Author: lctaylor

Hank’s career was over. His heart was broken Now, trying to piece together what’s left of his life, Hank finds himself in Alabama. He swore love was a death sentence. Telling himself he would never give in to the temptation of love again. Until he met her… ~~~~~~~~~~~ Meghan didn’t mean to fall in love with him. She knew he wasn’t looking for love. He was damaged and closed off to letting someone … love. He was damaged and closed off to letting someone into his heart. But something about him called to her soul. One moment of passion led…

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At twenty-six, Jenna Hardy didn’t expect to be starting over. But after a nasty divorce two years earlier, that’s exactly where she finds herself – beginning again. Moving to the small town of Bakersfield was her chance at a new life. A place where her past couldn’t torment her. ♦♦♦Finn Judson is every girl’s fantasy. He’s the typical sexy cop with an attitude – and he loves his job.His family … attitude – and he loves his job.His family doesn’t understand his choice to wear a badge, reminding him every day he comes from wealth and needs a wife. But…

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London Brett worked hard to get where she is. Being a female on the force can be hard.Always having to prove yourself among the guys can mean never letting them see you as weak.Every man she’s ever dated has wanted to change her – not being able to deal with her macho profession. ♦♦♦Davie Patrick takes being a paramedic serious.He dedicated his life to helping others after he suffered an … after he suffered an unthinkable loss. Swearing he’d never fall in love again. Until her. ♦♦♦When the unthinkable happens London will be faced with a challenge she never saw…

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Sometimes life falls apart when you least expect it. The man she was supposed to marry is a liar. Her career is a joke and going nowhere. And now, the one person who loved her unconditionally is dead. Delilah Greyson doesn’t know who she is anymore. When she got the call that her grandmother, Momma Belle was dead, a piece of her died too. She left her childhood home in Alabama for greener … childhood home in Alabama for greener pastures, only to find it wasn’t so green after all. Now, lost and broken, she finds herself back home in…

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Felicity Jones has the worst luck in men. Ever since she walked away from her high school sweetheart, she’s been in one bad relationship after another.Now at twenty-eight, her current relationship has her rethinking life… She’s pretty sure this guy is the worst of all of them.Left clinging to hope, Felicity prays there’s someone out there who will free her from this monster.✽✽✽Liam Carver has … monster.✽✽✽Liam Carver has been with the department eleven years – on the SWAT team for six. He’s seen his share of bullshit.But this call out is different. This time it’s someone he knows… someone…

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I left police work after my partner and mentor, was killed, swearing off the badge forever. After that night, strange things started happening to me. Things I didn’t understand—things I had to hide from everyone. Trying to avoid the truth, I throw myself into being a private investigator. It keeps me from getting too close to anyone again. When an old friend from the force begs me to help … to help investigate several mysterious murders, I can’t say no. But what I uncover is beyond anything I could possibly believe.  And when a woman walks into my office and asks for my help in…

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Jesse’s heart becomes an empty glass when her husband Alex is killed in action. With the help of his brother, AJ, and his parents, Jesse is able to fight the sadness. AJ has always loved her – best friends since high school. But she married his brother. Now he has the chance to be there for her – and love her. But when Alex is found alive a year later, Jesse finds herself caught between the love … between the love of two brothers – AJ and Alex. She thought Alex’s death would be the hardest thing she’d ever go…

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