Author: magrant

After the last Faerie Civil War, the leaders of the magickal pantheons stripped the shining Seelie Court of its power and tasked the dark Unseelie Court with maintaining the natural balance of the world. Ages later, a twisted intrigue throws the balance of all Faerie into ruin and ignites a new civil war. Discounted by his family and haunted in the Unseelie sidhe, Queen Mab’s youngest son, … Unseelie sidhe, Queen Mab’s youngest son, Lugh, leads the Wild Hunt on quests across the dangerous Wylds. At his side is his best friend Keiran, a Viking rescued from death centuries earlier.…

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Torn between two worlds, desperate to save one love. The Summer Court is nothing like Sebastian remembers. The oppressed lower classes are drained of their magick, and around every corner political intrigues threaten an already unstable regime. Sebastian’s only hope of surviving the Court and bringing home Prince Lyne’s traitorous brother lies with Duine, a magickless Unseelie servant … Unseelie servant desperate to win his freedom. A servant for whom Sebastian, an estranged Seelie royal himself, is developing a dangerous and deepening affection. But behind the mask Duine wears are secrets as dangerous as what’s smoldering between them. And the…

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At Mather’s School of Magick, Roark, a royal, and Phineas, the school’s only human student, have always been enemies. But as the Faerie Realm inches toward a civil war, their unexpected alliance will grow into an undeniable connection…

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