Author: karencwhalen

Twice-widowed Jane Marsh ties the knot for the third time with longstanding fiancé Dale Capricorn. Jane’s ready for a celebratory reception at her uber-trendy condo in downtown Denver with champagne toasts, fancy dress, and her family and dinner club friends. Everyone knows she and Dale’s prettier and younger ex-wife Polly are “frenemies,” but Jane starts fresh and asks Polly to cater the event. … event. However, after the last guest leaves, Jane discovers the ex-wife dead—and Jane’s the obvious suspect. If Jane doesn’t find the real killer, her third marriage certainly won’t be the charm.more

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Jane Marsh and her fiancé visit the wine country on the western slope of Colorado during the Peach Festival to check out a location for their wedding. The dinner club comes along to make a weekend out of it, and they play a murder mystery game as part of the B&B’s getaway package. Unbeknownst to the participants, one of them will not live to see the next day.Jane is horrified when she … she discovers a body and realizes it’s for real…not just part of the game. The B&B quickly begins to lose business, so the owner begs Jane to…

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While shopping for bread to serve at her gourmet dinner party, Jane Marsh overhears the pastry chef’s murder in the bakery’s kitchen. The killer also destroys an elaborate and expensive wedding cake made for a celebrity couple.To recoup the loss, the bakery owner files a lawsuit against his insurance company, a client of the law firm where Jane works. With a murderer on the loose, and Jane as the … the only potential witness, she must solve the crime in order to defend her client…and take a killer off the streets.more

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The Gourmet Dinner Club travels to Ireland to enjoy Irish cuisine while staying at a medieval, ivy-covered castle. Jane Marsh hopes Dale Capricorn will ask her to marry him at this romantic dream destination. But her plans are put on hold when the elderly castle owner becomes violent, a club member restrains him, and he collapses and dies. The police believe the mysterious death is murder and … murder and begin to suspect one of the club’s members. Dale leaves for home on a business emergency, and as the lone single gal in the club full of couples, Jane is…

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Jane Marsh wants to shake off the empty nest syndrome, plus the notoriety of the death of her first and second husbands, by starting over in a new place. She sells her family home to move to a far northern suburb of Denver. At the same time, Jane’s dinner club is undergoing a transformation, and a new man-a gourmet chef-enters her life. But, things turn sour when, on the day Jane moves into her … her new home, she discovers a dead body. She cannot feel at home in this town where she’s surrounded by cowboys, horse pastures, and suspects.…

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