemy Away Materia, Cat ’ south Bell, Precious Watch, Chocobraclet, Megalixirs, HP < = > MP Materia, Hero Drinks, TONS of Gold Saucer GP and many, many more…
When can I start?
You can start your Chocobo Breeding bonanza at magnetic disk 2, when Cid becomes the temp drawing card of the group. I suggest you wait until Cloud returns to be the leader, because Gold Saucer is closed at the time Cloud is gone .
How should I prepare myself?
First of all, you will need a hefty amount of money ( more than 300,000 Gil ), before you evening start. Some suggestions on how to easily farm Gil :
- If you’re on disc 2, the best way would probably be to level up an “All” Materia to “MASTER”. Equip the Materia on a double growth weapon / armor, and fight the monsters around the forests near Mideel. They should give 300 AP per battle. Selling a “MASTER” All Materia grants you a whopping 1,400,000 Gil, with which you can easily cruise through the quest.
- If you’re at the end of disc 3, and have reached the Northern Crater, you should go to the swamp area that is located at its depths. In order to get to that area, enter the Northern Crater, and keep going down. When you reach the first split, take the left turn. On the next screen go to the entrance on the right. This is where you can encounter monsters that yield very high AP and Gil – the “Magic Pots”, and the “Movers”. Mastering an “All” Materia here should be done in a matter of minutes.
The second thing you ’ ll indigence is some Chocobo stables. You can rent them at the Chocobo Farm ( phonograph record 2 ahead – after leaving the Great Glacier ). Renting a stable costs 10,000 Gil and the soap stables you can rent are 6. I suggest renting all 6 of them because you ’ ll need them. In order to rent a stable, go to the firm on the leave at the Chocobo Farm and speak to Choco Bill, the person in commission of your Chocobos .
Third – Chocobo Lure Materia ! You must have this Materia equipped if you ever plan on catching a Chocobo, anywhere. A high-ranked Chocobo Lure Materia should increase your luck of encountering Chocobos. Two of them further improve your chances .
one-fourth and final, you ’ ll need the proper Greens and Nuts in order to breed your Chocobos. The future part explains how to get them .
How do I get the proper Nuts and Greens?
Chocobo Nuts and Chocobo Greens are full of life to a successful breed process. This section describes how to obtain them, and promote below I will describe how and when to use them .
Obtaining Chobobo Nuts:
You can buy some Nuts at the Chocobo Farm, but they ’ re all pretty much useless. here ’ s how to get the adept ones :
Carob Nut – You can get the Carob Nut by stealing it from Vlakorados, a loss draco found on the worldly concern map, on the area near Bone Village ( see photograph ). He ’ s not very strong, but has 33,333 HP. My advice would be to steal the Carob Nut from him and simply run aside. You should obtain 3 Carob Nuts that way .
note : You can besides get a Carob Nut in Gold Saucer for 500 GP ( spill to the lady at Wonder Square ), but 500 GP are not easy to obtain, so I suggest sticking to Vlakorados .
Zeio Nut – You can steal the Zeio Nut from Goblin, a cute short bantam found on Goblin Island ’ s forest. Goblin Island is found on the North-East sphere of the world map, it ’ s a humble island shown on the map. You merely need 1 Zeio Nut, by the way .
Obtaining Chocobo Greens:
You can buy different kinds of greens in the Chocobo Farm, but barely like the Nuts that are sold there, they ’ re all pretty much useless. The best Greens are called Sylkis Greens and they can merely be bought at the Chocobo Sage ’ second firm. His house is located in the world map, at the northerly continent near the Icicle Inn ( see movie ). He sells Sylkis for 5,000 Gil a assemble ( told you Chocobo education is expensive.. ). If money international relations and security network ’ t an topic, go ahead and buy 80+ of those. otherwise, keep following the lead and I ’ ll mention how many are needed in each contribution .
How do I catch a Chocobo?
If, for some argue, you ’ ve forgotten how to catch a Chocobo, allow me to refresh your memory.
