Author: leaonaluxx

Change.It’s change and how well you handle it which defines a person.Three times in my life, I have been faced with such changes. Once when I was fourteen. Again, at eighteen. And now again at twenty-eight.Twice, she was there.Ten years ago, I gave up everything, including her. At the time, it was the right thing to do, for both our sakes. Walking away from her isn’t what I wanted, it’s what had … isn’t what I wanted, it’s what had to be done.Now, she’s here. People like me don’t always get second chances, this happens to be mine. That’s if…

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TROUBLE.That’s all she is and all she’ll ever be.What in the hell was I thinking getting involved with her?Everyone knows her reputation precedes her.But I’ll be damned if I don’t like it.Hurricane Ava crashes to shore wreaking havoc, the beautiful disaster she is.And I love it.What’s worse, she does too.So, why am I in love with her? Because, she loves me.She just doesn’t know it yet.

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I told myself I’d never allow this to happen. All I wanted was some fun.I never expected that meeting her would turn my life upside down.I want her more than anything, even though I shouldn’t.Now, there’s more to lose than just my heart.She doesn’t know, she’s my best friend’s little sister.My fate was sealed a long time ago. Loving her was never in the plan.But plans are like promises, they’re … plan.But plans are like promises, they’re made to be broken.I just hope, I don’t break her in the process.more

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