Author: katiarose

Better late than never. It’s the phrase on the tip of everyone’s tongues. For three years, every staff member and regular at Taverne Toulouse has watched Zach and DeeDee edge their way closer to the grand finale of a ‘will they, won’t they’ dance that feels like it’s lasted for decades. Bets have been placed. Wagers have been drawn. The whole of Montreal’s most famous dive bar is holding its … Montreal’s most famous dive bar is holding its breath. Will the small town boy with a heart of gold finally make a move on the wild, pink-haired bartender he’s…

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You win some, you lose some.Back at home with half a college degree after the fiasco of the century sent her packing, it’s safe to say that Renee Nyobé is losing some. She’s a hot mess, and not the cute kind. No, if hot messes had categories, hers would be ‘littering the stairs of the metro station with your sweaty underwear because you were too busy rushing to the job interview you’re already … you’re already late for to zip up your yoga bag.’A job—any job—is just what she needs to get her life back on track, and it might…

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Sometimes you take the shot, and sometimes the shot takes you.As the manager of Montreal’s most infamous dive bar, Monroe—and it’s just Monroe, thank you very much—is used to serving up her signature pearls of wisdom alongside an array of shots, pints, and pitchers. In fact, she thrives on it. Taverne Toulouse is a mighty ship, and she its fearless captain, trusted by patrons and bar staff alike … patrons and bar staff alike to steer them through choppy waters.If only she’d been given a little warning before a full-on tsunami swept in next door. Julien Valois’ wining and dining…

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You know what they say: save a snare, bang a drummer.Kay Fischer is well aware of what they say, and she intends to ignore it completely. After her first step into the world of music journalism ended with a screw-up so royal it deserved a crown, Kay’s been struggling to re-stack the building blocks of her career. Enter Sherbrooke Station, the latest alt-rock craze to grace Montreal’s legendary … grace Montreal’s legendary music scene. A front page feature on the band everyone’s talking about seems like a foolproof shot at success, even after Kay meets their drummer. Matt Pearson might…

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How do you teach a rock star how to meditate?The number one question on Stéphanie’s mind sounds like the start of a bad joke, and life would be a whole lot easier if she actually knew the punch line. Her meditation coach job description said nothing about private lessons for the most infamous lead singer in Montreal, but somehow Stéphanie still finds herself sitting cross-legged on a yoga mat, … cross-legged on a yoga mat, right next to a pierced and tattooed music legend who’d rather be anywhere else.Meditation classes are Ace’s final chance to convince his record label that…

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