Author: teagankearney

A modern fairy tale where Cinders works in an office, Prince Charming is married, the fairy godmother’s a criminal and the wicked stepmother has nothing on a manipulative Hollywood actress fighting a divorce. When hard-working office temp and part-time barmaid Casey Jonson attends a party hosted by billionaire Jake Leinster, little does she realize the irresistibly attractive stranger she hooks … she hooks up with is the man himself. But Casey has no idea that Jake’s soon-to-be-ex-wife, Hollywood actress Elena Elska, is using her as an unwitting pawn in a scheme to extract more than the pre-nuptial agreement from her…

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Reviewers say:“I enjoyed the read and was intrigued from the beginning to the end.”“It has been a while since I last enjoyed a book so thoroughly. I wanted to yell with triumph, cry with happiness, and laugh aloud with the characters here. I can’t recommend this book enough.”“When is the next colony ship leaving for this place? I’m there. lol!”“The novel is gripping and was hard for me to put … and was hard for me to put down (and I have read it twice). This is classified as a “coming of age” novel for young adults. Don’t let that…

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