Author: ktharding

Book 1 of 4 of the critically acclaimed series Hinterland. Raleigh Douglas always considered herself just another farm girl from the country. She gets the shock of her life when she wins a prestigious position apprenticed to the greatest slayer/hunter in the country. The famous Knox Bishop isn’t glad to see her, though. He wasn’t expecting a woman, and he doesn’t think she can survive the week … can survive the week working for him. These two alpha personalities butt heads from their very first meeting, and Bishop won’t believe Raleigh can hunt with the best of them. Raleigh sets…

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Continuation. Book 3 of the acclaimed romance series Hinterland.Just when Raleigh Douglas learned to open her heart to Knox Bishop. He vanishes without a trace. Can Bishop really be dead? Raleigh can’t accept that, but right now she has no choice. She has to keep his business alive, especially since the evil cabal hunting the Elixir of Life hasn’t given up. No one but Raleigh can stop them. The … can stop them. The secrets she needs to unlock the mystery lie hidden inside the mysterious book Bishop’s father left behind when he died under suspicious circumstances. To her horror,…

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