Author: joshuaccook

Heroes aren’t born. They are forged.Over a thousand years since the death of the twin gods of Humanity, the land of Palnor endures, but not what it could be. A land bound to the Church of a Fallen God, it is ruled in all but name by a man who lusts for nothing but more power and wealth.In the city of the Reach, a young man, William Reis, wishes to fulfill a dream of generations, and become a … dream of generations, and become a member of the Smithing Guild, something no Reacher has ever done. Breaking a long-standing taboo…

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“Four Stars …. reminding me a little of the Mortal Instrument series…” – Actual Review! The Echo World An Echo of our world, it is a place of danger, subject to the whims of the Slyph, a powerful magical creature who wants only one thing, control over all magic, even the magic of our world. Wild creatures, drawn from the deepest fears of the human mind serve her with a fanatical devotion. fanatical devotion. Cendan Key A man who makes his living being logical and rational, and doesn’t believe in magic. He turns his mind to the cold world of…

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James Blackwoad loves order, systems, and figuring problems out. His only real problem is dealing with office politics and a Director at his work that seems to have it in for him. But when computer systems start to become infected with a new virus, he is quickly thrown into a world of cyber crime, government agencies, and far more danger than he realizes. What is CANTIUS? Who created it? And who … who is willing to destroy him to protect it?more

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