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Language truly is a beautiful thing. barely think about it — all around the earth, people are using different languages to speak and communicate with each other. language is therefore huge that we can even communicate thoughts and feelings entirely by using our bodies. Expanding on your vocabulary is always a bang-up thing, specially if you ’ re looking for new ways to get your point across. Big meaningful words shouldn ’ t be intimidating. alternatively, these words should be embraced and practice way more often. You ’ re not an egghead if you use different words to express yourself ! quite, you call that a sesquipedalian ( aka lover of long words ) .
Writers love learning unfamiliar words, but so do kids. That means that language can be a blast and an excellent direction to chemical bond with your family. Your class can try to use illusion words every day as a challenge. Making those words positivist is flush better. proper now, our populace needs every little spot of cheerfulness it can get, correct ? so, here are some fun bad words for dependable, words for beautiful, and — of class — the fanciest of words to express beloved .
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Big Words for Good
- Exceptional — unusually excellent; being out of the ordinary
- Positive — fully assured; having or showing a mind free of doubt
- Adept — very skilled; proficient
- Stupendous — astounding and marvelous
- Delightful — highly pleasing
- Favorable — winning approval; marked by impressive success
- Magnificent — great in deed, or exalted in place; impressive to the mind or spirit
- Quintessential — perfectly typical or representative of a particular kind of person or thing
- Marvelous — causing wonder; of the highest kind or quality
- Tremendous — notable by reason of extreme size, power, greatness, or excellence; being such may excite trembling or arouse dread, awe, or terror
- Commonsensical — sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or the facts
- Righteous — genuine, excellent
- Virtuous — having or exhibiting virtue; morally excellent
- Exemplary — deserving imitation because of excellence
- Immaculate — having or containing no flaw or error
Big Words for Beautiful
- Resplendent — shining brilliantly
- Statuesque — majestic dignity, grace, or beauty
- Pulchritudinous — physically beautiful
- Sublime — supreme or outstanding
- Beauteous — beautiful
- Ravishing — enchanting; entrancing
- Splendiferous — extraordinarily or showily impressive
- Ravishing — unusually attractive, pleasing, or striking
- Aesthetical — concerning or characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste
- Bewitching — powerfully or seductively attractive or charming
- Exquisite — pleasing through beauty, physical fitness, or perfection
- Captivating — charmingly or irresistibly appealing
- Comely — having a pleasing appearance
- Fetching — attractive, appealing
- Alluring — having a strong, attractive, or enticing quality
- Junoesque — imposingly tall and shapely
- Telegenic — very photogenic
Big Words for Smart
- Resourceful — able to deal skillfully with new situations
- Prompt — quick or alert
- Sagacious — having or showing keen mental discernment or judgment; shrewd
- Canny — astute and skilled
- Astute — very clever and sometimes cunning
- Intelligent — having or indicating a high or satisfactory degree of mental capacity
- Insightful — exhibiting or characterized by insight
- Perceptive — capable of exhibiting keen insight or sympathetic understanding
- Perspicacious — of acute mental vision or discernment
- Discerning — showing insight and understanding
- Knowledgeable — having or showing knowledge or intelligence
- Well-informed — having extensive knowledge, especially of current topics and events
- Enlightened — freed from ignorance and misinformation
- Comprehending — grasping the nature, significance, or meaning of something
- Ingenious — having or showing an unusual aptitude for discovering, inventing, or contriving
Big Words for Amazing
- Prodigious — wonderful or marvelous
- Astonishing — causing astonishment or surprise; amazing
- Astounding — capable of overwhelming with amazement
- Phenomenal — highly extraordinary or prodigious; exceptional
- Breathtaking — exciting, thrilling; very great, astonishing
- Extraordinary — going beyond what is regular or customary; exceptional to a very marked extent
- Sensational — exceedingly or unexpectedly excellent or great
- Awe-inspiring — that arouses awe
- Incomparable — eminent beyond comparison
- Indescribable — surpassing description
- Ineffable — incapable of being expressed in words
- Transcendent — extending or lying beyond the limits of ordinary experience; being beyond comprehension
