Author: tegonmaus

Every twenty-eight years, the reign of the old Shalic comes to an end with the arrival of the Black Moon. The symbol of the law is a spear that holds sway over the whole of the Kindred, and is passed onto the old Shalic’s successor with the passing of the Black Moon.When the old Shalic is murdered, war between those who carried the spear and those who were to receive it divides the Kindred bent … Kindred bent on settling old scores.Only one man stands between them…Tucker Littlefield, and he holds the spear.more

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Tucker Littlefield is a liar, a thief, a con-man . In an attempt to take advantage of a party thrown by the King, he becomes involved in a kidnapping – the King’s niece, Elizabeth, to be exact. Because of his fear of the dark as well as heights, and a good many other things, he finds himself stabbed and bleeding to death. To save him, a Shaman for the Jonda – Daneba – turns him into a soul bearer … bearer for the Kindred. In an effort to find Lizie, Littlefield finds the Norha instead and their leader Tahki -…

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A laugh-out-loud, otherworldly tale: After Peter rescues a beautiful woman trapped in a basement, she vanishes. In his madcap quest to find her, Peter discovers a startling truth about his markedly unearthly guide and the strange lights in the sky…

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