Author: llthomsen

Princess Iambre of Ostravah is everything a royal heiress should be; she is the one everyone wants to be, or be with. Everyone, that is, except Iambre herself!Dark thoughts rule her life for she has a secret that her heart is not keen to let go of and it has made her an impossible version of herself – something that her friend and bodyguard, Solancei, knows only too well and has done her utmost … has done her utmost to cover and deflect. However, as Solancei disappears under mysterious circumstances during their visit to the main seat of a dubious ally,…

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Sometimes life just sucks; sometimes – just sometimes – one bad thing starts an avalanche you never even knew you were destined to ride, and then… How far would you go in the name of duty, love, and friendship? Two young women are about to find out… soon learn that their once-infallible power and immortal authority as the Protectors of the Veils may no longer be enough to successfully combat the mad Gods and their magic-hungering creations. It leaves one slightly-jaded Guardian no choice but to travel back into the Human Realm of Ostravah where the once-rich flows of magic…

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