Author: kelliowen

Nick and the boys return from the summer’s last hunting trip to find the streets empty, the beachfront and park abandoned, and the windows of their own homes boarded shut.The hunters have become the hunted, in an apocalyptic plague that pits man against beast–very tiny beasts. And Nick is determined to keep his strength, courage and family alive during what could very well be the last winter of … winter of their lives.Note: This is part one of a stand-alone series. The story continues in The Hatch.more

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Detective Carly Greene was only eleven when she learned Lake Superior was a brutal beast, capable of bringing up long forgotten memories of pain and death, by occasionally releasing the bodies of those trapped beneath her waves.As an adult, Carly still despises the bodies occasionally coughed up, and the high water eroding the edge of the graveyard this year gave “floaters” a new meaning. But she … meaning. But she could never have prepared for what else broke free to swim with those long dead. Part myth. Part monster. Older than time.Carly, along with the medical examiner and a local…

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A New Kind of Vampire for a New Century…——————————————————-All myths have a kernel of truth. The truth is: vampires are real. They’ve always been here, but only came out of hiding in the last century. They are not what Hollywood would have you believe. They are not what is written in lore or whispered by the superstitious. They look and act like humans. They … look and act like humans. They live and love and die like humans. Puberty is just a bit more stressful for those with the recessive gene. And while some teenagers worry about high school, others…

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