Author: marystoneanddonnaberdel

Evil doesn’t always stay in its grave… With The Master and his mistress hiding in the shadows, Charleston PD Detective Ellie Kline resumes the investigation of the dozen bodies found on Tucker Penland’s property. The man who hunted his prey has left behind a horrific mystery that affects the whole police department.Every death tied to Tucker Penland raises more questions than answers, and … more questions than answers, and Ellie must piece together clues to help identify each victim. Their families need closure. So does she.But she can’t escape the feeling that Dr. Kingsley, the man who kidnapped her when…

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Sometimes the prey eats the predator… The only way to take his power from women is to kill. Lucky’s playground is America’s cold highways, and in twenty years he’s never been caught. Only perfected his skills, leaving countless victims in his dust. Dr. Kingsley, the man who kidnapped Detective Ellie Kline when she was fifteen, is in the wind. But if he’s incapacitated and on the FBI’s Most … the FBI’s Most Wanted list, has someone taken his place? Partnered with Special Agent Clay Lockwood to crack open a case as horrifying as the human trafficking ring Ellie and the…

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Monsters hide in the dark until it’s time to feed.Puppets. Toys. That’s all his captives are to him. He’s the master, the one in complete control, and he’s planning on recreating the night he kidnapped Ellie when she was fifteen.Ellie Kline’s life has never been the same since that night thirteen years ago. Now a detective in the Cold Case Division of Charleston Police Department, she’s compiled … Police Department, she’s compiled a mountain of evidence against a dirty detective, revealing betrayal within the department. Determined to reveal the truth, Ellie enlists the help of her best friend, CPD file…

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Hunt or be hunted…On a farm in the backwoods of Charleston, South Carolina, a hunter stalks prey—the two legged kind. And it’s not the first time. New players have emerged in the underground human trafficking ring lurking in the shadows of the dignified city, ramping up the stakes.Coming off the high of solving her first case as a Charleston PD detective, Ellie Kline has linked several Cold … has linked several Cold Cases together, leading her to the chilling discovery that a serial killer has been watching her for years. Details from the night she was kidnapped when she was…

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Say the words…In a dark basement, a cold-blooded killer pits friend against friend, torturing one until the other says the horrible words that will end their friend’s suffering. He’s gotten away with murder for years. Until now…Ellie Kline can’t remember most of her kidnapping when she was fifteen, but that night has shaped her life. Instead of cowering, that horrible night made her strong. … that horrible night made her strong. Determined to prove herself as a cop despite being heir to the Kline fortune, she never backs down, and she never takes no for an answer. When the daring…

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