Browsing: Aging

Every good girl needs a bad boy to set her free!To anyone on the outside, I had a picturesque life,…

“Stirring reportage” (O, The Oprah Magazine): Faced with difficult financial situations, many Americans have embraced lives on the road. An acclaimed journalist chronicles their stories of survival and resilience in “a remarkable book of immersive reporting” (The New Yorker). With over 1,800 five-star Goodreads ratings.

Motherhood: Lost and Found takes the reader on a journey where Alzheimer’s disease and infertility intersect. At age 33, award-winning…

What would you do if both parents were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s? At the time of their diagnosis, Ed Church struggles…

Who hasn’t experienced life’s painful jabs-especially those of us who have rounded the corner into middle age? Emotional family events,…

Fans of Jane Austen’s work will enjoy the novels of her predecessor Fanny Burney, who many critics and historians agree…