Author: savannagray

I knew loving Sienna Hale would cost me.I knew claiming her would destroy me.But I suffered the consequences.I risked it all for my raven.I paid the price to save her.And now, the man who caged her will fall.Brick by brick I’ll rip his empire to shreds.Until there’s nothing left.

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Her freedom will cost him…One look from Marco Salvatore made my heart pound.The slightest touch from his skilled hands set my skin on fire.With Marco, I felt alive for the first time in my life.Until the cruelest man I’d ever known stole me from him.Caged like a bird, I begged to break free from my prison.I counted the days until I could make my escape.Waited patiently for Marco to free me.I … make my escape.Waited patiently for Marco to free me.I knew he’d start a war to get me back.I’d hoped he would kill the man responsible.He even warned me…

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