Author: sherryaburton

As The Orphan Train Saga continues, Cindy and her mother continue to uncover the secrets in the journals that are hidden in her grandmother’s attic. The story resumes in 1914, as young Tobias is forced onto the streets of New York City. Like so many other orphans of the era, he learns to lie, cheat, and steal just to survive. Armed with a silver tongue and his wits, Tobias soon finds himself … himself headed west on one of the orphan trains. When that placement doesn’t work, Tobias is returned to NYC and back on the streets he once called…

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While most use their summer breaks for pleasure, third grade teacher Cindy Moore is using her summer vacation to tie up some loose ends concerning her grandmother’s estate. When Cindy enters the storage unit that holds her grandmother’s belongings, she is merely looking for items she can sell to recoup some of the rental fees she’s spent paying for the unit. Instead, what she finds are secrets … her grandmother has taken to the grave with her. The more Cindy uncovers, the more she wants to know. Why was her grandmother abandoned by her own mother? Why hadn’t she told…

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