Author: lilarose

**In Living Without, Melissa and Dallas’s chemistry skyrocketed. It’s finally time to get up close and personal with this hot couple in their very own novella, Walkout. Get ready to discover what happens when Dallas chases Melissa all the way to Sydney to claim her back.**From her one visit to Melbourne and the Hawks MC compound, Melissa Stevenson knows Dallas is who she wants. There’re just a … There’re just a few problems with that: he’s a douche, a pain in the arse, an…d a stubborn, sexist pig. Still, it’s a whole heap of fun to tease her Viking man.Relationship.…

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Six years with my knight in shining armor.Four years with my knight in dented armor.Two years with my knight in rusted armor.It is time to make a change. Time to find myself, even if it scares the hell out of me.I, Makenzie Mayfair, am leaving my husband.This is my chance to begin again, to rip my backbone out and yell, “I’ve found it.” It may take time, it may take new friends, a job and even a … it may take new friends, a job and even a jerk of a boss who is annoyingly handsome, but I will get…

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Living a lie, Matthew ‘Mattie’ Alexander is exhausted. It’s not easy to keep up the pretence, the deceit, but it’s safer. Coming out to a world that so easily hates takes a courage he’s yet to find, so he pretends – pretends to be into women – pretends to love being a part of the university’s football team. It keeps him safe, hidden. Until he meets Julian. From the moment they first meet, … they first meet, Mattie knows life is about to change. He’s yet to determine if it is for the better or worse. Living life through laughter,…

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