First, equip your Chocobo Lure Materia. Go to an area on the global map with Chocobo tracks ( check the photograph below for what Chocobo tracks look like ). If you ’ re golden, you will enter a battle with a Chocobo and other monsters. The Chocobo will be yours once you have killed all the monsters surrounding him. Do note that after a few turns, if you haven ’ t killed all the monsters around him, the Chocobo will run away. however, you can stall him by feeding him some Greens, and that direction you will have batch of time to get rid of the rest of the enemies. You can feed him any kind of Greens ( which can be bought at the Chocobo Farm ). It is imperative that you do not hurt the Chocobo! If you accidentally hit him, he ’ ll get emotional and run aside .
once caught, you will be able to ride your Chocobo without encountering enemies. When you choose to get off of him, you ’ ll have an option to move him to the Chocobo Farm ( assuming you have rented a static ! ). If you choose so, the Chocobo will mechanically run and wait for you at the Chocobo Farm, at the fence area. Once you return to the farm, you can speak to Choco Billy ( the kid, located at the shed on the right field ), and blue-ribbon “ Moving Chocobos ”. By doing thus, you will move the Chocobo you ’ ve get from the fence area outside, to one of the 6 stables you have rented .
The future map shows precisely where are the 7 Chocobo tracks located on the earth map .
Track number
Track location
Chocobo Farm area
Junon Area
Gold Saucer Area
Rocket Town Area
Wutai Area
Mideel Area
Icicle Inn Area
Addition information regarding the Chocobo Lure Materia: A rank and file 3 ( 3 stars ) Chocobo Lure Materia doubles your chances of encountering a Chocobo over a 1-star Materia. ( social station 4/mastered is the like as absolute 3 ). So it is highly suggested you level up your Chocobo Lure Materia before proceeding to catching Chocobos. additionally, equipping two Chocobo Lure Materia ( both at rank 3 or mastered ) will once more double your chances of encountering a Chocobo over a single absolute 3 Materia .
Addition information regarding the Greens used to catch a Chocobo: The Chocobo Farm sells all kinds of greens, some are bum and some are not. While the bum ones normally have the same impression as the expensive ones ( preventing the Chocobo from fleeing in the battle ), the cheapest one ( Gyshal greens ) will only keep the Chocobo occupied for a couple of turns, while the expensive ones ( Reagan Greens ) can keep him there for up to 8 turns. If curtly on cash, Curiel Greens should hold the Chocobo retentive enough for you to finish off the rest of the enemies .
What the heck is a ‘Chocobo Type’?
A ‘ Chocobo Type ’ determines the potential of your Chocobo, in terms of speed, stamen, etc. These stats are authoritative for Chocobo racing ( covered further below ). There are 8 different types of Chocobos that can be caught, the higher the rank, the better potential your Chocobo will have. In club to see the type of the Chocobo you ’ ve merely catch, go to the Chocobo Farm ( the house on the right ), speak to Choco Billy and blue-ribbon “ Moving Chocobos ”. He ’ ll rate the Chocobo that you ’ ve catch and determine his type according to this table :
Chocobo Type
Choco Billy’s Description
“This one doesn’t seem to be very good”
“I really can’t recommend this one”
“This Chocobo’s so-so”
“This is a pretty average Chocobo”
“Mmm, this one’s not bad”
“Mmm, this seems like a good Chocobo”
“This is a great Chocobo”
“This…is a wonderful Chocobo!”
so, as you have credibly guessed, Wonderful is the best type of Chocobo, and Poor is the worst one. The next department contains data on how to catch your desire type of Chocobo .
How do I determine what ‘Chocobo Type’ will I get?
many players don ’ triiodothyronine know this, but when you enter a conflict with a Chocobo and some monsters, you can determine his type equitable by looking at the monsters that surround him .
The following table shows fair how you can find out the type of the Chocobo you have just encountered in struggle and wish to catch. It is split into 7 areas ( since there are 7 different Chocobo tracks around the global map ), and in each area you can see which monsters can accompany the Chocobo, and what type will the Chocobo be .
note : This mesa contains a lot of data which you don ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate very need. I will specify precisely what needs to be done in the adjacent few sections. This information is lone here for completeness ’ sake .
