From Audrey Carlan, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Calendar Girl series.The tragedy that controlled my past led me to move as far away from my home in England as I could get. With a degree in library sciences and a will to live life on my own terms, I crossed the pond and headed for the West Coast. I ended up in Grant’s Pass Oregon as the county’s much needed librarian.I was … librarian.
I was amazing at two things in this life. Books and blowjobs.
Men were a fun past time, nothing but scratching a physical itch when needed. Until I attended a Hero’s Pride MC party and met Tank. The man was massive, and I wanted nothing more than to climb him like a tree. Turns out he was into fiery redheads with one thing on their minds.
We swore no strings attached.
Until we met up again and he decided he wanted another taste. The man had serious ability in the bedroom so I gave it to him. Again. And again. The lines between our no strings started getting knotted up with every new day.
Then someone started threatening the old ladies and Tank became more than my shag buddy, he became my protector. When the world around us got truly scary Tank decided things between us were going to change. Forever.
I wasn’t ready to be a man’s girlfriend or anyone’s old lady. My Romeo in jeans and leather had other plans for his silk and stiletto wearing Juliet.
In the end, I feared star-crossed lovers weren’t meant to be.
He believed otherwise.
Omg! This book is crazy!!
So mutch a page turner and not what I had expected at all!
When you think you know whats going to happen, and know how it’s going to end, Audrey has a way to turn it around and in a way you did not see coming!
This book is so awsome and overley mindblowing that you can not skip this read!
You are in for something els!
Audrey Carlan is making a name for herself in the MC world with Biker Brit. This story is heart pounding, soul searching and full of shagging and I could not get enough. Tank and Holly bring their own demons to the table and it breaks your heart while it fills you with so much hope for them. They have this insane chemistry that will blow your mind and this protective pull that will capture your heart. I hope Audrey writes Biker Beauty stories for years to come because they are explosive, enticing and full of love.
Tracey, Life Reads With Friends
These books get better and better.
Biker Brit is the best of the Biker Beauties series so far.
I really loved this little novella and truly think Audrey Carlan did an amazing job with Tank & Holly’s story. I couldn’t put this one down. I can’t wait to read Biker Boss.
Yep… The queen has another book. Lol. The queen of books, of course.
This lady is the bomb behind a pen and the more I get, the more I want. I really can’t stop…
Audrey Carlan is who I’m talking about. She’s freaking awesome and her writing shows just that.
When she announced that she was writing goes an MC series I freaking lost it… What were the odds of having an oi there book from one of my favorite authors and an MC one…
I was on cloud nine.
Biker Brit is her latest release and it’s the third book from the Biker Beauties MC series.
This new book explores the lives of Holly and Tank.
Holly needed to get away from her hometown due to a tragedy. She went to another country and meet Anya. Because of her, she goes to a party at the Hero’s Pride clubhouse and she hooked up with Tank. Well, that should be just it, a hookup but…
Tank is the Sargent of Arms for the Hero’s Pride MC, a brotherhood that he’s proud of calling brothers.
He had a pass marked with a few tragedies but life is getting good. When he sees Holly for the first time…
Well… What can I say?
What can I shout for you to read this series? Not just this book but the entire series…
Well… It was another freaking awesome ride…
Superb plot, very well written, super engaging and intense, with a touch of hotness…
Dayum girls… A few scenes are so hot that I thought my kindle would burst into flames…
This lady knows what she’s going…
The entire story is surrounded by a cloud of dark suspense and unknown and you’ll see yourself hooked up in a way that it’s impossible to stop.
The need to know more made me devour this book in no time…
And thank God I have the next book waiting for me…
I couldn’t wait that long.
Seriously Audrey… You rock woman… Just saying.
J’ai pris encore plus de plaisir en lisant Biker Brit que les précédents tomes car je trouve que c’est le tome le plus abouti à mes yeux de la saga Biker Beauties. Même si chaque tome peut se lire de manière indépendante, on retrouve tout de même les autres membres des Hero’s Pride et cette fois ci , en plus de la sensualité habituelle, nous avons le sens du danger et un côté thriller qui pimente encore plus l’intrigue.
