Author: tkbarber

What happens when your flirty number neighbor turns out to be your grumpy office rival? When Matthew’s gorgeous/grouchy co-coworker sends him an “anonymous” text, he can do one of three things: A) Immediately tell her she’s made a huge mistake and rub it in her face forever.B) Ignore the text and pretend he isn’t harboring secret hate-love for his former childhood best friend turned … pretend he isn’t harboring secret hate-love for his former childhood best friend turned job-threatening ice-queen.C) Take full, flirtatious advantage of the fact she has no clue it’s his number, realize his feelings for her never…

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Gavin’s finally got his precious soulmate in his arms every night and even a job with the remnants of the Valentine mob. But his idealistic future with Nataly may end before it officially begins if he can’t convince her that their dynamic is truly what he lives and breathes for, no matter how hard it gets. A gorgeous ring and a marriage proposal went a long way toward making Nataly feel normal … Nataly feel normal after fifteen years of living in an institution, but there’s no way she can bind Gavin to life filled with night terrors, hallucinations, and…

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Christmas has come to Twin Bay, bringing with it a lovely short story featuring your favorite couples in the series. Nick & Scarlet in Snowy Surprise Thomas & Anna in Tree TreatNataly & Gavin in Perfect PresentMarianna & Rico in Dinner DelightPlus: Killer’s Good DeedAnd: an early peek at Nataly & Gavin’s novella, EMBRACED, and Katelyn & Anthony’s novella, CONSUMED, both … & Anthony’s novella, CONSUMED, both coming out 2020!♥This feel-good gem is set after the events in HIDDEN, but before the epilogue. ♥more

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From the ashes of heartbreak rises a war of passion.WARNING: DON’T READ THIS IF YOU HAVEN’T READ BOOK ONE~~~~~After the botched rescue attempt of girlfriend Annalise nearly cost him his life, Thomas Valentine finds himself under secret, protective care from an unlikely source, and his crippling desire to see Annalise, despite orders not to, unknowingly places her in danger.All Annalise wants is … not to, unknowingly places her in danger.All Annalise wants is to push past the trauma of her imprisonment, move on, and keep Thomas alive in her memory while clinging to a thread of “normal.” Those plans shatter…

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Nick doesn’t want to be a hitman. The mobsters holding his younger sister hostage have other plans. With the threat of her death looming, Nick’s only option is to follow orders. Repeatedly. Getting mugged isn’t on Scarlet’s agenda when her janky car breaks down, and she opts to walk home rather than pony up for a cab. But being rescued by a dreamy, brooding, knight-in-shining-hoodie almost makes … almost makes up for it. Nick’s decision to step out of the bloody shadows and be her hero has dire consequences, shifting pieces in a sick game and setting into motion a…

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On a scale of one to dead, Stephanie’s accidental date with the mysterious, uber-sexy god of Death, Theo, ends at a six–as in ‘feet under.’ But, he’s not ready to give her up. When he plots to rip apart The Underworld, Stephanie becomes the pantheon’s last hope at thwarting Theo’s downward spiral and saving creation, possibly earning herself a slice of goddess-hood in the process.There’s just … slice of goddess-hood in the process.There’s just two little problems. One, she’s a ghost.And two, the well-known deity standing in the way of her happily-immortal-after has a reputation for being a tad .…

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