( Enemies that surround the Chocobo ) = ( Chocobo Type )
Chocobo Farm Area
2 Mandragora = Poor
Mandragora & Levrikon = Poor
2 Levrikon = Weak
2 Elfadunk = Weak
Junon Area
2 Capparwire (Front view) = Poor
2 Nerosuferoth = Poor
3 Capparwire = Fair
2 Capparwire (Side view) = Fair
Gold Saucer Area
Harpy = Average
2 Flapbeats = Average
2 Spencer = Good
Rocket Town Area
Velcher Task & Kyuvilduns = Mediocre
2 Velcher Task = Mediocre
2 Valron = Great
2 Kyuvilduns = Great
Wutai Area
3 Tail Vault = Average
2 Tail Vault (Front view) = Average
2 Tail Vault (Side view) = Fair
3 Razor Weeds = Fair
Mideel Area
3 Head Hunters = Fair
2 Head Hunters = Fair
Spiral = Great
2 Spirals = Great
Icicle Inn Area
(Snowy Field)
2 Bandersnatch = Weak
Bandersnatch & Jumping = Weak
Jumping = Wonderful
2 Jumping = Wonderful
How do I determine what ‘Chocobo Gender’ will I get?
Chocobos can be either Male or Female, and engender can only be done between a male and a female. unfortunately, there is no direction of determining the sex of the Chocobo you ’ ve just caught in the like way that you could determine his/her type. The gender is chosen randomly ( 50/50 luck of being a male/female ) when you examine the get Chocobo at the Chocobo Farm for the first meter .
sol, let ’ s say you want a male Chocobo. Assuming you figured out which ‘ type ’ you need, based on the preceding chapter you would travel to one of the 7 Chocobo tracks and try to catch a Chocobo. After you have caught the Chocobo, but before going to the Chocobo Farm, SAVE YOUR GAME, and then enter the farm. Go to Choco Billy and blue-ribbon “ Moving Chocobos ” in order to see your Chocobo ’ sulfur type and sex. If you got a female Chocobo merely restart the game and try again .
The reason for this is quite bare. The game determines your Chocobo ’ sulfur sex ONLY when you choose to move him/her into the Stables. And since the sex is randomized, all you need is to try a few loads until you get your desire sex .
Naming your Chocobos
While this may seem as an unnecessary subject, I believe it should be covered. After you start catching a few Chocobos, you will find yourself a moment jumble as to which of your catch Chocobo has which type or sex. All the scandalmongering Chocobos look the same, no matter if they are ‘ Poor ’ or ‘ fantastic ’, or if they are male or female. therefore, the room you name your Chocobo will be your most utilitarian creature in figuring out its type and sex .
When you catch a Chocobo and move it into a stable at the Chocobo Farm, you will be required to name it ( maximal 6 letters per appoint ). Give your Chocobo a mention that will help you determine its type and sex, in order to prevent confusion in the future. For example : If you ’ ve caught a Great female Chocobo, name it “ F-Gr8 ”. F indicates the gender ( F=Female, M=Male ) and Gr8 indicates the Chocobo ’ mho type ( Great ) .
Good male Chocobo:
“ M-Good ”
Wonderful female Chocobo:
“ F-Wndr ”
Green female Chocobo:
“ F-Grin ”
It ’ s a challenge giving your Chocobos meaningful names when you are only given 6 letters though .
What do I do with the Nuts?
Nuts make two of the Chocobos you choose mate ( and you have to breed a male with a female, of course ). When you breed two specific Chocobos types with a particular addict, a colored Chocobo might be born. All these “ breed combinations ” are detailed far below. In order to breed your Chocobos, speak with Choco Billy and choose “ Breeding Chocobos ”. You ’ ll be asked with what kind of testis you want to make them breed. More information on that later .
What do I do with the Greens?
Greens have two uses :
Catching Chocobos – You use the greens on the Chocobo and stall him in holy order to catch him ( See How do I catch a Chocobo ? ) .
Feeding Chocobos – Feeding your Chocobos makes them stronger, by raising their condition. By condition I mean Top Speed, Stamina and Intelligence/Co-operation. These attributes determine the Chocobo ’ s performance when attempting Chocobo racing, so raising these properties will increase your chances of winning the races. Top Speed determines the Chocobo ’ s maximum speed, Stamina determines how hanker your Chocobo will be able to dash or sprint, and Intelligence/Co-operation determines how your Chocobo will behave in automatic or manual mood, “ stupid ” Chocobos tend to run in zigzag or suddenly slow down .
