Author: seasonvining

Stella Locke is starting over. After an ugly divorce, she picks up her Southern roots and transplants to upstate New York where the air is crisp and no one knows her name. She’s an enthusiastic reader and just so happens to pick the quaint little spot where her favorite author lives. The small town of Grace welcomes Stella with open arms, a new job, and a smoking hot neighbor. Lane Holder is a … Holder is a bit mysterious with his midnight jogs and brazen flirting. He’s got an adorable corgi named Chap who immediately steals Stella’s heart. In time,…

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Since they first quarreled in third grade, Angela Lavelle has loved Logan Sawyer — though she’s always felt invisible to him. But when Logan, now a sheriff’s deputy, begins to investigate a case close to Angela, he’ll find himself falling for the shy redhead…

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Delaney Mills is haunted by darkness. Not of a spiritual kind, but a terrible past that all the rum in the world cannot chase away. Enter Valentine King, a sexy and irresistible man with connections to the world of Voodoo—a world that Delaney is desperately trying to break into. Chicago-native Delaney follows her dissertation research all the way to the streets of New Orleans. With King’s help, … King’s help, she uncovers a covert group called the Bondye Saints. The group wants to remain a secret and will do whatever it takes to keep the two quiet. But threats and…

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