Author: mpiper

Archer was my brother’s best friend. He had been in our lives since before our parents died, he saw us through the wreckage, and he grew up in my brother’s bedroom playing video games. He should have felt like a brother to me. But he never did. New Year’s Eve changed everything.Hell wasn’t pining after your brother’s best friend in secret for years on end. Hell wasn’t wondering if he even noticed … if he even noticed you when you passed him in the hallway at midnight. No, that wasn’t hell. Hell was knowing how well you fit with someone…

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A note.It started with a note left on my bike after the shittiest day of my career. I was pissed. Pissed at the old lady that kicked off in my chair. Pissed at myself for doing the job in the first place.But Bryce. Bryce was pissed at me.And then she walked into my shop the very next day and my world tilted on its axis. The girl thinks she’s big, bad, and in control. But I’m here to tell her … I’m here to tell her she’s not. She doesn’t crave control like me. Doesn’t crave the power. She needs…

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Sienna has spent 10 years trying to pick up the pieces after bad boy Trigger left her brokenhearted. But when fate throws them back together, their connection is more intense than ever before — and Trigger will stop at nothing to win her back… A dark, steamy romance.

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She’s been off limits my entire life. The first girl I had feelings for and the only girl I promised never to touch. Finley Reeves.Why?She’s my best friend’s sister. I shouldn’t want her. But I do and I have forever. She’s strong willed. Stubborn. Smart. And hella sexy. So when the opportunity for us to finally rekindle what we started years ago comes up, I snag it and don’t look back. Second … don’t look back. Second chances don’t happen that often, right? And I royally screwed that first chance, so I’m bound to make this right. It’s not hard…

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I’ve known one thing to be true all of my adult life. Millie is my girl. She’s been the sunshine on every cloudy day of mine since the day we met in the back of that truck in high school. People thought we were insane marrying so young. They said we’d never make it. Now, after fifteen years, two kids, a successful career, and an incredibly blessed marriage I feel like I have the world at my … at my fingertips. Until one day it’s all ripped away from me. I’ll do anything to go back to the life we…

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I’m the little sister of two very protective brothers.They were my best friends, but they made my dating life difficult. I probably didn’t help it either, only picking the losers that broke my heart more times than I’d like to admit. So I pulled the trigger two years ago and left home for a bigger and better life where I wasn’t being shadowed by all my past mistakes. I thought that I’d get out … get out and do something with my life. Living in the Windy City is easy, right? Wrong. All I got in that city was a…

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Mackenzie Mueller doesn’t take me seriously.She says I’m an alcoholic. I say I’m living in the moment. She says I’m immature. I say she’s stuck up. She says I need to be more serious. I say I tried that, and it broke my heart. She says I’m the best she ever had. …I tend to agree. She says we’re not good together. She’s lying.After losing the love of my life before my twentieth birthday, I was … birthday, I was sure I’d never love again. I’ve spent the past five years living like it’s my last day on earth, every…

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He promised he’d never leave. He should have told me. I could have helped. Max came into my life when I didn’t need a man to define me. He didn’t push his way in… not really. He slowly, tirelessly, and patiently waited. He used that damn smile, day in and day out, and waited until I tumbled head over heels in love with him. My grandma always told me to watch out for the pretty boys. The ones … ones that turn you to mush the first time you lay eyes on them. She never warned me about Maxwell Holzer.…

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You know what sucks? Cancer. Cancer sucks. Especially when it takes a young life. Like the life of my five year old son. You want to know what I have to say about that? Nothing. Absolutely nothing because I don’t have the drive anymore. There’s nothing left in me except emptiness. That much is obvious. I’ve lost my car, my career, and my apartment. At least I have my brother. Actually, I just … just have a place to stay because of my rich, single brother. I’m struggling to find purpose again. After what life’s shown me it can do…

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