- Wondrous — that is to be marveled at
- Majestic — having or exhibiting majesty
- Flabbergasting — overwhelming with shock, surprise, or wonder
Big Words About Love
- Devotion — earnest attachment to a cause, person, etc
- Adulation — excessive devotion to someone; servile compliments and flattery
- Allegiance — loyalty or devotion to a person, group, cause, or the like
- Amorousness — the act of being in love
- Amativeness — relating to or indicative of love
- Enamored — affected by strong feelings of love, admiration, or fascination
- Enchantment — the act or art of enchanting
- Reverence — honor or respect felt or shown
- Infatuated — filled with or marked by a foolish or extravagant love or admiration
- Affection — a feeling of liking and caring for someone or something; tender attachment
- Tenderness — gentleness and affection
- Besottedness — related to being blindly or utterly infatuated
- Canonize — to treat as illustrious, preeminent, or sacred
- Canoodle — to engage in amorous embracing, caressing, and passionate kissing
- Predilection — an established preference for something
- Fondness — affection for someone or something
- Endearment — a phrase that expresses love
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Other Big Words to Use
- Elucidate — to explain or make something clear
- Selcouth — unusual, strange
- Halcyon — characterized by happiness, great success, and prosperity
- Orphic — mystic, oracular; fascinating, entrancing
- Malaise — physical discomfort or a general feeling of being under the weather
- Scintillating — something fascinating or brilliantly clever
- Ebullience — the quality of lively or enthusiastic expression of thoughts and feelings
- Quiddity — whatever makes something the type that it is; the essence
- Aeonian — lasting for an immeasurably or indefinitely long period of time
- Coruscate — to reflect or give off light in bright beams or flashes; sparkle
- Atelophobia — the fear of not doing something right or not being good enough
- Cimmerian — very dark or gloomy
- Adamancy — the quality or state of being adamant; obstinacy
- Evenfall — the beginning of evening, dusk
- Orgulous — proud
- Parsimonious — frugal
- Tantalizing — tormenting or teasing with the sight or promise of something unobtainable; exciting one’s senses or desires
- Teasing — in a sexual sense, it means to be sexually arousing
- Pulchritudinous — attractive or beautiful
- Bellwether — a leader, trendsetter, or boss
- Accoutrements — accessories
- Magnanimous — courageous, noble, unselfish, or extremely generous
- Unencumbered — free or unburdened with responsibilities
- Acumen — quickness to judge
- Unparagoned — having no equal; matchless, incomparable
- Osculator — someone who kisses
- Anomalistic — deviation or departure from the norm or rules; phenomenal, exceptional
- Usufruct — the right to use and enjoy the profits and advantages of something belonging to another
- Luminescent — something that displays light that is not caused by heat
- Auspicious — favorable, flourishing
- Winebibber — a person who drinks too much wine
- Excogitate — thinking of something carefully or thoroughly
- Gasconading — to brag or gloat
- Idiosyncratic — traits that belong to a person’s character
- Nidificate — to nest
- Cacophony — a loud, obnoxious blend of sounds
- Ennui — feeling simultaneously bored and annoyed
- Aquiver — feeling overcome with emotion
- Umbrage — displeasure, resentment, or anger
- Glib — suave or smooth-talking
- Ubiquitous — universal or everywhere
- Nefarious — wicked or criminal
- Capricious — whimsical, fickle, or careless
- Boondoggle — work or activity that is wasteful or pointless but gives the appearance of value
- Sycophant — a person who flatters someone important in order to take advantage of them
- Mellifluous — sweet or musical, pleasant to hear
- Brogue — a strong outdoor shoe, usually made of leather
- Intelligentsia — intellectuals who form an artistic, social, or political vanguard or elite
- Consanguineous — of the same blood or origin; someone who descends from the same ancestor
- Grandiloquent — a exalted, extravagantly colorful, grandiloquent, or bombastic style, manner, or choice, particularly in language
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- Psychotomimetic — relating to, involving, or inducing psychotic alteration of behavior and personality
- Perfidiousness — a betrayal of trust
- Preposterous — contrary to nature, reason, or common sense
- Anagnorisis — the point in the plot especially of a tragedy at which the protagonist recognizes his or her or some other character’s true identity or discovers the true nature of his or her own situation
- Circumlocution — the use of an unnecessarily large number of words to express an idea