Author: tiyarayne

Hawk: The Church Series Kilian “Hawk” Walker It started with a menu. I thought I cleaned my plate. Now that job is coming back to haunt me. I thought I left the Church behind, but Albany is dead, and I’m being sucked back in. The clock is ticking, and I have Brooklyn to worry about. I won’t fail her like I did her sister. This time the cost is greater as I introduce myself to a stranger that I … stranger that I know so well. Brooklyn Creedmoore I can’t believe it’s real. My sister is gone. I can hardly…

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Morgan Downs’ life is unexceptional. She’s stuck in an abusive loveless marriage and often made to feel inferior by her parents because of her speech impediment. Although as bad as her life is, she never expected to be kidnapped from her home and taken to a private military base to become a test rat for a science experiment. But things change when Morgan meets Alpha. She should be afraid, he … isn’t quite human after all. Alpha is a genetically enhanced super soldier, and Morgan has been captured to bear his offspring. Yet, Morgan finds that Alpha isn’t the real…

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