Author: kayleeryanandlaceyblack

GabbyMy life isn’t exactly going as planned. I’m basically floating up a certain creek without a paddle. Desperately needing a new place to live, I receive an offer I can’t refuse, and you never look a gift horse in the mouth, right? Unless that particular mouth is connected to an uber sexy manwhore that makes me want to punch him in the face and then kiss him until I pass out from lack of … pass out from lack of oxygen. I must avoid him like the plague.ChaseGabby Connor; there is no request too small in my eyes. When I…

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GwenLately, life definitely isn’t how I envisioned it. I had it all. The house, the job, the husband. Until one day, I didn’t. I don’t know when exactly things started to change between us, only that it did, and in a big way. So much so, I found myself standing before a judge and signing off on the end of my marriage. To the only man I’ve ever loved. Now, he’s back, fighting, and ready to prove … and ready to prove to me that we made a mistake, that our love is worth giving this another chance. I’m not sure…

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