Author: lexiander

Can a Warlord and a Prince find love when the galaxy is on the brink of war? Chief Warlord Sohm’lan has a job he loves protecting the family who claims him as one of their own. He has known the loss of a mate and believed he would walk alone for the rest of his life… that is until Prince Mestor demanded more from him than duty. Unable to fathom why Mestor would want a widowed older warrior, … warrior, Sohm’lan maintains his distance believing Mestor will eventually choose an amor closer in age and experience, even though the thought…

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The peaceful respite for which Zeus and his intended, Dargon and Alpha, had been hoping is shattered when Zeus is unexpectedly drawn to the Waters of Poseidon and told that the safety they’ve been promised is a trap. But the Fal’Amoric aren’t the only important cargo on the Oethra 7, and countless others are depending on the success of their mission. If Zeus hopes to break the silent siege on … Valespia and protect those most precious to him, he will need not just powerful allies but the fortitude to survive overwhelming odds.**Striker is a 93k sci-fi romance that has…

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The sole survivor on a science vessel adrift in deep space, Zeus was adopted by the Emperor and Empress of the Mar’Sani, though he is both human and blind, and seen by most as unfit to join the royal family. Though they were able to repair his vision, Zeus does not trust his eyes, and the nobles of his parents’ court refuse to ever trust a frail and treacherous human.Dargon Kal-Turak, along with … along with his symbiote and lover, Alpha, command one of the most dangerous ships in the stars. After narrowly escaping a trap, they dock in a…

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