Author: lucindadark

Roses are red. Violets are blue. You came for me. Now, I’m coming for you.A year ago, I thought my whole world had ended. My family was dead. The life that I knew had been changed forever. Now I know that was just the beginning. I faced down the devil who destroyed my family and I fucking lost. I’ve become the thing I hate most in this world and there is no turning back. Even a contract with a … Even a contract with a demon couldn’t save me from the creature that now inhabits my body. Arrius Priest is…

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I am beauty. I am grace. And yes, I will also punch you in the fucking face.I never wanted to be a killer. Not until my entire family was slaughtered. Now, though? Now, killing is what I live for. And I’ve gone so far down my path for vengeance that there’s no going back. I made a deal with a demon, and I liked it. The power that comes with demon possession is heady. The more I use it, the more … possession is heady. The more I use it, the more addicted I become even if it does come…

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Ashes to Ashes. Dust to Dust. If vampires kill your entire family, vengeance is a must. I can’t say my parents never warned me about vampires. I just never believed them. Not—that is—until six months ago when vampires broke into my home and killed my family. Thanks to all the skills my parents taught me, I managed to escape but I couldn’t save them. Two vampires down and the rest of the world to … down and the rest of the world to go. My bid for revenge is going to have to wait, though, because until I turn 18,…

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In the darkness of Nerys Newblood’s mind, there is an ancient voice. Obidian is a spirit guide, thousands of years old, and Nerys is his new host making her his Daimon. The only issue is that in Nerys’ Kingdom, Daimons are outlawed. To be found out as a Daimon, a human with untapped magical power, will surely sentence her to death.Pursued by a vengeful king and thrust into a journey of escape, … journey of escape, Nerys finds the lives of five incredible men in her hands. A talented druid. A curious changeling. A thief. An outcast. A best friend.…

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