Author: lcmorgans

In the year 3030 an alien race named the Thrakorian’s invaded Earth, and won.Years later, and while King Kronus sits on his throne on high for all to adore and worship, or else refuse and perish, rebels have risen up to challenge his reign. They need to be stopped, but he doesn’t seem to care. He isn’t interested in the planet he’s left his underlings to command, however the entire human race … race continues to serve him blindly.And yet, there are huge discrepancies the likes of which most humans didn’t care to see. But she saw them. Kyra Millan,…

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“The human race will ultimately be responsible for its own demise. It is with great certainty that I alert you of this now, and you heed my warnings. What we have called the ‘benefits culture’ for hundreds of years has caused profound chaos to our world and its economy, and it is damage I fear we will not return from.” President of the USA, Harold Chant, the year 2465.“We need to find alternative … 2465.“We need to find alternative fuels and a cure for overpopulation. But short of a miracle or genocide, I fear it’s too late…” Queen Anastasia of…

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