Author: nickygraves

Find the red stone, they say. It will help you, they say. “They” suck! Training to be a reaper is a challenge in itself. Add the king of death and the loathsome elder council to the mix and it’s a disaster. My only hope is to gather the life stones and use them to protect not only myself, but mankind. However, things don’t go as planned. In fact, they go completely sideways. I have reapers, … go completely sideways. I have reapers, demons, and vampires after me. And that stone? Yeah, it’s got a serious side effect that makes me…

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Death is complicated.Avoiding dead people is impossible, especially since I discovered I’m destined to become a reaper. Now I must enter a terrifying new world where reapers, vampires, and demons exist.Drawn to a reaper who is as handsome as he is unreachable, he assigns me to a trainer who has the initiative of an overfed hamster. My inept trainer is content to watch me catastrophically fail. … watch me catastrophically fail. Repeatedly.And that’s not the worst of it. To follow my destiny, I must die. My trainer is okay with that. I am not. However, when the Grim Reaper curses…

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