Author: meganfall

Mario is a criminal. He’s tough, he’s rich, and he’s feared. He gave up everything to become the man he is, even the love of his life.Alexandria is desperate. Her dad just died of cancer, and she had to sell everything to pay the bills. With no options left, and no one to turn to, she decides stripping is all she can do. But what happens when the man that owns the strip club can’t pay Mario the … can’t pay Mario the money he owes him, and Mario becomes his partner. Will seeing the girl he left behind stripping,…

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Ali woke with no recollection of who she was or what had taken place. She was lying on the floor and four terrifying bikers were standing over her. After six long months, an older biker slips into her cell and lets her out. He places her in a car and gives her an address, then strides away.Jaxon has been barely surviving since his girl Ali was murdered by a car bomb. He becomes the Sargent of … Sargent of Arms for his MC and swears to never open his heart to anybody else. His brothers rename him Dragon, in honour…

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