Holly Hatfield n’est pas une inconnue totale étant donné qu’elle est la meilleure amie d’Anya , l’héroïne du précédent tome. Elle voit sa colocataire emménager avec l’homme de sa vie et rayonner de bonheur. Elle n’est pas jalouse de cela car elle ne recherche pas l’amour même si celui ci pourrait bien lui tomber sur le coin de son nez. Travaillant dans une bibliothèque, elle reste très indépendante et elle sait ce qu’elle veut dans la vie : à savoir s’amuser et prendre du bon temps tout en s’éclatant dans son travail. Elle aime ce qu’elle fait et elle prend les bons moments comme ils viennent. C’est lors d’une soirée au club MC qu’elle va faire la connaissance très intime avec Tank et il est évident que ces deux là vont immédiatement matcher. L’entente au lit fera des étincelles et cela lui convient tout à fait. Elle vit encore hantée par les fantômes de son passé et elle n’est pas prête à aller de l’avant et de s’engager sentimentalement. Le flirt qui va donc s’engager avec Tank lui convient parfaitement et l’atmosphère légère va basculer quand on va chercher des noises au club en s’attaquant de près au Club, les choses vont prendre un tournant inattendu.
Tank alias Theodore Bradshaw est en charge de la sécurité au Club et en tant qu’ancien Marines, cela ne lui pose aucun problème. Il est très proche de sa famille de coeur et est donc ravi que tous commencent à trouver leur régulière. Quand il voit sa flamboyante Holly entrer de plein fouet dans sa vie, il va vouloir un peu plus qu’une nuit dans ses bras. Il est hanté par ses cauchemars et par ce qu’il a vécu en Afghanistan ce qui fait qu’il ne s’ouvre pas aux autres sur cet aspect de sa vie. Grâce à la salle de gym du club où un futur Prospect pourrait faire son entrée dans le club. Champ sait non seulement se servir de ses poings mais il sera aussi utile à un moment donné de l’intrigue. J’ai beaucoup aimé Tank car on sent sa loyauté et son côté protecteur. Il va vite comprendre qu’Holly doit rester à ses côtés et devenir plus qu’un coup d’un soir.
Ce qui est bien dans ce tome est le fait que par la force des choses et du développement de l’intrigue, nous puissions revoir d’anciens personnages et les suivre grâce à ce fil rouge qui se dénoue un peu tome après tome. Le danger n’a jamais été aussi éminent et Audrey Carlan fait monter l’intensité d’un cran tout en préservant la sensualité de ces bikers. Dans ce tome, nous nous préparons aussi au prochain tome et j’ai vraiment hâte d’en savoir plus sur Hamilton et Champ. Il reste évidemment des questions en suspens et il faut espérer que cette loi des séries se terminent par la résolution de cette énigme qui se déroule devant eux. Riot devra se surpasser en tant que Président, Rex devra protéger encore plus ceux qu’ils aiment en tant que VP et tous les membres de Hero’s Pride vont devoir affronter un ennemi pour le moment invisible.
Bref, j’ai passé un très bon moment de lecture avec ce nouveau tome qui me semble plus poussé que les autres dans le sens où l’intrigue prend de l’ampleur et touche non seulement les héros de ce tome mais tous les autres membres de ce club de MC. Audrey Carlan nous offre ici un tome où l’intensité, la passion , la sensualité et le danger formeront un cocktail plus explosif.
Love that these big tough biker’s have such a soft spot for women and children, not just their own. They make walk a fine line between what is legal and not but they are always on the side of right. Biker Brit has someone coming after their own and they will stop at nothing to figure out who it is. Holly and Tank both have traumatic pasts and are just out for a good time fling. When life goes to hell around them they just might find they need each other.
This just might be my favorite of Audrey’s series yet. I love the sassy women who can hold their own against the Hero’s Pride MC men. I love that the men once they find their woman are totally, 100% committed. Audrey gives us fun, sexy and bit of suspense to keep it interesting. Can’t wait for Biker Boss. I know Tammy and Champ will give us a great story.
Wow Audrey has done it again in the third book of this series.
Wow Tank is something else. Oh my what an enormous Teddy Bear for Holly to cuddle and cuddle she did.
I couldn’t believe that she was going to brand herself unbeknown to him of what she had planned with the help of Mags. But when all said and done I think she absolutely made his mind blow with her actions.
He truly loved her so much and that was her way of showing him how much she loved him too. It just goes to show how strong a woman can be.
I loved their HEA and now Patiently waiting for the next book.