In order to feed your Chocobo, talk to Choco Billy and choose “ Feeding Chocobos ” ( you can lone feed Chocobos that you ’ ve already moved into one of the stables that you ’ ve rented ). After you select Feeding Chocobos you ’ ll be asked with what kind of Greens you want to feed your Chocobo. Remember the Sylkis Greens I told you about ? Well, they ’ re the best for raising your Chocobos ’ status, so you better use ’ em !
note : Although there ’ s no limit to how many Sylkis Greens you can feed your Chocobo with, feeding him excessively much will prove to be a money sink, because his stats will have already maxed out after a certain amount. By maxing out the Chocobo ’ sulfur condition I mean that his status won ’ t increase any far ( for exemplar : Feeding your Poor Chocobo with 5 Sylkis or with 99 Sylkis won ’ t make besides big of a deviation ). besides note that each type of Chocobo requires different amounts of Greens in order to max out his stats .
here ’ s a list of approximately how many Sylkis you ’ ll necessitate to feed each Chocobo in arrange to reach their race likely :
Regular (yellow) Chocobo: 5 Sylkis Greens
Wonderful (yellow) Chocobo: 10 Sylkis Greens
Green Chocobo: 10 Sylkis Greens
Blue Chocobo: 10 Sylkis Greens
Black Chocobo: 10 Sylkis Greens
Gold Chocobo: Around 30 Sylkis Greens
note : Those aren’t exact numbers, but they ’ rhenium reasonably close. For racing purposes these quantities seem to be enough for you to have little to no perturb winning Chocobo races. The actual cap seems to vary between different Chocobos and there ’ s some randomization involved equally good. If money international relations and security network ’ t a circumstance, feel free to further feed your Chocobo with Greens .
Racing Chocobos at Gold Saucer
An significant aspect of Chocobo reproduction is racing them at the Gold Saucer. Remember how Cloud needed to participate in a race in decree to escape Corel Prison ? Well, you ’ ll be doing a whole lot more of those. And it can get boring and boring. however, doing so will increase your Chocobo ’ s ‘ Class ’, which in turn would improve its chances of producing a better offspring when being bred. You can besides win some pretty amazing prizes via winning races .
The Gold Saucer divides Chocobos into 4 classes : C ( the lowest ), B, A and S ( the highest ). Every wild Chocobo you ’ ll catch will mechanically belong in the C-Class ( even a Wonderful Chocobo ). sometimes you ’ ll have to raise your Chocobo ’ s classify in order to breed him ( explained below ) .
How do you race your Chocobo ?
Go to the Chocobo Square at the Golden Saucer and speak to Ester, on the upper-left corner of the room ( she looks like a bunny… ). She ’ ll ask you to choose the Chocobo you want to subspecies ( only the ones that you ’ ve moved into the Chocobo stables ! ). After that she ’ ll ask you whether you want the long class or the short circuit one. My suggestion would be to always take the brusque one. This will make race fast, and you ’ ll be able to sprint through most of the race .
When the race starts, you ’ ll be able to switch from “ Automatic Mode ” to “ Manual Mode ” by pressing [ Select ] / [ Assist ]. On automatic Mode, the Chocobo runs and acts on his own then you don ’ t need to control him, but he might act foolishly ( run in zigzag, waste stamina excessively early, etc ’ ). On manual Mode, you get to control your Chocobo which is what I ’ d commend .
careless of how you choose to race your Chocobo, after 3 wins ( they don ’ t have to be back-to-back wins ), your Chocobo will have moved up a class. Moving up a class means encountering tougher opponents but besides well prizes. Some of the prizes in the A and S Classes are very rare and knock-down, therefore when you get a brawny Chocobo, I suggest taking some time to do a few races in the A or S classes and reap up some rewards .
important eminence : sometimes, in B, A or S classes, one of your opponents will be Joe and his Black Chocobo Teioh. His Chocobo will always be faster than your Chocobo, and his Stamina will be estimable angstrom well. Nevertheless, you can still beat Joe and his Chocobo, but it might be not adenine easy as beating early opponents. The best way to beat him is to dash in front of him, block him and try to prevent him from passing you .
Cool whoremaster : While racing, you can slowly replenish your Chocobo ’ s stamina by holding R1+R2+L1+L2 ( Playstation ), or [ Page Down ] + [ Target ] ( personal computer ) .
