Author: tristanvick

A SPACE OPERA / SPACE FANTASY SERIES — Gladiators, Space Elves, and Bounty Hunters…Oh, my!MAKING HER A SLAVE TO THE ARENA WAS THEIR FIRST MISTAKE. UNDERESTIMATING HER WILL BE THEIR LAST.Aliens abducted her and sold her into the Intergalactic Gladiatorial Syndicate. Now, she’s fighting for her life on an alien world where she is reborn as JEGRA, Gladiatrix of the Galaxy!When the ruthless Lord … the Galaxy!When the ruthless Lord Emperor Rhadamanthus Dakroth falls for the gladiatrix Jegra Alakandra, he decides to make her his new empress. But, after his ship is ambushed and destroyed, he is marooned on the…

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