Browsing: Alternative History

A captivating steampunk read from a USA Today bestselling author! After a near disaster at a spaceport, pickpocket Diana is swept away on a life-changing journey filled with adventure, romance, and danger. “Engaging… Crisp, lucid, straightforward writing that keeps the reader turning pages” (Publishers Weekly).

When two time-hopping scholars from separate centuries find the timeline has gone askew, they must figure out why — and how to save the past. “A twisty narrative that expertly blends the past and the future. Fans of intelligent time-travel stories will be rewarded” (Publishers Weekly).

A “twisting, surprising” historical fantasy (Library Journal starred review): In Victorian London, werewolves, vampires, and angels walk the city streets alongside humans. On Baker Street, Dr. J.H. Doyle hides a supernatural injury — while eccentric detective Crow searches for Jack the Ripper… “A Sherlock Holmes–esque novel that truly breaks the mold” (Kirkus Review).