Cool reward : If you have a Chocobo at S class, and win 10 times in a row when racing it, Ester will give you a bunch of items : Counter Attack Materia, Sprint Shoes, Cat ’ mho Bell, Precious Watch, and Chocobracelet .
Chocobo Breeding combinations
now that you know that each Chocobo has a character ( Poor, Wonderful, etc ’ ), a sex ( male or female ) and a classify ( Class C, B, A and S ) you will be able to understand the follow formula. By breeding specific Chocobo kinds using specific nuts, you can have a colored Chocobo digest !
Green Chocobo:
Great Female ( B Class ) + beneficial Male ( B Class ) + Carob Nut = Green Chocobo
Blue Chocobo:
Good Female ( B Class ) + Great Male ( B Class ) + Carob Nut = Blue Chocobo
Great Female ( B Class ) + good Male ( B Class ) + Carob Nut + Luck* = Blue Chocobo
Black Chocobo:
Blue Chocobo ( A Class ) + park Chocobo ( A Class ) + Carob Nut = Black Chocobo
Gold Chocobo:
Black Chocobo ( A Class ) + Wonderful ( A Class ) + Zeio Nut = Gold Chocobo
( note : due to a hemipterous insect in the game, the Black Chocobo must be selected beginning. )
Colored Chocobos have particular abilities, detailed on the adjacent section .
* Luck? What the hell? Yes, as you may have already noticed, many aspects of the game are random. Battle encounters, enemy behavior, item drops are random, as well the Chocobo ’ south gender ( as we saw previously ), and the solution of the offspring produced by mating two Chocobos. All these random choices are computed using the bet on ’ s home Random Number Generator (RNG). This means that if, for exemplar, you have barely bred a capital Female ( B Class ) with a dear Male ( B Class ), you may get either a k or a Blue Chocobo. If you are unsated with the consequence, you can always reset the game, and try breed again ( fair remember – save before breeding ! ). however, there is one annoying little issue…
Random Number Generator bug: For many players, it appears that they always seem to be getting a green Chocobo, no count how many times they have tried reloading the game. There have been many discussions on the count, and this seems to stem from a bug with the plot ’ s home RNG mechanism. This means that the game ’ randomness “ randomness ” is stuck – and you will always have the accurate lapp result after breeding ( i.e., constantly a fleeceable Chocobo ). In regulate to “ unblock ” this mechanism, it is advised to try entering/exiting the Chocobo Farm multiple times and feeding Greens of any sort. then go outside, save, and try again .
Colored Chocobos’ abilities
Each colored Chocobo has a special “ Gift ” that lets him do special things that a normal Chocobo can ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate cause .
Green Chocobo – The green Chocobo can climb hills and mountains.
Blue Chocobo – The Blue Chocobo can cross rivers and shallow waters.
Black Chocobo – The Black Chocobo is a combination between the Blue and the green Chocobo. He can cross mountains american samoa well as rivers and shallow water system.
Gold Chocobo – The Gold Chocobo is like the Black Chocobo, but can besides cross deep oceans. He can go anywhere in the map, except subaqueous .
additionally, when riding any type of Chocobo ( no matter what kind ), the enemy brush rate drops to zero ( which means you won ’ t converge any enemies, adenine long as you ’ re on your Chocobo ) .
Waiting for Chocobos to mature
Chocobos that were equitable born and Chocobos that just gave parentage can ’ metric ton be immediately bred again. They need time to “ ripe ”. actually, it ’ s not a matter of time, it ’ s a matter of how many battles you have fought after the birth took station. If you have a Chocobo that has good given give birth and you need to breed it again but you can ’ metric ton, just go outside and contend between 3 to 10 battles. By then he should be “ mature ”. Chocobos which were just born, can not breed until you have fought between 3 to 18 battles .
so in short,
Parent Chocobos ( Chocobos which just gave birth ) – 3 to 10 battles before they can breed again
Child Chocobos ( Chocobos which were barely born ) – 3 to 18 battles before they have matured and can be bred .
