Author: ljvickery

Gabriel Quenterra, a drangel with the FPU and the alpha of a local wolfpack, has a lot on his hands. What he doesn’t have time for, is Val, the handsome Strarbian who has become a major distraction. There’s no room in his life for a relationship, but a short fling? Perhaps.Valor Addis has been attracted to Gabe since coming to earth, but a dire secret makes it far too dangerous for him to enter … enter into a relationship. He could give his heart so easily, and there lies the problem. If the dark alpha makes the slightest overture, his…

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Four hundred years ago Ishkur, god of fire, married a human female who inevitably ascended to the overworld. He’s long since come to grips with his loss, but taking an unwanted trip to Plimoth Plantation, facing a world so similar to the one where he’d been happy, will certainly rub salt in old wounds. When he steps foot in the village, however, it isn’t sadness that grabs him, it’s anxiety after … after meeting a god-talking, native woman. What the hell? Every one of his immortal-senses claws at his spine and urges him to flee. Too bad running isn’t an…

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Thomas Wheeler, director at the FPU has lent his team to the Premier Guard on another planet. He and his right hand human, Martin Galvez, are trying to make a go of the department on their own, but dammit, they need shifters. When he hears about a contingency of six from Gemma-Hydrox who might fit the bill, he’s both elated and stunned, because never in his life has he come across anything like … like them.Reena can’t wait to leave Gemma-Hydrox and start her new job on earth. Having been incarcerated for the majority of her life, she’s only dreamed…

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Pace Ruffalo, retired US Army Space Ranger, and full time long haul space trucker, is tired of playing the field. He’s anxious to find the right woman and settle down to start a family, but he’s tired of the waifish, doe-eyed debutantes his mother parades in front of him. He wants a woman with a sturdier build, maybe some muscle, who will satisfy his diverse libido. When Gerri Wilder of the … the Paranormal Dating Agency says she has someone who fits the bill, Pace jumps at the chance.Lola Xeltrax doesn’t much like her planet’s requirements for becoming a wife…

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Marek Stasky isn’t sure about this trip to Gemma-Hydrox, but he has no choice. He signed an agreement with Gerri Wilder, the Galaxy’s foremost matchmaker, before he knew the particulars of the inhabitants. Now he’s just confused. Since he doesn’t follow the, uh, proclivities of the natives, why exactly has Ms. Wilder recruited him? As the planet’s twin suns appear on the horizon, he knows he’ll … he’ll soon find out. But that’s as far as it will go. No one can force a new lifestyle on him. No siree.Eve doesn’t understand why she’s been assigned to take care of…

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Gods blast it, why did it have to be a lion-tamer? Shamash, god of justice, and a golden leopard shifter, never imagined mating with someone whose job is to dominate the feline species. And to make matters worse, he doesn’t feel an ounce of lust for the curvaceous, smart-mouthed blonde. But if taking her as his Chosen will help his fellow gods stay on earth, he’ll swallow his distaste and take … one for the team. Eternity with Marla by his side, however, is going to feel like a damned long time.Quinn doesn’t understand why aliens have come to earth,…

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Emesh, the god of summer, couldn’t be more astounded. While his twelve Immortal friends frantically search for their remaining Chosen…female Chosen, he’s always assumed his chances of finding his eternal mate were crap. Despite being thousands of years old, he’s never experienced a gay relationship, doesn’t know where to look for one or how to initiate a hook-up. But now, standing no more than … seven yards away, is proof positive he’ll soon receive an education in every nuance of male love he’s ever imagined…and it scares him shitless.Douglas Wingfeather never allows visitors. Never. He’s the master of one-night stands,…

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The gods of the underworld were cursed and cast out, made to wander unseen upon the human world… Kulla, the divine architect, has finally found his Chosen, the only one who can make him corporeal again. Because of an edict from Hell four hundred years ago, Obedience slipped through his fingers. He’ll be damned if she does it again.The feisty red-headed witch makes his temper rise along with … certain body parts, but he is destined to spend eternity with her, like it or not. Obedience is still angry, believing Kulla abandoned her to an unknown fate back in old…

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Marduk, Mesopotamian god of thunder, has been invisible for hundreds of years, his punishment for leaving an entire civilization to wither and die…all for the love of a woman. Now, the gods seem to be reaping a great deal of pleasure at his expense once again for it’s another little bit of a woman who has the power to make him whole. She lights his formerly passionless form on fire, but he’ll … he’ll have to battle more than the gods who placed him and his brothers in this purgatory to win her heart and her body. Some demons must…

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Dagon is unredeemable in the eyes of the gods he betrayed centuries ago, but now, the Mesopotamian sea god is truly screwed. The answer to his redemption, his Chosen, is finally within reach, but the powers-that-be have stepped up their war against the Earth-bound gods, and he�s literally ripped from her arms. Thrust into the Underworld, he is forced to battle demons, and his body is ravaged … beyond endurance. Perhaps it�s for the best. Intense physical pain might be the only thing that can make him forget her.After a hellish youth, bartender, Holly Abelard is just trying to get…

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