Collecting the rewards
The advantage for breeding color Chocobos is the ability to access hidden Materia caves. These caves contain special Materia which can not be acquired in any other way. These caves can not be accessed with the Highwind ! But you can ride your Chocobo and circuit board the Highwind, and have it take you close to your destination. here is the number of the unique Materia and the localization of their caves :
- HP <=> MP Materia [Click here for a map] – This cave is found north of North Corel and it can only be reached with a Blue, Black or Gold Chocobo. Ride the Chocobo into the Highwind, fly to the grassy field near the Corel Area entrance to Mount Corel, and ride the Chocobo across the shallow river.
- Quadra Magic Materia [Click here for a map] – This cave is located at the South-East area of the world map, east of Mideel. That area is made of 3 “talons”, the cave is at the northern tip of the smallest talon. Can only be reached by riding a Blue, Black or Gold Chocobo. Land the Highwind near the Mideel Area and ride your Chocobo on the water shallows to reach the cave.
- Mime Materia [Click here for a map] – This cave is located in the middle of the Wutai Area’s east coast and can only be reached with a Green, Black or Gold Chocobo. Land the Highwind anywhere in Wutai Area and ride the Chocobo over the mountains to reach the cave.
- Knights of the Round Materia [Click here for a map] – The most powerful Materia is located on a tiny island that doesn’t appear on any map and can only be reached using a Gold Chocobo. Ride the Chocobo toward the northeast corner of the map until you find a small island (“Round Island”) with a cave.
There are a couple more locations that can ’ metric ton be accessed via the Highwind :
Ancient Forest – The Ancient Forest contains many valuable items such as Cloud ’ mho Apocalypse ( ternary growth weapon ) and the Typhoon summon Materia. The Ancient Forest is located east of Cosmo Canyon, and you can only get there with a green, black or gold Chocobo ( You can besides get there after you kill Ultima Weapon, at the end of phonograph record 2 ) .
Lucrecia’s Waterfall – You can get there by a Blue, Black or Gold Chocobo, or using the submarine. This place is a obscure cave at Corel mountains and you can get there Vincent ’ randomness ultimate weapon and limit unwrap, adenine well as learning an important separate of the FF7 report .
The Step-By-Step guide!
This section sums up all the above information into direct instructions on how to get a Golden Chocobo, and collecting the neat rewards .
Before you start your request, make sure you have enough money ( at least 300,000 Gil, check How should I prepare myself ? for tips on how to farm money ) and that you ’ re after the share where Cloud returns to be the drawing card .
- Go to the Chocobo Farm, enter the building on the left, talk to the man in there (Choco Bill) and rent yourself six Chocobo stables (60,000 Gil total).
- Go forth and obtain the needed nuts: The Carob and the Zeio nuts. For the Carob Nut, you’ll need to fight a red dragon called Vlakorados and steal the Carob Nut from it. You can find him on the area near Bone Village. After you get 3 Carob Nuts, you’ll need to get 1 Zeio nut, which can be stolen from Goblin, on Goblin Island (an island in the north-east part of the map). Check How do I get the proper Nuts and Greens? for pictures and maps.
- It’s Chocobo hunting time! (Check How do I catch a Chocobo? if you don’t know how to). Equip the Chocobo Lure Materia, and go to the Chocobo tracks on the area east of Gold Saucer. You’ll need to catch a ‘Good’ Chocobo, which only appears with one or two Spencers, like this one:
After you ’ ve caught your Chocobo, press [ Cancel ] to get off of him and choose to send him binding to the stables. now you should save, and enter the Chocobo Farm. Go to the build up on the correct, speak to the little child in there ( Choco Billy ), and blue-ribbon “ Moving Chocobos ”. When you see the Chocobo you ’ ve catch earlier, Choco Billy will indicate that it ’ s a thoroughly Chocobo ( he ’ ll say : “ Mmm, this seems like a good Chocobo ” ). Press [ OK ] and the Chocobo will move into the stable. After the Chocobo moves in, you ’ ll see his gender. Make certain it is a Male Chocobo ! If your Chocobo international relations and security network ’ t a male one, reload the game and talk to Choco Billy again, repeating the process until you get a male one ( remember, the sex is randomly chosen, you don ’ t have to catch another one ! ) . - Now that you’ve got yourself a Good Male Chocobo, you’ll need a Great Female one. To catch her, go to the Chocobo tracks near Mideel, or the ones near Rocket Town, equip the Chocobo Lure Materia and try to catch her. If you chose the tracks near Mideel, the Great Chocobo will appear with one or two Spirals, like this:
If you chose the tracks near Rocket Town, the Great Chocobo will appear with two Valron or with two Kyuvilduns, like in these pictures :
My advice would be to try catching the Great Chocobo at the tracks near Rocket Town .
After you catch your Chocobo, save your game, render to the Chocobo Farm, talk to Choco Billy and choice “ Moving Chocobos ”, he ’ ll say that your Chocobo is great and determine its gender. This time the Chocobo ’ s sex should be a Female. If Choco Billy says that he ’ s a male, reload your plot and talk to him again until he ’ ll say that your Chocobo is a female . - By now you should have two Chocobos: A Good Male and a Great Female. We’re going to feed them Sylkis Greens. To get those, go to the Chocobo Sage’s house (near the Icicle Inn on the northern continent of the world map) and buy 10 Sylkis Greens (50,000 gil total). Go back to the Chocobo Farm, talk to Choco Billy and select “Feeding Chocobos”. Feed each of your Chocobos with 5 Sylkis to boost their status.
- Head on to the Golden Saucer, it’s Chocobo racing time! You will need to race the two Chocobos you’ve caught and move them up a class, from Class C (the default class) to Class B. Go to the Chocobo Square and talk to Ester in the top-left corner of the room. She’ll ask you with which Chocobo you will be participating the race, and what will be the length of the race. I would advise choosing the shorter route because it’s easier in the lower ranks. Race and win 3 times with each of your Chocobos 3 times in order to move them up to class B (a Chocobo moves up a class when he wins 3 times, but not necessarily in a row).
Check list:
At this point you should have:
A Good Male Chocobo (Class B)
A Great Female Chocobo (Class B) - At the Chocobo Farm, talk to Choco Billy and select “Mating Chocobos”. Select the two Chocobos you have by “talking” to them. After that you’ll be asked with which nut you want to feed them in order to make them breed. Select the Carob Nut. Now with a bit of luck, you should have a Green or a Blue Chocobo!
- At this point we would like to breed these two Chocobos (Good male, Great female) again, however, we need to wait for them to rest and recover. Go outside into the world map and fight anywhere between 3 to 10 battles, this should be enough for the parents to have recovered. Go back to the Chocobo Farm (save before you enter). Now comes the tricky part: If you got a Green Chocobo (most likely), make the Good Male and the Great Female breed again (using a Carob Nut) but this time you’ll need to get a Blue Chocobo and he should be of the opposite sex of the green one! If you didn’t get him, reload your game and try again! If you got the Blue Chocobo on the first time, you should get a green one (of the opposite sex). Not too complicated, but you’ll need to reload the game a few times. If you find yourself stuck, and keep getting an offspring with the same color, you might have a problem with the game’s RNG mechanism. Check out Chocobo Breeding combinations for help on how to resolve this.
Check list:
By now you should have 4 Chocobos:
A Good Male (Class B)
A Great Female (Class B)
A Green Chocobo
A Blue Chocobo (of the opposite sex!) - Go to the Chocobo Sage’s house again and buy 20 Sylkis Greens (100,000 gil). Feed both your Blue Chocobo and your Green Chocobo with 10 Sylkis each. This should boost their stats so that they can easily cruise through the races.
- Return to Gold Saucer and race your Green and Blue Chocobo until each one is at class A (you’ll need to win with each Chocobo 6 times).
- Breed these Chocobos (the blue and green one) with a Carob Nut in order to get a Black Chocobo.
- Now for a somewhat annoying part: You will need to catch a Wonderful Chocobo. Equip your Chocobo Lure Materia and head to the Chocobo tracks in the Icicle Area (the snowy area in the northern continent). The Wonderful Chocobo will appear with one or two Jumpings by his side, like this:
This kind of fight can be rare, last time it took me about an hour and a half to last encounter him ! Anyway, after you catch him, send the Chocobo rear to the stables . - Return to the Chocobo Farm (as usual, save before you enter), talk to Choco Billy and select “Moving Chocobos”. He should say “This…is a wonderful Chocobo!”, and determine its gender, Make sure that his gender is the opposite sex of the Black Chocobo that you already have. If not, reload and try again.Check list:
6 Chocobos:
A Good Male (Class B)
A Great Female (Class B)
A Green Chocobo (Class A)
A Blue Chocobo (of the opposite sex of the Green one, Class A)
A Black Chocobo
A Wonderful Chocobo (of the opposite sex of the Black one) - Since all of the 6 stables you’ve rented are taken, I suggest releasing the Good Male and the Great Female Chocobos, in order to make room for the Gold Chocobo you’re about to have. Talk to Choco Billy and select “Releasing Chocobos”. Release those Chocobos.
- Go to the Chocobo Sage’s house and buy 20 Sylkis Greens (100,000 gil), feed 10 Sylkis to the Black Chocobo and 10 to the Wonderful Chocobo.
- Race the Black and the Wonderful Chocobo until both are at class A.
- Mate these two with a Zeio Nut, but make sure you select the Black Chocobo first (due to a bug in the game). Now cross your fingers… If you’re lucky, you should get a Gold Chocobo
Read more: Code Vein beginner’s guide
!! Your objective is finally complete! Make sure you give a cool name like “Goldy”, “Wing”, “Timmy” or whatever..
With the aid of your new Chocobo, you can now obtain some sweet rewards. - The first thing you’ll probably want to do is collecting the most powerful Materia in FF7, Knights of the Round. To get that, hop on your Golden Chocobo (doesn’t that sound cool?) by talking to Choco Billy and selecting “Riding Chocobos”. Go to a small island called Round Island, which is located in the north-east part of the map. Get off your Chocobo, enter the cave and collect the Materia. For the rest of the secret stuff you can take only with a Chocobo, click here.
- You can collect more great prizes with your Golden Chocobo by racing it in Gold Saucer. Make sure you feed him first though. Around 30 Sylkis Greens should be enough to max out his stats. Your Chocobo should have about 999 Stamina and ~150 Top Speed. Just level up your Chocobo to the S-Class (should really be a piece of cake). In the S-Class you can win some great prizes like: Precious Watch, Counter Attack, Enemy Lure Materia, Enemy Away Materia, Chocobo Bracelet, Cat’s Bell, Megalixirs, Hero Drinks and many more.
History / List of changes
February 2002 – First interpretation of the template posted
May 2004 – Lots of grammar and spelling mistakes fixed ( I was reasonably young back then ^^ )
August 2007 – Wow, I had no idea this guide was getting grip. Fixed some more grammar/spelling, changed baptismal font size so that ‘ normal ’ people can read it now. : > I ’ megabyte planning to add some more information soon, regarding some changes between the Playstation version and the personal computer version.
July 2008 – Moved the site to a fresh URL and file host. No more annoying pop-ups and banners ! Added information about Chocobo Lure materia, and the effects of different Greens when trying to catch a Chocobo. Corrected some more format and spelling.
October 2015 – Whoa… It ’ south been a while since I ’ ve last updated this usher. To be honest I have never expected this guidebook to become therefore popular. I appreciate each and every e-mail you guys are sending ! In any character. In this version I have fixed a short ton of grammatical errors. I was 14 when I originally wrote this guide, and English is not my native speech. In accession, I have added some data regarding the RNG bug. Hopefully this helps all the hapless folks out there who are having trouble getting a Blue Chocobo. I am personally identical excite for the release of the FFVII remake, and I will go through great lengths in order to update my lead with relevant information when the game is finally out.
June 2019 – Some more minor text adjustments, trying to make some parts clean. besides added some Chocobo racing tips. I in truth appreciate each and every one of your emails, it makes me happy knowing I have helped so many people out there with this pursuit ( I will never forget the frustration I had trying to figure it out spinal column then ). I have watched all the late trailers for the remake and was elated with the measure of contingent they have put into it. Am hoping they ’ ll give us another cool Chocobo quest !
September 2019 – Thanks to feedback from Donald Newburn, added information about a tease when mating a Black and a fantastic Chocobo ( the Black Chocobo needs to be selected beginning ) .
…Ending theme…
That ’ s it, you ’ ve finished your Chocobo engender journey.
I hope this guide has helped you, and if it didn ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate, please let me know, by sending me an electronic mail to mike_chocobo AT expectation dot com .